Baldur’s Gate: The Great Character Dilemma – Who Will You Choose?

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I can wholeheartedly attest to the allure and peril that Baldur’s Gate’s character creation screen presents. Time has no meaning when one is lost amidst the endless array of customization options—a fact I painfully learned when I found myself five hours deep in creating “The First Vampire”.

Baldur’s Gate has a knack for immersing players so deeply that they may forget all about time, especially during the character creation phase, where the array of options can seem like an endless maze. A recent post by user notkirova showcased this very predicament, as they found themselves engrossed in creating “The First Vampire” for over five hours. This isn’t just your typical character-building thread; it ignited a vibrant conversation among gamers about which character design is the most appealing, inviting a wave of opinions and laughter from fellow players.

I’ve been stuck in CC for 5 hours. Help me decide
byu/notkirova inBaldursGate3


  • User notkirova lamented over being stuck in character customization for five hours.
  • The post ignited a light-hearted debate centered around which character design was the most attractive.
  • Comments revealed both humorous and serious judgments on character aesthetics, emphasizing player preference diversity.
  • Overall sentiment ranged from playful banter to insightful discussions about character design elements.

The Endless Character Creation

It’s not unusual to hear about players losing a few hours in character creation, but five hours? That’s a whole Netflix series’ worth of commitment! For players like notkirova, creating an avatar who reflects their style is part of the gameplay experience. Throughout their comments, one sentiment echoed: the freedom to customize adds a personal touch that is vital in RPGs. Many players relayed stories of spending upwards of eight hours crafting their perfect character, with one commenting, “Just wear a helmet, keep it visible and your problem is solved,” which elicited laughter while also shedding light on the very counterproductive nature of spending so much time in creation. The allure of infinite customization options in games like Baldur’s Gate is intoxicating, but it also raises the eternal question—when is enough, enough?

The Beauty in Diversity

In the comments area, the conversation turned lively and playful, with users expressing their individual preferences regarding the characters offered by notkirova. For instance, one user said, “I find the last one has strong main character vibe, but I’m a fan of red hair, so my choice is 1!” This shows how diverse tastes are inherent among gamers. DarkSqurge contributed to the debate, pointing out that certain characters might embody distinct traits—for example, “1 seems quite boisterous (possibly because of Karlach), while 2 appears more reserved.” This emphasis on character personalities demonstrates how appearances can extend beyond surface-level appeal, impacting the overall gaming experience and shaping one’s identity within the game world.

Humor and Preference

Amongst the jokes and critiques, humor is rampant within the subreddit conversations. One user suggested redoing the customization rather than settling—”None of them, restart and spend another 5 hours making more.” It implies a commitment to perfection and a refusal to compromise when it comes to crafting a beloved character. Players are practically expressing that, for them, the aesthetic pleasure outweighs the practical aspects of gameplay. As the post developed, FriendoftheDork chimed in with a nuanced take, saying, “Last one is horrible to me, weird how different people’s tastes are as many here seem to love it.” His mention of contrasting tastes shines a comedic light on the quirks of community dynamics in the gaming sphere, emphasizing the quirkiness of players and their unique eye for design.

Living in a Fantasy

As I chuckle along with fellow gamers, it’s clear we’re not just enjoying the humor, but also deeply appreciating the intricate character designs that enrich our role-playing experiences in Baldur’s Gate. Each choice we make when customizing our characters mirrors aspects of ourselves, whether it’s a reflection of who we are, what we aspire to be, or hidden desires we wish to explore. It’s more than just playing a game; it’s about forging connections – with our self-crafted heroes or the epic fantasies that unfold within this digital world. Games provide a unique canvas where players can safely express their identities creatively.

In a lively exchange, the process of tailoring characters in Baldur’s Gate is vividly portrayed: it’s individual, open-ended, and most importantly, entertaining. As gamers shape their character’s path through a vast landscape brimming with danger and excitement, the initial stages of customization significantly impact their voyage. Although players might jest about previous attempts spending five hours to find ‘the perfect one’, they also appreciate the allure of decisions – whichever choice they make will undoubtedly lead to crafting a distinct tale in the world of Baldur’s Gate.

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2024-08-13 13:44