Call of Duty Ghosts: Player Activity in 2024 – Is It Really Dead?

As a seasoned gamer who has been through the highs and lows of Call of Duty franchises, I can’t help but feel a twinge of melancholy when thinking about Ghosts in 2024. Back in the day, I remember playing Ghosts until my thumbs went numb, enjoying the unique Extinction mode that set it apart from other games. But now, it seems like the game is struggling to find players, even on the PS5 where I still spend most of my gaming time.

2024 finds Call of Duty: Ghosts, once a prominent title in the prestigious franchise, seemingly on its last legs. A recent Reddit post sparked a flurry of reminiscent and critical comments about the game’s current player activity. Gamers across multiple platforms are weighing in with their memories, painting a picture of widespread discontent over the shrinking player base. From glimmers of optimism to deep-seated despair, it appears that players are grappling with a blend of nostalgia and frustration as they hunt for online matches.

[GHOSTS] [COD] How active is Cod Ghosts in 2024? Of all the platforms which one is the most active?
byu/Luke_Skywalker_1977 inCallOfDuty


  • The game is suffering from low player counts across most platforms with many reporting fewer than 300 players daily on PlayStation.
  • While some players find the Xbox and PC communities more populated, they still struggle with long wait times.
  • Nostalgia for Ghosts persists, with players reminiscing about specific modes, especially Extinction, which some wish would make a comeback.
  • Overall, the sentiment leans towards disappointment as many see Ghosts as a shell of its former self.

The State of Player Counts

In 2024, an analysis of Call of Duty: Ghosts player activity reveals a disappointing situation for PlayStation users, with Redditors expressing concerns about the game’s near-demise on this platform, as stated by MrDiego14: “There are hardly more than 300 players per day. The game is almost dead, at least on PlayStation.” This sentiment echoes a broader issue of sparsely populated lobbies and difficulties in finding matches. However, Xbox users report a slightly brighter picture with higher player counts. Emotional-Chipmunk70 shares, “On the PS5, there are 200+ players on any given day. Sometimes you’re matched immediately into a lobby, but other times it can take 15-20 minutes to find a match.” Despite the game’s community shrinking, there remains a dedicated group of fans who continue to engage with Call of Duty: Ghosts on their consoles and PCs.

The Nostalgia Factor

Even though some players have expressed concerns about the number of people playing, many Reddit users fondly recall their time with Ghosts, often mentioning a sense of nostalgia as they remember the excitement they felt earlier. For instance, user AussieDude01 shared his affection for the Extinction mode, saying, “I only played it for extinction, loved it. I would appreciate a remastered version or another extinction game.” This longing for a remake suggests a deep connection that players have with this specific installment in the series. The Extinction mode, specifically, was a unique feature that set Ghosts apart and is missed by numerous fans, leading to a call for a reintroduction of that gaming experience. Nostalgia creates an emotional bond that goes beyond simple player numbers.

Community Sentiments

Regarding the public opinion on Call of Duty Ghosts, it’s a blend of optimism and disillusionment. Players such as AirlineGlad139 continue to play occasionally each week, but others have voiced their dissatisfaction, describing the game as “the most deserted CoD since WAW.” These remarks hint at the disappointment and exasperation felt by numerous users due to the decreased player activity. Greedy_Advisor424 echoed this sentiment, saying, “There were only 40-50 players on PC last time I checked. Disappointing 😒” It appears that the game is becoming obsolete for many, causing casual gamers to explore other titles because the shrinking community offers fewer reasons to stay engaged. Given comments like there are just a few active players left, it’s no wonder some believe Ghosts requires significant changes or a fresh start.

Gameplay Experience vs. Traditional Titles

The play experience in Call of Duty: Ghosts doesn’t seem as strong as more recent releases, based on feedback from players. They suggest that the mechanics and map designs could be part of their dissatisfaction. KirbyHasAGun_204 noted that while other classic CoD titles may have larger player communities, Ghosts seems to struggle due to its own shortcomings. This implies that gamers are migrating towards newer games with better gameplay balance and overall experiences. Those frustrated with Ghosts are opting to spend their time on more dynamic and immersive games, resulting in a significant drop in its active player count.

Players are voting with their controllers, and sadly, Ghosts seems to be losing that vote.

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2024-10-08 22:58