Apex Legends Update Woes: Players Share Frustrations and Bugs

As a dedicated Apex Legends player with countless hours spent navigating the battlefields of Kings Canyon and World’s Edge, I find myself disheartened by the recent update that has left many of us frustrated and longing for the days of stable gameplay. The constant stutters, high CPU usage, and malfunctioning features like killcam have turned our once thrilling battles into a series of technical hurdles.

Players of Apex Legends have strongly voiced their displeasure about a recent update, claiming it wasn’t thoroughly tested and resulted in numerous glitches that negatively affect their gaming experience. A post titled ‘Update is a mess’, by user AdnanNuric, outlines several issues such as unplayable conditions due to constant stutters, high CPU usage, and a broken requeue system. This sentiment echoes throughout the community, with users posting in the subreddit to share their disappointment and offer suggestions for resolving these ongoing problems. The overall feeling remains negative as players detail their personal experiences and explain how the latest update has affected their gameplay.

Update is shit
byu/AdnanNuric inapexlegends


  • Players are frustrated with countless bugs post-update, contradicting the supposed enhancements promised.
  • Many users report performance issues, including high CPU usage and stuttering, which make the game almost unplayable.
  • Critical features like the killcam and requeue function have been malfunctioning, leading to further discontent among the community.
  • There is a strong sense of constructive criticism, with players hoping developers take feedback seriously to improve the game.

Community Frustration

The heart of the conversation centers around players’ frustrations that seem to echo a common refrain: “how did this update make it through the testing phase?” AdnanNuric, the original poster, paints a picture of a broken game, citing issues ranging from stutters to completely non-functional features like the killcam. One comment from a user named DisastrousAccident30 lists multiple issues observed since the last update, further intensifying the outcry. The strong sentiment here is not just irritation; it’s a longing for the old, more stable experience. As one user poignantly put it, “thank god I stopped playing this game and just get to read how they make it worse” referring to the deteriorating state of the game.

Performance Issues

In terms of game performance, many gamers are expressing concern that they’ve regressed instead of progressed. The issue of high CPU usage has been a hot topic, validated by users like Dicey684 who found that their new drivers didn’t fix the ongoing problems. It appears that for those with older computers, this update has introduced an additional layer of difficulty, as settings that were once manageable have now become sources of annoyance. As wjjeeper pointed out, lag and uneven gameplay have caused some players to drop out of matches altogether, emphasizing the gravity of these performance problems. It’s evident that developers need to tackle these performance issues swiftly to prevent them from driving players away entirely.

Gameplay Mechanics in Peril

It seems that certain game features, like requeue and killcam, which were once considered standard, are now causing concern among players. Questions such as “Has requeue been addressed?” and “Why isn’t the killcam working?” are frequently asked. One user even pointed out the lack of essential feedback following elimination, leaving players in the dark about their performance. This dissatisfaction over these mechanics goes beyond feeling tricked during battles; it highlights a bigger problem with quality control and how updates affect the overall gaming experience. Players are clamoring for a rollback or prompt solutions to restore the game to its former excellence.

Calls for Feedback and Improvements

Amidst all the disappointment, there’s a spark of optimism, as numerous members in the community are determined to offer constructive feedback instead of merely voicing complaints. AdnanNuric’s frank opinions resonate deeply with many users who aim to elevate the game rather than let it slip away. This active stance is admirable, as players urge for their concerns to be acknowledged by the developers. The calls for the removal of troublesome elements demonstrate the community’s commitment to refining gameplay and helping the developers learn from their errors. It’s a delicate balance, striving for improvement while managing the repercussions of an update that wasn’t well received.

Amidst the cloud of pessimism surrounding recent updates, the collective voice of Apex Legends enthusiasts resonates strongly and harmoniously. These gamers aren’t merely complaining; they are ardent supporters with a deep-rooted affection for their game, eagerly anticipating its resurgence. With numerous technical glitches and problems to tackle, it remains to be determined how the developers will handle this surge of constructive feedback. Whether it’s through quick fixes or major overhauls of certain aspects, players are keeping vigil, staying patient, and hoping for a change in luck that revives their cherished game.

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2024-09-21 12:58