Apex Legends: Why Players Are Frustrated with Matchmaking in the Game

As a long-time Apex Legends player with over 1,500 hours under my belt, I can’t help but feel a deep sense of frustration when it comes to the game’s matchmaking system. The recent experiences shared by players like Marmelado and uulman highlight an issue that has long plagued the community: the skill gap between players feels insurmountable, often leading to unbalanced and unenjoyable matches.

Apex Legends is known for its fierce competition, but recent complaints from players about uneven matchmaking have amplified the tension. A post by user “Marmelado” titled “*Apex mercilessly pits me against inferior opponents. I was left without a third teammate and paired with a novice account. I can’t comment.*” drew attention, sparking a blend of annoyance and amusement. Marmelado, a seasoned level 1298 player, voiced their concern over being matched with an inexperienced level 1 player, resulting in a significant skill difference. With a gap of around 1,300 levels between them, Marmelado feared that the game’s matchmaking system was negatively impacting their gaming experience. This sentiment resonated with many players, who voiced similar concerns and shared their own experiences, highlighting a common issue within the game community.

Apex literally mocks every player. I didn’t get a third teammate and the second teammate is just a new account. No comment.
byu/Marmelado_ inapexlegends


  • Players are vocal about frustration with matchmaking, often facing huge skill gaps.
  • Many feel that the system is rigged, creating unbalanced and unenjoyable matches.
  • New players are often thrown into deep waters, making the initial experience frustrating.
  • There’s nostalgia for earlier matchmaking standards that separated beginners from veterans.

The Skill Gap Conundrum

Marmelado’s post brings attention to a notable problem in Apex Legends: the vast difference in skill level between players can seem insurmountable, particularly when teamed up with newbies. For instance, imagine a level 1298 player being placed in a game with a teammate at level 1. The disparity in experience is glaringly obvious. User uulman echoed this sentiment, pointing out how the matchmaking system frequently pits experienced players against teams of highly ranked opponents while they grapple with beginners. This issue resonates deeply with many gamers who find the learning curve for newcomers to be extremely steep, often resulting in a disheartening initial experience that might discourage them from continuing. After all, nobody wants to be eliminated swiftly without comprehending what led to their defeat.

Matchmaking Madness

Several users have expressed frustration with Apex Legends’ matchmaking system, sharing concerns from skepticism to disbelief. One user, in particular, bluntly stated, “It’s always been that way. Terrible system.” Players struggle to make sense of the seemingly illogical process behind matchmaking. Experienced gamers have reported their gaming experience deteriorating due to being grouped with novice players or, even more frustratingly, being left without a full squad during critical moments. The collective anxiety regarding the matchmaking system extends beyond a small group of players, sparking unease that the game may at times be poking fun at their competitive nature.

A Call for Change

Among growing discontent, some dedicated gamers such as StepCornBrother are advocating for a revamped matchmaking system. They express concern, “Why aren’t level 1-10 players separated from the rest?” This longing for the past in Apex Legends reflects veterans’ yearning for a more equitable gaming environment, allowing beginners to grow without being overpowered. Whether driven by nostalgia or a call for enhancement, these voices demand change. Will Respawn respond and modify the game’s matchmaking system to cater to all players?

Player Experiences and Comical Quirks

In simpler terms, the discussion thread was filled with various anecdotes, some amusing and others sad. *Freddyfazmuzzle* joined the conversation by sharing instances where they were the sole player in ranked matches, an almost comical scenario of attempting to face a whole squad on one’s own. *Themooingcow27* added to the tale, recounting a common frustration – a teammate leaving at the start of the game. This situation is relatable for many players, evoking feelings of nervousness as they are left to fight alone. Together, these stories paint a vivid picture of the ups and downs in Apex Legends, emphasizing that laughter and frustration go hand in hand within the gaming community.

For newbies and veterans of *Apex Legends*, including the renowned Marmelado, the gaming community encounters intricate issues with matchmaking. Beyond desiring recognition for their abilities, players aim for a harmonious experience, allowing them to tackle the game’s challenges together without impediments. The excitement for Apex Legends continues to thrive as discussions on platforms like Reddit escalate. Players yearn for enhancements that cater to all, ensuring an engaging and balanced experience for everyone involved, irrespective of their proficiency level. Here’s hoping Respawn acknowledges these requests promptly.

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2024-07-29 19:46