Can Smite 2 Find Its Own Path: Redefining the Smite Experience

As a long-time Smite player, I have witnessed the evolution of this game from its humble beginnings to its current state. The announcement of Smite 2 has sparked intense debates within our community, and as someone who cherishes the original’s unique identity, I cannot help but voice my concerns.

Among Smite 2 enthusiasts, there was a passionate argument about what path the upcoming game should take. Some fans argued for maintaining the original Smite’s essence, while others advocated for introducing fresh gameplay elements. The decision between staying true to tradition and embracing innovation remains a contentious issue within the community.

Is there any chance that Smite 2 can turn away from its LOL gameplay to be more like Smite?
byu/FMKtoday inSmite


  • The changes in Smite 2 have raised concerns about deviating from the established Smite formula.
  • Players express disappointment in the perceived similarities to other MOBAs like League of Legends.
  • The item system and gameplay mechanics have polarized the community, with some embracing the changes and others resistant to the shift.
  • Fans are divided on whether Smite 2 should embody the spirit of the original or forge a new path in the MOBA genre.

Community Feedback

Several players expressed apprehension over Smite 2 deviating from its original MOBA format and incorporating features similar to well-known MOBA games. A few were invigorated by these innovations, whereas others preferred a more faithful adaptation of the classic Smite gameplay.

Embracing Change

Some users were pleased with the introduction of the new item system in Smite 2, finding it added tactical complexity. They recognized the possibilities in this change and advocated for the value of being open to novelty.

Respecting Tradition

Some people voiced worries that Smite 2 was veering off course and risked losing the unique qualities that made the first game beloved. Keeping true to Smite’s core identity was a priority for this faction.

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2024-07-20 20:28