Below Deck Mediterranean Recap: Whose Line Is It Anyway?

As a seasoned sailor and charter guest coordinator, I’ve seen my fair share of dramas both on and off the boat. But this latest charter has been a real rollercoaster ride! Aesha, our beloved chief stew, is handling her crew with the finesse of a seasoned mama bear. Bri, the young trainee, seems to be enjoying her newfound freedom a bit too much, camping out in the boys’ cabin and sleeping in late. Joe, the deckhand with a heart of gold, is trying his best to navigate the treacherous waters of love and friendship.

In this episode, the title “Trauma Share” would have been more fitting as the crew members unexpectedly shared deep, emotional struggles instead of the usual light-hearted situations, resembling the format of a talk show like Dr. Phil.

Gael connects with Ellie and Joe, leading them on snorkeling adventures in a beautiful Greek coast cave. She’s seen gliding through the water with fins, savoring every moment beneath the surface. “Being underwater is where I first discovered tranquility and self-acceptance within myself,” she shares. Aww, that’s heartwarming. However, upon learning about her challenging upbringing – being half Asian and socially isolated – it becomes clear why she cherishes this sanctuary so deeply. Apologies for the sudden shift in tone, and wow, that background adds depth to her underwater escapes.

As a movie critic, I’ve seen my fair share of complex character backstories, but Bri’s tale about her boarding school experiences left me taken aback. I thought I had her figured out – just another privileged kid from the past. But no, that’s not the whole story.

As a fan, I’d rephrase it like this: This experience can’t just be one long string of unfortunate childhood stories, right? When the guests ask the crew to sing “Happy Birthday” for two of their colleagues, Aesha asks Joe to play the piano. We discover that Joe is quite talented and plays various instruments such as the guitar and the piano. Contrary to popular belief, he didn’t learn the guitar to impress girls; instead, his motivation stemmed from a deep desire to bring joy to his mother who was suffering from fibromyalgia and spent most of her time in bed. Frankly, I’m amazed by Joe’s musical abilities, but it’s heartbreaking to know that he turned to the arts as an escape, trying to keep his mother’s spirits up during her difficult times.

Let’s rephrase that for a more natural and easier-to-understand flow: “I think that’s enough for today’s episode. We need to get back to the usual chaos with the chef making mistakes and the crew being a bit too lethargic. By the way, Gael is working hard on deck, and her colleagues and Captain Sandy are commending her efforts. I assume it’s due to a strong work ethic instilled in her by her parents. Or perhaps, it’s because she had an injury from her previous boat. She was carrying a heavy metal block (why would someone carry a big metal block?) and accidentally dropped it on her ankle, requiring 16 stitches and a skin graft to heal.”

When Ellie enters the water to explore the cave, she shares that she’s not a confident swimmer. I prepared myself, leaning against the couch. Her reason for this fear might be that her uncle perished in the 2004 Thailand tsunami, or perhaps she witnessed her sister drown on the shore and couldn’t save her since they both lacked swimming skills. Alternatively, it could be due to repeated listenings of “In the Air Tonight” by Phil Collins, which is an urban legend unrelated to drowning fears. However, none of these are true explanations. Instead, maybe she simply dislikes getting her hair wet, like a certain guest who bears a striking resemblance to the Old Navy Lady’s ghostly apparition.

As a film enthusiast, I was looking forward to delving deeper into Captain Sandy’s past experiences, having only caught a glimpse of her struggles so far. However, this episode took a different turn, focusing more on the ongoing drama between Bri and Ellie. While the tension between them has been present throughout the season, it seemed to reach a boiling point in this installment.

I admire how assertive Aesha is when it comes to ensuring everyone gets a proper rest. On the first night, I was intrigued when Bri shared that she slept in the boys’ room because Joe had asked and found it amusing. However, I couldn’t help but wonder what transpired on the second night. Aesha firmly told Bri to stop this behavior and join her in her bed. During the charter, she urged Ellie and Bri to endure the temporary inconvenience and promised meaningful discussions once their guests had departed. Even upon learning that Bri spent the entire second night in her own bed, Aesha gave her a hearty high-five as if acknowledging her accomplishment. It seems Aesha is already honing her skills for future motherhood.

As a seasoned relationship observer with a knack for deciphering complex dynamics, I’ve gathered from this intriguing scenario that Joe and Ellie are entangled in a tangled web of feelings and miscommunications.

Paraphrasing: Joe, with his hopeful perspective, is pleased that things aren’t completely over between him and Ellie. In a wise move, Joe seeks the guidance of a woman – he shares his dilemma with Gael and asks for her opinion on pursuing Ellie further. Gael offers sound advice: “If you plan to be intimate with her, ensure she’s someone you want to maintain a relationship with, or else complications may arise.” Brilliant! Her words hold truth. Kudos to both Joe and Gael for handling the situation admirably. It would be wise for Joe to carry a heavy weight as a precaution, sparing Gael from any potential emotional distress in the future.

The charter guests appear generally pleasant and composed, with one exception: Brittany, the primary guest, frequently overindulges during dinner and occasionally performs the splits unprompted. Despite this, the guests seem to enjoy Jono’s meals and presentations. Captain Sandy, who doesn’t shy away from serving dishes personally, seems content for now but I sense that her patience may soon run out.

The most thrilling moment occurred towards the end of the episode, involving a windlass and an unexpected boat predicament. I dislike boat-related issues more than interpersonal conflicts. This time, it was two stews arguing over a man with whom we have some background knowledge. We’ve experienced or witnessed similar situations, allowing us to offer advice on human behavior. However, when the boat encounters trouble? Completely lost at sea. I’d never heard of a windlass before this, and I’m still not entirely sure of its function – something about winding an anchor, I suppose.

When you encounter the less recognized crew members on the boat, it’s a clear sign that important business is underway. In this installment, we were introduced to no less than three of them. First was Luka, the second engineer, attempting to set sail on an additional windlass so they could retrieve the Starburst anchor. A moment of confusion – it’s starboard, not named after a sweet treat? Never mind that. Next up was Piers, the second officer, who jumped into the tender, but found the battery drained because Iain, the bungling electrician, had left it on all night. Lastly, Ivan, the first officer, appeared and took charge as the line from the second windlass broke and the anchor plummeted to the depths of the ocean. It’s a theory, but perhaps the anchor is feeling neglected after being dropped in the deep end without warning during its formative years. Believe me, this week’s events were all the result of past distress.

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2024-07-22 18:24