Should You Stress About Leveling Every Member in Suicide Squad?
In gaming, particularly when it comes to character development, there’s often a question that lingers: “Am I missing out if I only focus on one character?” Voice2Skull recently discussed this very dilemma after starting the game. They questioned whether they should solely shop at their preferred characters’ store or venture into the rest of the team. From the responses, it appears that many players have had similar experiences. While they appreciate certain characters (like battling Deadshot), they don’t feel compelled to level every character. Alucardz909 shared their experience, completing the game mainly with Harley and Deadshot at mid-levels, acknowledging that other team members were lower-leveled but still suitable for post-game entertainment. It seems that players prefer enjoying their favorites rather than trying to win over each member of the anarchic group, finding less stress in the ‘grind’ and more in exploration.