Baldur’s Gate: The Patience Game Everyone’s Talking About

As an avid gamer who has spent countless hours navigating the fantastical realms of Baldur’s Gate, I can confidently say that this game has taught me more than just how to wield a sword or cast a spell. It’s about patience, strategy, and the beauty in the wait between each turn-based combat.

Discussion about Baldur’s Gate is heating up due to its compelling gameplay elements, such as the turn-based combat system. A popular post titled ‘This game taught me patience’ has sparked interest among players who reflect on how battle pacing influences their gaming experience. As the community explores what makes this game unique, conversations revolve around patience and strategy, suggesting that the game encourages strategic thinking. Many players share how they’ve adjusted to this playstyle, even using downtime between turns for multitasking like preparing meals or scrolling through social media.

This game taught me to be patient
byu/LegitimateTwo1567 inBaldursGate3


  • The turn-based combat system encourages players to think carefully about their actions.
  • Patience is seen as a virtue, allowing for real-life interruptions during gameplay.
  • Some players express frustrations regarding NPC behavior during their turns.
  • The game fosters a sense of community as players share their experiences and tips.

Embracing the Pace of Turn-Based Combat

Players have voiced their appreciation for the turn-based combat in Baldur’s Gate, as it offers them ample time to carefully consider each move. User Fast_Ad6141 put it this way, “You know, after trying out other games, I adore this one due to its turn-based combat because I can take my time deciding what action to take; I can even snack or sip tea during battles!” This sentiment seems to be shared by many who value the strategic complexity it provides. Although some might find the pace too leisurely, gamers like Fast_Ad6141 view it as an opportunity to join in when they’re ready, resulting in a more contemplative gaming experience. This feature even enables players to attend to real-life chores during these pauses, a trait that elicits varied responses from the gaming community.

Real-Life Interactions: A Balancing Act

As a gamer, I’ve noticed that the flow of battles among different players is incredibly diverse. During our chats, several users have highlighted the turn-based system, stating it encourages efficient multitasking. For example, vaustin89 mentioned, “During the moon rise assault, I can even whip up a quick meal while waiting.” It appears that manipulating time in this way is something many of us appreciate, enjoying the flexibility to manage both digital and real-life tasks concurrently. However, striking the right balance between multitasking and the game’s mechanics can be tricky at times, as some players have expressed feeling flustered when combat scenes last longer than anticipated due to NPC delays.

Challenges from NPC Behavior

During gameplay, some players are adjusting to the game’s slower tempo, but issues can surface regarding how non-player characters (NPCs) act during battles. As Canadian Ninja pointed out, it’s problematic when NPCs suddenly become unresponsive for 15 seconds at a time per character, which can lead to player irritation, especially when careful strategies are implemented only to encounter technical glitches. These encounters have a ripple effect on the player base, fostering shared feelings of annoyance or sparking amusing stories like Radiant-Excuse-8762’s, who humorously commented, “Lol, some fights still took less time than my real-life D&D game 🤣” The social facet of the game is highlighted as players bond over these shared hurdles.

Community Engagement and Support

In the Baldur’s Gate community, there’s a lively environment where players help each other learn and grow, frequently swapping strategies, advice, and anecdotes. Many delight in conversing with fellow gamers, finding humor in shared moments as they wait for their turns. As user SadoraNortica put it, “I read posts while I wait.” Engaging in conversation transforms waiting into a collective asset—players aren’t simply enduring solitude but are part of an interwoven experience that boosts their gaming pleasure. Furthermore, the empathetic reactions among subreddit members to one another’s questions underscore a bonded community, adding depth and satisfaction to the gameplay experience.

Ultimately, Baldur’s Gate is more than just a showcase for strategic gameplay; it serves as a platform where players can share and connect on a deeper level through their unique experiences. The turn-based system’s distinctive pacing has sparked diverse reactions among gamers, ranging from tough challenges to enjoyable stories. From bonding over shared NPC idiosyncrasies to boasting about cooking meals during moonlit battles, each player’s journey contributes a new dimension to the overall appreciation of this engaging game within its community.

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2024-08-08 19:43