Caedrel calls out Bwipo for “childish” rants about other LoL pros

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I find myself deeply troubled by the recent antics of Gabriël ‘Bwipo’ Rau. Now, don’t get me wrong, constructive criticism is essential for growth, but Bwipo seems to have crossed the line from critique to downright disrespect.

Gabriël ‘Bwipo’ Rau has been critiquing other professionals rather sharply during his streams since he traveled to Europe for the Worlds 2024 boot camp, and Marc Robert ‘Caedrel‘ Lamont finds these comments excessively harsh towards his fellow players.

As a passionate fan, I can’t help but notice some room for constructive criticism when it comes to Western League of Legends players. It’s tough to refute that the LEC and LCS have struggled on the international stage. However, while I admire Bwipo’s efforts to elevate our regions, it’s his methods that I find myself questioning.

Initially, his content had me chuckling, but he was rather condescending, making his points clearly while assisting others. Lately, though, it feels like he’s turned into a real jerk. I mean, what’s with his comments, man?

Bwipo has been vocal in his critiques since the commencement of his boot camp broadcasts, pointing out players like Vincent ‘Vetheo’ Berrié, Kim ‘Chasy’ Dong-hyeon, Kyeong ‘Photon’ Gyu-tae, and Marek ‘Humanoid’ Brázda for their on-field performance and team dynamics.

The situation has caused a stir in the community, and not in a good way according to Caedrel.

Caedrel expressed concern: “Why must you air your private discussions and criticize others so harshly in public? Isn’t discretion more appropriate in some cases? … It feels very immature.

2024, when I had a chance to chat with Bwipo, his self-assuredness in his abilities shone through. True to form, he’s demonstrated this skill consistently throughout the year, save for a few hiccups during FlyQuest’s MSI run.

However, Caedrel believes flaming other players to this extent isn’t warranted.

The individual’s words have left an unpleasant impression on me. He ought to be more cautious with his speech. I admire him as a player, value his game insights, and appreciate his professional attitude towards the game, but I hold no regard for his behavior or the disrespectful way he communicates, his arrogance, or the condescending manner in which he talks to people. He seems to treat others like they’re insignificant, as if they’re beneath him and should listen to his orders. This is not acceptable to me.

To Bwipo’s advantage, he has acknowledged some of his past interactions with people, offering an apology to Adam ‘Jackies’ Jeřábek following a heated argument. However, his blunt criticism towards other professional players has ignited a broader discussion within the community and will leave much to address when he competes at Worlds 2024.

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2024-09-20 22:18