What Happens When You Three-Star All 5-Cost Champs in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)?
Achieving a three-star for every 5-cost champion in TFT is quite an impressive task. It certainly sparks curiosity and conversation, as demonstrated by megalon555’s post. To accomplish this, players must invest substantial resources due to the rarity and high cost associated with these potent champions. Many users have expressed puzzlement over how one could amass enough gold to reach this achievement, especially within a single game setting. One user even jokingly asked, “How do you have champs on top?”, suggesting disbelief that such a feat could be accomplished without going mad during a chaotic TFT match. Evening_Top succinctly captured the feelings of many when they questioned, “How?” That’s the million-dollar question: how can anyone manage to pull this off without losing their sanity or encountering an excessive amount of bad luck?