Why Fans Wish Rocksteady Chose Justice League Over Suicide Squad
Enthusiasts are swift to point out gameplay elements they believe have dampened their fun. Numerous gamers have voiced disappointment regarding the shooting element, arguing that it overshadows the distinctive abilities each character could display. The post regrets that features like “Wonder Woman leaping around like King Shark wielding a sword and a shield,” might have been more impactful if they had opted for a traditional melee combat system similar to beat-em-ups instead. Gamers recall titles such as “Injustice 2,” lamenting the missed chance to incorporate its popular equipment system into an engaging and immersive Suicide Squad world. As one passionate player commented, “the playable characters should have been highlighted like Batman and his crew in Arkham, but with villains.” This widespread yearning for a change of aesthetic from gunplay truly reflects the nostalgia within the fanbase.