Call of Duty: What One Change Could Enhance the Franchise Forever?

As a seasoned gamer who has spent countless hours wielding virtual weapons across the battlefields of Call of Duty, I found myself deeply moved by Phazoner’s impassioned post in the community forum. The desire for change within this beloved franchise echoes my own experiences and frustrations over the years.

For years, Call of Duty has held gamers spellbound, generating numerous discussions about its gameplay, mechanics, and lasting allure. A fascinating post in the Call of Duty subreddit, written by user Phazoner, sparked curiosity: “If you could alter just ONE aspect of COD forever, what change would you make?” This question ignited a wave of reactions from the community, showcasing both complaints and aspirations for the iconic series. The responses covered various topics, such as weapon equilibrium, matchmaking problems, the role of cosmetics, and the sense of community. What’s striking is the strong yearning among players for a restoration of a more equitable and enjoyable gaming experience.

[COD] If you could change ONE thing forever from COD, what would it be?
byu/Phazoner inCallOfDuty


  • Players expressed discontent over various mechanics, with a strong desire to balance melee attacks and gun combat.
  • Cosmetics and the shift toward casual, battle royale elements received notable criticism.
  • Matchmaking issues were highlighted, with calls for a return to classic, skill-based systems.
  • Many users long for a more enjoyable experience that prioritizes fun over competitiveness.

The Melee Madness

In the game, Phazoner initiated the conversation with an impassioned call to eliminate melee attacks. Their frustration stems from encountering players armed with katanas who could seemingly absorb bullets, then swiftly defeat anyone unfortunate enough to be within arm’s reach. “It’s simply revolting to engage in close-quarters maps or modes and watch carelessly as someone charges at you…” they exclaimed. It seems that many gamers share this sentiment, believing that firearms should dominate, and melee combat shouldn’t feel like an automatic victory. A commentator even suggested providing the Riot Shield with a health meter, arguing, “There’s no justification for it to be invulnerable.” This underscores the community’s yearning for a more sensible combat system, where tactical thinking outweighs sheer speed in battles.

Cosmetics That Break Immersion

As a devoted fan, I’ve noticed a recurring conversation about the visual style of Call of Duty that resonates with me. User Bierzgal shared their desire to revisit the series’ roots, saying, “I yearn for less flaming reapers, fewer toxic zombies, less absurd animal and celebrity characters, and less glowing effects.” It seems there’s a collective agreement that the introduction of these unusual elements has watered down the authentic feel of what Call of Duty was once celebrated for – its immersive warfare atmosphere.

Matchmaking Woes

The issue of matchmaking was another hot-button topic in the thread. User PulseFH brought to light concerns surrounding matchmaking systems, lamenting the state of ranked systems today: “As long as this is not present I cannot see a reason to play MP other than for camos/unlocks.” In simpler terms, players are calling for a return to the days when skill was rewarded based on effort and improvement, instead of being thrown into matches where they feel outmatched. Phazoner and others shared a desire for matchmaking that wasn’t just about statistics but also about enjoying gameplay, re-establishing the thrill of competition without the anxiety of a lopsided match. The conversation shows a clear yearning among players for a system that respects their time and dedication to the game.

A Return to Fun

Hardwire762’s plea for change in the gaming experience echoes strongly within the Call of Duty (COD) community. He proposes that the game should be more enjoyable and less focused on competition. Many players feel that the series is moving away from its casual, entertaining origins, as it strives for competitive balance. Players yearn for a COD experience free from elements like SBMM (Skill Based Matchmaking), which can hinder enjoyment. Instead, they seek to recapture the feeling of jumping into a match purely for the joy of shooting and having fun, rather than being concerned about KD ratios or competitive rankings. The longing for extended campaigns and relaxed settings indicates a desire for engaging storytelling and playing the game as it was initially intended. Essentially, the COD community is requesting developers to create an environment that accommodates both casual players and those seeking a tough challenge by striking a balance between fun and competition.

Discussion ignited by Phazoner’s post in the Call of Duty subreddit reveals the feelings of the gaming community. Generally, numerous users express a common viewpoint that underscores the significance of gameplay elements, visual appeal, and community guidance. Perhaps the series can effectively respond to these demands for improvement, striking a balance between reviving its past glory and adapting to the dynamic gaming environment. In the vast world of video games, Call of Duty continues to be a significant force—a battle cry that many eagerly await will resonate with a renewed vision, harmony, and most significantly, entertainment.

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2024-08-26 21:44