Destiny 2: Are You In the Minority Disliking the Artifact System?
In essence, xDidddle’s initial post highlights a recurring concern: the perception that the revised artifact system prioritizes ease over immersive interaction in item creation. They assert that swapping out the old mod system for temporary mods diminishes the crafting experience. They claim that relying on time-limited mods makes it challenging to develop a loadout that feels distinctively personal or beneficial over an extended duration. Their words suggest that Bungie is using this system as a justification not to provide new armor mods and fragments, hinting at a sense of incompleteness in their eyes. This wave of discontent has ignited a flurry of responses, with several players echoing their dissatisfaction while others argue that artifacts introduce an element of diversity that keeps the game engaging. However, beneath the surface, this issue seems to be splitting the player base into two distinct groups: the Nostalgic Horde, who long for the stability of traditional mods, and the Adventurous Society, willing to adapt to the changes.