Is Suicide Squad Game Just a Big Ol’ Disappointment? Fans Weigh In!
The main point of contention seems to revolve around the game’s storyline quality, as some players have found it lacking. Ilickpussncrack expressed his displeasure by saying, “the game was simply terrible,” reflecting the feelings of many who believe the cinematics suggest a weak plotline. The ending, which features two prominent Justice League members apparently dead, has left players questioning if these deaths hold any significance in the broader context of comic book lore where resurrections are common. DuelaDent52 noted that while the ending is poor, at least it wraps up a story that seemed unfinished to some. Consequently, a disappointing finale and a predictable narrative has left many wondering if their time investment was worthwhile. Additionally, complaints about the mishandling of iconic characters raise questions about why the Suicide Squad was chosen and the timing of its release.