Call of Duty: Fans Share Their Favorite Tank Missions Across the Franchise

As a longtime fan of the Call of Duty series, I have fond memories of the thrilling tank missions that have left me breathless and engaged throughout my gaming journey. The recent Reddit thread discussing favorite tank missions brought back a flood of nostalgia and sparked some passionate debates among the community.

As a devoted fan of Call of Duty, I’ve been privileged to experience some truly unforgettable tank missions throughout the years. In a recent Reddit post by “MousegettheCheese,” we were invited to share our favorite tank encounters from any game in this iconic first-person shooter franchise. The result? An outpouring of heartfelt opinions, revealing the depth of our connection to these armored battles and the enduring impact they’ve had on us as players.

[COD] What is your favorite tank mission from any of the games?
byu/MousegetstheCheese inCallOfDuty


  • Players fondly recalled their favorite tank missions, showcasing a wide diversity of opinions and nostalgia.
  • The sentiment is mixed; while some praised the thrill of tank combat, others criticized certain missions for their linearity and lack of excitement.
  • Popular choices featured missions from Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty 3.
  • Interestingly, players contrasted Call of Duty’s tank missions with those found in other games, highlighting competitive feelings within the gaming community.

Favorite Missions: A Blast from the Past

Many players fondly remember the “Blood and Iron” mission from Call of Duty: World at War when reminiscing about their favorite tank experiences. “ChernobylFirefighter” described his enduring affection for this level by stating, “Nothing compares to Blood and Iron.” The nostalgic atmosphere and intense combat of this mission strike a chord with players who have lived through the thrilling tension of World War II from the perspective of a tank turret. Other users, such as “PartyImpOP,” highlighted the gameplay’s iconic status, expressing how it established a standard that subsequent titles have found challenging to surpass. It seems that the World War II setting consistently elicits strong emotions, with its explosive action and profound historical context continuing to captivate players for years.

The Mixed Bag of Experiences

Some users have expressed disappointment about certain tank missions in various Call of Duty games, including Call of Duty: WW2. The mission in this game was particularly criticized for being too linear and lacking excitement. One user, “boboelmonkey,” stated, “I found Cod WW2’s tank mission to be the most disappointing due to its perceived lack of interaction and excitement.” This sentiment was shared by others, indicating a preference for missions that offer more excitement and engagement. Despite nostalgia for classic tank missions, it seems that not all have met the mark in the Call of Duty franchise. The online community is open about sharing their opinions on the topic.

Shockingly Low Praises

As a long-time gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I’ve seen it all when it comes to online forums and their lively discussions about video games. Some comments left me in stitches, like the one from “Oppblockjoe,” who humorously declared that he only enjoys tank games if they’re the Wii Play minigame “Tanks.” With a chuckle, I reminisced about my own experiences with less conventional tank titles and how their quirks made gaming more enjoyable.

Comparisons with Other Games

As a dedicated fan of both Call of Duty and Battlefield franchises, I’ve noticed an intriguing comparison that has emerged from our community: the discussion surrounding tank missions in each series. While I’ve enjoyed the tank experiences in Call of Duty: Ghosts and World at War, I must admit that the tank mission in Battlefield 3 left a lasting impression on me. This comparison sparks lively debates amongst us players, showcasing the passion and rivalries between these beloved franchises. Our conversations add an exciting layer to our shared gaming experiences, proving that the thrill of battle isn’t limited to just being in armored vehicles but extends to the heated discussions about which game comes out on top. The engaging banter exchanged between fans truly encapsulates the camaraderie and friendly rivalries that make up this vibrant community.

Amongst Call of Duty enthusiasts, debates about tank missions ignite intense discussions, revealing a vibrant mosaic of varying viewpoints, wistful recollections, and fervent critiques. Players fondly remember missions that thrilled them with their excitement and immersive experiences, while not shying away from criticizing those that fell short. The emotional connections to each game and its missions underscore a devoted fanbase, eliciting laughter and heartfelt sentiments in equal measure. This bond with the franchise serves as a reminder that despite differing opinions, the passion for gaming, and for Call of Duty in particular, remains strong within its dedicated community.

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2024-07-24 19:28