Why Nobody Wards in Smite: A Diving Into This Game’s Blind Spot
In the world of Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas (MOBAs), particularly iconic games like League of Legends, warding has been a fundamental aspect since the genre’s inception. In the early days of these games, wards were viewed as crucial for strategy, offering valuable intel about enemy positions and potential traps. Today, some players in Smite seem puzzled by this concept. One player even expressed, “I usually have more wards than my whole team combined,” a sentiment shared by many active ward users who find the rest of their team complacent. Warding is also vital for strategically managing objectives, safeguarding jungle paths, and avoiding enemy ganks. Overlooking this critical aspect in MOBA play is like playing basketball without considering the three-point line; you can still score, but it will be challenging to keep up in a competitive game!