Call of Duty: Jetpacks – A Blast from the Past or a Misstep?

As a seasoned Call of Duty player since its early days, I find myself deeply engrossed in the ongoing discourse about jetpacks in the franchise. My personal journey with the series has taken me from the gritty realism of the original titles to the futuristic thrills of Advanced Warfare and Black Ops 3.

Discussions surrounding Call of Duty continue to ignite passion among gamers, as evident in a recent Reddit post by MrStormz531_. The topic at hand was the use of jetpacks in titles like Advanced Warfare, Infinite Warfare, and Black Ops 3. Users on the subreddit expressed mixed feelings about the effect of these movement mechanics on gameplay and the Call of Duty series as a whole. While some reminisced about the thrill provided by jetpacks, others criticized their inclusion, advocating for a return to the original grounded approach. This exchange underscores the ongoing argument within the community over whether experimentation with new mechanics can breathe life into the franchise or lead to its demise, highlighting the struggle between innovation and tradition.

[COD] Honest opinion on the jetpacks back from Advanced Warfare, Infinite Warfare & BO3?
byu/MrStormz531_ inCallOfDuty


  • Opinions are split on jetpacks, with strong sentiments both in favor and against their use.
  • Some players believe that jetpacks added excitement and variety, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.
  • Others feel that the focus on jetpack mechanics detracted from the core identity of Call of Duty.
  • Players call for a balanced approach to gameplay mechanics, finding a middle ground between grounded and advanced movement styles.

The Nostalgic Support for Jetpacks

Among enthusiasts of jetpacks in video games, numerous individuals referenced experiences from titles like Black Ops 3 and Advanced Warfare, stating that the incorporated mechanics enhanced the gaming experience by adding a thrilling layer. User TheRed24 expressed, “…it made the game fast-paced and exhilarating without feeling faulty or overwhelming.” This perspective mirrors that of players who appreciated the speed and agility provided by jetpacks, considering it a notable improvement compared to traditional gaming styles prevalent before and after them. Players found this change invigorating as it opened up possibilities for more diverse gameplay, such as advanced dodges and unanticipated moves. Additionally, fans highlighted that the wall-running mechanics in Black Ops 3 served as an innovative transition between the grounded gameplay of earlier versions and the more extraordinary mechanics of future titles. As one user proposed, reintroducing jetpacks could breathe freshness into the game, particularly with contemporary adjustments to movement mechanics.

Criticism of Jetpack Mechanics

On the flip side, a vocal segment of the community among players expressed their dissatisfaction with jetpacks, labeling them as undesirable elements that disrupted the essence of Call of Duty. Users like Inspector_Hard_Cock lamented that jetpacks “ruined COD for me and didn’t play for 5 years,” highlighting the frustration some felt during the transition to a more futuristic play style. Many critics pointed to the fact that this shift deviated from the fundamental mechanics that initially drew them to the franchise. A concerning pattern arose where players felt that adding excessive movement options muddied the gameplay experience. Concerns raised included the potential for making matches feel disjointed, with players zipping unpredictably around maps, detracting from strategic combat positioning and map control. Commenter adamircz echoed this notion, criticizing the way campaigns utilized jump mechanics merely to create artificial obstacles rather than enhancing level designs creatively.

Seeking Balance and Variety

In the midst of differing viewpoints, a unified voice echoed among Call of Duty players: they wanted a harmonious mix of balance and novelty in the game’s playstyle. As the series progresses, fans are urging for a strategic modification to movement mechanics, proposing a fusion of conventional and innovative elements could result in a more captivating gaming experience. The community is excited about the idea of intermittent jetpack-focused games along with traditional titles that preserve the franchise’s heritage. This desire suggests a preference for experimentation rather than rigid adherence to one method. User Someunluckystuff suggested, “…with the new movement mechanics, it could be entertaining and intriguing” to reintegrate jetpacks after years of more grounded games. This insightful opinion shows an appreciation that change can invigorate, as long as it remains well-balanced within the game’s structure.

Conclusion: Finding the Right Fit

Ultimately, the ongoing debate about jetpacks in Call of Duty reflects the dynamic and passionate community that surrounds the franchise. Players continue to grapple with the interplay between nostalgia and innovation, as they voice their opinions on what makes an exciting Call of Duty experience. While jetpacks brought both excitement and chaos, they also led to a reevaluation of what players desire from the series. As Call of Duty continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how developers respond to this feedback and whether future titles will honor that complex legacy while still pushing boundaries. The future of Fortnite-like superhuman abilities or a return to classic soldier-on-the-ground action keeps players guessing, but the fervor of the discussion from this Reddit post indicates that whatever direction is chosen, the community will definitely be listening closely and weighing in with their thoughts.

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2024-09-16 08:13