Apex Legends Rank Discussion: Should Masters and Predators Play Only with Their Peers?

As a gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I find myself deeply invested in the ongoing debate about Apex Legends‘ ranked matchmaking system. Having climbed the ranks from novice to Predator, I can attest that facing opponents who are equally skilled is exhilarating and rewarding. However, I also understand the frustration felt by less-experienced players when they’re thrust into matches against seasoned veterans.

Discussions about Apex Legends’ ranked matchmaking have been heating up among gamers globally, with a recent Reddit post causing quite a stir. The post by user Unlikely-Wolverine67 proposes an interesting idea: once players reach the Masters or Predator ranks, they should only battle against others of similar skill level. This argument is based on the belief that lower-ranked players shouldn’t have to compete against highly skilled opponents, even if it means longer waiting times for matches. The post has sparked a wide range of opinions, from those who agree to those who are more skeptical, as players weigh in on whether the current system fairly represents different skill levels.

Hot Take but i’m deadly serious
byu/Unlikely-Wolverine67 inapexlegends


  • Debate centers on whether ranked matchmaking is fair for players of different skill levels.
  • Some argue for stricter matchmaking to enhance the competitive experience.
  • Critics highlight that current systems may need adjustments to accommodate all players.
  • Common disagreements revolve around match difficulty and if such a system would reduce smurfing.

The Case for Strict Matchmaking

Supporters of the suggested adjustments in matchmaking believe that players who’ve reached higher levels such as Masters or Predator should play with others of similar skill level, not amateurs. The original post makes this clear using an apt comparison, equating it to professional athletes refusing to compete against beginners. One Redditor simply put it, “Just because I climbed to a high rank doesn’t mean I can’t play with anyone but the best?” This statement captures the annoyance of lower-ranked players who are often paired with top performers. In essence, it’s demoralizing for less experienced players to battle against those who have invested many hours in perfecting the game mechanics.

User Experiences and Concerns

Multiple users contributed to the discussion, expressing their personal encounters that highlight the potential problems of rapid matchmaking. A recurring sentiment was evident: many gamers feel that the success of top-tier players doesn’t necessarily improve their own gaming experience. One user voiced frustration, “I get criticized because masters are paired with me and I’m just gold/plat,” demonstrating a widespread annoyance regarding team dynamics due to mismatched skill levels in matchmaking. Across the conversation, the concern that the casual player’s enjoyment suffers in such situations was frequently reiterated.

Potential Issues with Exclusivity

While some people argue that strictly separating ranks through matchmaking is not the ideal solution, others worry about high-skill players creating alternate accounts, known as “smurf accounts,” to evade these restrictions. This loophole, as one user put it, could exacerbate the problem, with lower-skilled players being affected even more. Thus, it seems that unless smurfing is effectively tackled, a new system might unintentionally make the matchmaking environment more complex instead of resolving existing issues.

Suggestions for Better Matchmaking

Instead of entirely prohibiting lower-ranked players from joining advanced matches, some users have suggested alternative methods. These proposals encompassed designing a distinct game mode that higher-ranked individuals could enter with greater rewards, or rewarding play through unique objectives other than just being number one, much like Warzone’s nuclear mission. A forward-thinking player suggested introducing new goals might attract skilled players without diminishing the fun aspect for lower-ranked gamers. This innovative strategy indicates a community preference not only for competition but also for engaging gameplay suitable for all skill sets.

In the course of these conversations, it’s evident that the Apex Legends community as a whole is working towards a balanced ranked mode that honors the time and dedication spent in climbing the ranks. This could be achieved through tighter matchmaking rules or innovative ideas from the community itself. The ultimate objective is to enhance the gaming experience for everyone, acknowledging each player’s commitment to the game. As the developers pay heed to these discussions, we’ll soon find out if future updates will cater to these shared concerns, aiming to establish a more equitable and enjoyable ranked system for all players.

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2024-08-12 19:45