Baldur’s Gate 3: Players Reveal What They Always Skip and Why

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent exploring the rich worlds of RPGs, I can’t help but share my thoughts on some often-skipped quests and encounters in Baldur’s Gate.

In Baldur’s Gate, players often encounter intricate storylines with unexpected developments. However, certain quests go unexplored by some gamers. A recent forum topic titled “Which quest do you usually ignore?” ignited an engaging debate within the player community.

Whats something that you allways skip?
byu/No_Mention5840 inBaldursGate3


  • Players frequently avoid the ambush en route to the Bhaal Temple.
  • A popular skip is the newspaper quest for its complexity.
  • Many sidestep letting Cazador capture Astarion for personal reasons.
  • Using specific spells to bypass encounters is a common tactic.

Ambush at Bhaal Temple

Certain players, such as ‘No_Mention5840’, dislike the surprise attack near the temple and consider it a waste of time and annoyance. Consequently, they choose to bypass it in future games.

Newspaper Quest

“At night, the user named NocturnalFlotsam relates their experience of forgoing the challenges and discount deals directly from newspaper vendors.”

Cazador and Astarion

“User ‘Shreddzzz93’ offers a strategic method for managing encounters with Cazador through the employment of controlling spells.”

Spells and Skips

As a skilled gamer, I often employ inventive strategies when faced with formidable challenges. For instance, instead of engaging in a lengthy battle, I might opt for the enchanting Dimension Door spell to bypass the encounter altogether and move on to the next stage.

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2024-07-15 01:44