Best League Starters Tier List for Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur

As a seasoned Path of Exile player with countless hours spent grinding, experimenting, and mastering various builds, I can confidently say that the upcoming 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur league brings an exciting wave of melee options to the table. With the long-awaited melee overhaul, it’s essential to separate the wheat from the chaff when choosing a league starter.

In the bustling Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur league, you might find yourself overwhelmed by an abundance of melee starter choices, a situation eased somewhat by the much-awaited and comprehensive melee overhaul. Rest easy, as we’ve got your back with our carefully curated tier list to separate the most effective from the less so.

Path of Exile 3.25 League Starters Tier List – Best Starters, Ranked

In creating our tier list, we take a distinctive approach. While raw power and simplicity of gearing are key elements we focus on, we also evaluate other aspects. These include how intuitive and effortless the skill or build is to use, with minimal button presses and strict timing requirements. Additionally, we consider the ease of leveling up, as well as the availability and quality of the build guide – a crucial resource for many players.

SGround Slam, Dual Strike of Ambidexterity, Molten Strike, Hexblast Mines
A Ice Nova Archmage, Earthquake, Earthshatter, Zoomancer
BLacerate, Boneshatter, Lightning Strike
CRighteous Fire

Based on my own gaming experience and the fact that I’ve encountered various builds throughout my time playing this game, I want to emphasize that not every effective build is included in this list. If your preferred build isn’t here, it doesn’t automatically mean you should abandon it, especially if you have a solid understanding of the game mechanics. Moreover, there’s a chance that more builds will be added before the league begins.

3.25 League Start Flow Chart – MELEE IS BACK BABY (dark theme in comments)
byu/MrMeltJr inpathofexile

S Tier

  • Ground Slam: A bit lower damage than Earthquake and Earthshatter, but smoother to play with lower gear requirements, and therefore a better choice for most players. As a bonus, it can be run from level 1, so no awkward transition needed.
  • Dual Strike of Ambidexterity: A safe skill, elite melee players like Alkaizer are using this as their backup skill on the small chance slams don’t work out. You’ll want to play with Molten Strike until you’re geared up.
  • Molten Strike: The Zenith version can be even better if you know what you’re doing, but most should stick with the base version. As a bonus, it can be run from level 1.
  • Hexblast Mines: Very easy to gear with solid damage, and no longer a two-button thanks to some handy automation added in Necropolis. The very best players can clear four Watchstones with this in about 13 hours. Expedition is a great mechanic to run with this as the mods favour it. Sanctum, too (for different reasons). Be sure to pick up a Sandstorm Visage and Profane Proxy as soon as you’re able.

A Tier

  • Earthquake: Strong damage and defense, the clear on this melee skill can leave something to be desired. You’ll want to play with Sunder or Ground Slam until you get geared up.
  • Earthshatter: See Earthquake.
  • Ice Nova Archmage: One of the strongest builds in 3.24, its mana costs were increased this time around, but shouldn’t be a major deal. May be a little button intensive, but a great choice for casters either way.
  • Zoomancer: A minion build with fantastic damage and defenses, but on the slow side.

B Tier

  • Lacerate: A very comfortable all-around build, but not on the same damage or AoE level as slams or Molten Strike. You’ll probably want to run this with the Crimson Dance keystone over the much-debated Aggravate.
  • Boneshatter: A little weaker than in Necropolis league, it’s still an overall strong melee skill that will dish out 4-5 million damage (which contrary to popular belief, is plenty for most players).
  • Lightning Strike: Got a massive damage buff and was already pretty strong in 3.24. Warden could be excellent with this one (the jury is out on tinctures, among other things), while Slayer is the safe pick. Either could go as high as S Tier, but since a Warden guide is what we have to work with, we’ll be conservative and say B Tier.

C Tier

  • Righteous Fire: Another very comfortable build, its main weakness is it struggles on bosses. If you’re more of a mapper anyway or are just new or casual, this is arguably the best choice as it has an extremely comprehensive guide and is very simple to play.

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2024-07-24 22:21