Axrora: 5 THINGS I LOVE AND HATE in Star Wars Outlaws Review

As a gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I found myself initially skeptical about Star Wars Outlaws. My love for the Star Wars universe was the only thing that kept me from abandoning ship after the frustrating first few hours. The camera mechanics were a nightmare, especially during Speeder bike chases and combat, leaving me feeling like a blindfolded bull in a china shop more often than not.

Axrora’s comprehensive review of Star Wars Outlaws delves into their personal gaming journey with the title. They openly admit that their perspective is shaped by their own gaming abilities and familiarity. Initially, Axrora found themselves at odds with the game, encountering difficulties in controlling the camera, handling gunplay, and navigating through levels. Yet, their unwavering passion for Star Wars propelled them forward, eventually leading to a more favorable impression of the game.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The camera mechanics in Star Wars Outlaws were frustrating, especially when using the Speeder bike or in combat.
  • The gunplay initially felt sluggish and unsatisfying, but improved as abilities were learned and customized.
  • Navigation was difficult at first, but became easier with familiarity and exploration.
  • Collecting treasure and cosmetics felt challenging and sometimes confusing, but added replay value and incentive to explore.

Camera Mechanics and Gunplay:

Axrora voices disappointment with the camera controls in Star Wars Outlaws, specifically during rides on the Speeder bike and in battle situations. They describe the camera placement and movement as confusing and occasionally blocking their view, resulting in accidents and missed targets. However, they note that players have the option to modify the field of view for a more enjoyable gameplay experience.

Concerning the use of guns, Axrora initially found it slow and unsatisfying. Hitting targets from afar proved challenging due to poor precision. But as they advanced in the game and enhanced their skills, gunplay grew more enjoyable and fulfilling. Tinkering with the blaster and employing various settings brought diversity and tactical elements to combat situations.

Navigation and Collectibles:

At first, Axrora found it challenging to navigate through the game, feeling disoriented and annoyed as they maneuvered around barriers and aimed to reach targets. Yet, they noted that as they got accustomed to the planets and settings, navigation turned smoother. They propose that adding optional signposts or routes could save players time and lessen their frustration.

Axrora further talks about the tricky aspect of gathering treasures and beauty products in this game. They point out that stumbling upon hidden treasures might prove difficult, needing extensive scouting and occasionally depending on chance events. On the other hand, procuring cosmetics usually necessitates particular resources or Syndicate standing, which is often earned by finishing tasks. Despite being laborious, it makes the game more engaging and encourages further exploration.

Final Thoughts and Honorable Mentions:

In wrapping up their review, Axrora emphasizes more aspects of the game they adored. They laud the graphics and visuals, remarking on the awe-inspiring landscapes and captivating details. The reputation system and syndicates are singled out for their gripping missions and repercussions. Space battles, ship customization, and the wanted system are cited as entertaining elements that enhance the overall gameplay experience.

Although Axrora admits there are parts of the game they don’t particularly enjoy, they highlight their 39 hours and 39 minutes of playtime as a testament to the game’s allure. They point out that factors like the storyline, upgrades, character appearances, mini-games, and cosmetic elements all add to the game’s appealing features.

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2024-08-26 18:43