‘Baby Reindeer’s’ Richard Gadd Tells of ‘Extremely Upsetting’ Stalking in Response to Lawsuit

As a seasoned movie enthusiast with a keen interest in the intricate world of showbiz, I find myself deeply moved and appalled by the harrowing account of Richard Gadd‘s ordeal at the hands of Fiona Harvey, a woman who has sued Netflix over her portrayal in his hit show “Baby Reindeer.” The story is a stark reminder that the line between art and reality can often blur, and the consequences of such blurring can be devastating for those involved.

Richard Gadd, the maker of the popular show “Baby Reindeer,” shared his past experience of being relentlessly harassed for years by the woman who initiated a lawsuit against Netflix due to her depiction in the program.

The show was inspired by Gadd’s experience as a victim of stalking while he was a fledgling comedian. In a court filing on Monday, Gadd reiterated that though the show is “emotionally true” to his own life, it is not meant to be “a beat-for-beat recounting” of events.

In my personal experience as a movie reviewer, I encountered Fiona Harvey back in 2014 at the Hawley Arms pub where I was employed. Over the course of two long years, she subjected me to a relentless barrage of harassment. This included receiving countless emails and voicemails that were not only disturbing but also contained explicit sexual content. Eventually, in February 2016, I felt compelled to report her to the authorities due to this unacceptable behavior.

“Harvey’s actions added up to a significant impact. It was draining and very distressing for me to handle her persistent encounters at the Hawley Arms, her stalking me around London, and her persistent and unpleasant messages.”

1. In the series, Harvey isn’t explicitly portrayed. The narrative begins with the statement, “This is a true story.” Later on, after the show had already been aired, she appeared in an interview with Piers Morgan and contended that the depiction of the character “Martha” was more of an exaggeration rather than an accurate representation.

In June, Harvey initiated a $170 million lawsuit against the show, asserting that it had tarnished her reputation by portraying Martha as a repeat offender with criminal convictions amounting to five years in prison. However, according to Harvey, she has no criminal record whatsoever.

1. The lawsuit alleges additional actions as defamatory: it claims that Martha is depicted as sexually assaulting Gadd’s character, throwing a shard of glass near his head and scratching out his eyes, harassing a police officer, and spending up to 16 hours daily outside Gadd’s residence.

As a film enthusiast, I’d put it this way: “I, as a Netflix fan, believe that the company intends to dismiss the lawsuit since the portrayal in question holds significant truth.”

Gadd doesn’t assert that the real-life Harvey was formally convicted, but he does mention that Harvey frequently contacted the police. In the end, Harvey received a Harassment Warning in the First Instance. Following this action, the threatening emails and messages from him ceased according to him.

In the statement made in the filing, Gadd described how Harvey learned his work schedule at the pub following their initial encounter. At times, Harvey would spend his entire shift there, sitting at the bar. Occasionally, during these occasions, Harvey would insert lewd comments into the conversation while Gadd engaged with other patrons. Moreover, Harvey was known to be physically forward, frequently patting Gadd’s backside.

1. “Harvey’s attention was uncomfortable, and I frequently tried to avoid his attempts and unwanted touches while working. On multiple instances, I asked Harvey to back off and stop making advances towards me, but he disregarded my pleas. Despite my repeated requests, he was relentless in his persistence.”

In 2015, there were two instances where he accused Harvey of lying. First, he challenged Harvey for telling a customer that they had slept together, which was untrue according to him. Secondly, he brought up allegations that Harvey had harassed a politician and his spouse. These accusations infuriated Harvey, who then physically confronted him by approaching the bar from behind and pushing him on the neck, while threatening him with potential consequences for speaking out.

“He recalled instantly apologizing, both because he feared she might strike him and due to the mortification of having several bystanders watch,” he penned.

During her later visits to the pub, he claimed they grew progressively more intense, leading him to frequently avoid her by hiding.

He expressed fear towards Harvey, unsure of her capabilities. Her determination was unwavering, and there were extended periods where he spent hours on end outside on the balcony or in the basement, anxiously awaiting her departure.

He stated that Harvey also sent him thousands of emails, left hundreds of voicemails for him, and also sent him handwritten letters.

In his writing, he frequently used graphic language that consisted of sexual references, violence, and insults, as well as expressing hateful remarks and issuing threats.

In certain situations, she would harshly criticize him, labeling him as “simply naive, unattractive, foolish, and undereducated.” She also made provocative sexual suggestions to him, while expressing prejudiced views against “all these foreigners.”

Initially, when he approached the police regarding her, they cautioned him that making a report could potentially make matters worse. Consequently, he chose not to pursue it any further.

However, the predicament worsened significantly during the subsequent months, with her repeatedly leaving lengthy, unsettling voice messages. He expressed that this constant harassment caused him sleepless nights, often waking up drenched in sweat, and he went to great lengths to avoid areas of London where she was frequently seen.

“He expressed feeling extremely anxious,” he penned. “He was overwhelmed with fear, panic, and suspicion. He was petrified at the thought of using public transportation for fear of encountering her. In truth, he was deeply concerned that she might endanger him or his parents, particularly his parents. To sum it up, her behavior had a profound impact on his overall health, especially his mental wellness.”

1. In the end, Gadd successfully persuaded the police to issue a harassment warning, significantly reducing the frequency of the harassment, but not eliminating it entirely. Later on, he admitted to receiving a hand-written letter from her containing a pair of undergarments.

“To be honest, those years were a constant source of anxiety and concern for me, marked by unrelenting events that stretched on seemingly endlessly.”

Netflix provided additional supporting statements from Craig Seymour, a previous manager at the Hawley Arms pub, and Laura Wray, who is the spouse of the late Scottish parliament member, Jimmy Wray.

1. Laura Wray stated that Harvey allegedly orchestrated a prolonged campaign of harassment towards her and her family for five years, with no action taken by the police during this time. However, she eventually secured an “interim interdict” order, which is similar to a restraining order.

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2024-07-30 05:47