Apex Legends: Why the Mastiff Can Make You Rethink Your Loadout

As a seasoned Apex Legends player with countless hours under my belt, I can’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for Runsett- and his harrowing Mastiff experience. The struggle is real when it comes to mastering that chubby little beast of a shotgun, especially in high-stakes situations. It reminded me of the time I tried to tango with a Wraith while wielding the Mastiff – let’s just say it didn’t end well and left me with an equally embarrassing finisher moment!

As an avid fan, I’ve always found myself in Apex Legends battles that can result in either triumphant victories or humbling defeats. Recently, a gripping tale has surfaced from the subreddit about a nerve-wracking encounter with the Mastiff shotgun that left one player swearing off it forever: “Never again!” After my own lackluster experience handling this rotund weapon, user Runsett- posted a hilarious account of their struggles, highlighting the tricky nature of using this tool, particularly in high-pressure situations. The ensuing conversation was a mix of uproarious laughter and wise counsel, offering a glimpse into how the Mastiff is viewed within our gaming community.

Remind me to never pick up a mastiff
byu/Runsett- inapexlegends


  • The community shared both camaraderie and advice following a player’s amusing yet painful experience with the Mastiff.
  • Users suggested practical tips for effectively using shotguns, leaning towards hip-fire over aiming down sights.
  • While some joked about the failures, others emphasized the necessity of learning and practicing with the Mastiff.
  • Overall, sentiment ranged from light-hearted mockery to genuine advice, demonstrating deep-seated community support.

Community Reactions

In the discussion area, there was a burst of compassionate laughter and useful advice. One of the notable comments was made by user getgoodHornet, who suggested that more practice with the Mastiff could lead to improved performance. This idea was repeated frequently within the conversation, demonstrating that learning from experience is highly valued in this community. Many users also shared their own stories of early mishaps, which they transformed into amusing tales that mirrored Runsett’s situation. It serves as a lesson that accepting mistakes is crucial for gaming, particularly in a competitive setting like Apex Legends.

Tip Time: Hip-Fire vs. Aiming

A popular debate among comments revolved around the efficiency of hip-firing the Mastiff. User ‘abrarwasi12’ offered an insightful perspective, suggesting that utilizing a shotgun’s built-in advantages sometimes means sacrificing traditional aim-down-sights. Instead, they proposed mentally imagining a slim vertical line in the screen’s center to enhance hip-fire precision. This concept echoes a deeper community understanding – players intuitively grasp that shotguns like the Mastiff thrive in tight combat spaces where movement can be erratic and swift.

The Pain of the Finishers

It didn’t take long for jokes about the finisher that followed the bungled performance to arrive. User DemonDaVinci shared, “The finisher from Maggie to add insult to injury,” which perfectly captured the essence of a gamer’s struggle. It’s comedic how a single moment of vulnerability can turn into a meme wrapped in embarrassment. As players expressed their empathy through collective laughter, it highlighted the kind of experiences that create strong bonds within the gaming community — the shared pain of getting eliminated in spectacularly humiliating ways.

Practice Makes Perfect

During conversations about the Mastiff, various participants urged others to actively engage: try it out at the shooting range. In a playful manner, Knight-112 suggested, “You mustn’t simply pick up the Mastiff in the shooting range, you NEED to!” This suggestion is often found within gaming communities – mastering skills or understanding a weapon’s intricacies requires hands-on practice. Gamers recognize that no substitute exists for personal experience when gearing up for competitive play. Collectively, this experience-based insight motivates players not only to learn from their own errors but also from the community’s combined experiences.

Following a lively mix of humor, guidance, and heartfelt exchanges, it’s evident that using the Mastiff shotgun in Apex Legends isn’t a simple affair. Some players might choose to slow down their aiming speed, others may stick to hip-firing, and many find regular practice essential. Every tip enriches a player’s gaming experience, hinting at the potential for growth and skill improvement, even in the face of setbacks. The Apex Legends community’s joys and struggles underscore a collective realization that every new challenge, be it the Mastiff or anything else, offers an opportunity for progress to those who are willing to learn and adapt.

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2024-08-27 15:28