Apex Legends: The Mysterious Case of Disappearing Shields

As a seasoned Apex Legends player with countless hours under my belt, I find this recent occurrence of shield points mysteriously vanishing before taking damage utterly baffling. It’s like we’re playing a game within a game, and the rules keep changing without warning.

In simple terms, some Apex Legends gamers are perplexed by an odd occurrence that’s draining their shield health without being hit. According to user ginger-heat, an astonishing 70 shield points mysteriously disappeared before any bullets landed!

I lose 70 shield before the first bullet animation hits me
byu/ginger-heat inapexlegends


  • Players are divided on whether the shield disappearing act is a glitch or a gameplay issue.
  • Suggestions range from lag to weapon mechanics causing the anomaly.
  • Some users provide tips for better gameplay strategies to avoid such situations.

Players’ Opinions

As a passionate gamer myself, I’d like to share my perspective on the ongoing debate regarding the ping issue theory and the mysterious shield disappearance in our favorite game. While SimonApexPlayer disputes the assumption that multiple assailants cause the ping problem, I can understand his skepticism as we all experience unexpected lag at times.

Theory, Glitch, or Bad Luck?

Multiple individuals have suggested various explanations for the shield anomaly, including network delays and in-game glitches. Some users, however, think it might be intentional tactics from experienced opponents taking advantage of the game’s mechanics. The community is still debating which theory accurately explains this unusual incident.

Improving Gameplay

During the ongoing discussions among players, some suggest useful tips for enhancing the gaming experience. These suggestions include modifications to battle plans, refining weapons techniques, and maintaining alertness during heated battles. The conversation goes beyond just addressing technical matters, exploring comprehensive gameplay methods and approaches.

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2024-07-15 22:58