Why Sona is the Most Misunderstood Champion in League of Legends
Sona's gameplay is comparable to dance, with each move carefully choreographed and crucial for success, demanding great timing and positioning. The portrayal of her as just a backline supporter arises…
Will the Arcane Warwick Return in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)?
Regarding the query "Is Arcane Warwick going to reappear?", gamers are speaking their minds frankly. ChadFullStack sets the tone with a bold prediction, suggesting that the return could take over…
Team Fight Tactics (TFT): Why Did I Lose 57 LP While Coming in Second? Bug or Bad Luck?
The initial post from homerthe describes an unusual situation where they came in second place yet lost a significant amount of League Points (LP). The post featured a screenshot that…
The Epic Showdown: Vander 3-Star Tanks Jayce 3-Star’s Ult in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)
The post describing Vander's brave struggle against Jayce sparked a lively discussion overflowing with enthusiasm. Users started voicing their opinions on how Vander somehow took on not just one but…
First Time Winning with Guinsoo Augment in Team Fight Tactics (TFT) – A Triumph or Just Luck?
The Guinsoo boost presents an intriguing change in the TFT terrain. Its primary function of enhancing attack speed and increasing damage for specific champions has made it popular among players…
Destiny 2: Updated Vow of Disciple Infographic – A Guide for New Raiders
In simpler terms, members of the Destiny 2 gaming community often rely on working together and helping each other out. Guides created by fellow players are crucial for many users,…
Destiny 2: The Hilarious Heights of Titan Smash – A Community Roars
In Destiny 2, Titan Smash is a renowned move, complete with an epic battle shout that would make any tough action hero envious. Players leap into the air, then crash…
Destiny 2’s Melee Range: Is It the Return of Commando Pro?
In Destiny 2, the close-combat mechanics have often sparked debates, as players grapple with the balance between the accuracy of first-person shooting and the unpredictable nature of multiplayer games. Recently,…
Destiny 2: The Redemption Arc of Eramis – Can She Be Trusted?
The main idea in FarslayerSanVir's argument revolves around the perception that Eramis might be open to change, as suggested by her conduct during the "Plunder" expansion. They argue that there…