Apex Legends Players Unite: The Call to Bring Back DUOs

As someone who has spent countless hours huddled around my gaming desk with friends, Apex Legends duos hold a special place in my heart. The thrill of strategizing with a partner, the camaraderie forged in the heat of battle, and the shared sense of accomplishment when we emerged victorious – it’s an experience that transcends the digital screen.

Fans of Apex Legends are making their feelings known in a Reddit thread titled “Bring Back Duos!” initiated by user lucidvein. The post reflects a strong sense of dissatisfaction among players following the removal of the well-liked duo mode, causing many to wonder about the reasons behind this change. Many comments evoke fond memories of the Duos format, pointing out how it fostered enjoyable team dynamics between friends during gameplay. The majority of replies indicate a wish for the mode to be reintroduced, leading to discussions about its influence on the game and the potential effect on player enjoyment.

Give us back DUOs!
byu/lucidvein inapexlegends


  • Players miss the DUOs mode as it allowed for more personalized gameplay with friends.
  • Opinions are divided, with some advocating for more gameplay options like ranked duos.
  • Others argue that the removed mode wasn’t popular and its absence is less impactful than it seems.
  • Community sentiment leans towards wanting more modes rather than fewer, reflecting a general craving for variety in Apex Legends.

The Emotional Weight of DUOs

In Apex Legends, the Duo mode plays a significant role in forming emotional bonds between players due to shared gameplay experiences. Users like SharpPoint8 have imaginatively suggested bigger modes such as 30v30, although these ideas are somewhat over-the-top, they express a common dissatisfaction with the limited variety of available game modes. Playing Duos allows teammates to share triumphs, collaborate on strategies, and even endure defeats together. Memorable moments, like when a teammate is knocked but not eliminated, create a feeling of resilience and camaraderie. The post emphasizes that the Duo mode was a key aspect of the gaming experience, something many gamers eagerly hope to see again in the future.

The Case For More Modes

In the ongoing discussion about the game, several ideas have surfaced on potential developments. A user named Illegal_FrenchToast proposes an intriguing idea: keeping all three modes – duos, trios, and quads – active at once to preserve balance. Many players find this appealing because they feel that the current setup restricts their choices and enjoyment. On the other hand, NightProfessional800 has advocated for ranked duos, arguing that competitive players should also have the chance to team up if they wish to advance in the rankings. This suggests a widespread desire among players: they want options to play with friends, whether casually or competitively, and eliminating the DUOS option leaves a gap in the variety of gameplay experiences available.

The Critique of Removal

It’s worth noting that while some people don’t view the elimination of DUOs as a bad decision, there are users like Particular_Pain2850 who strongly hope that it stays gone. The main argument seems to be a preference for stronger team structures, with some players suggesting that duos might discourage collaboration among larger groups of players. Additionally, FreeSquirkJuice has pointed out that the performance of DUOs mode could have been lackluster, potentially creating an environment where players felt less confident. This viewpoint suggests a potential issue in player mindset, implying that DUOs might unintentionally encourage less ambitious gameplay styles.

The Community Spirit

The heart of the Reddit discussion reflects a vibrant community willing to advocate for changes they feel passionate about. It’s clear that many players, like ShadowGinrai, enjoy the added fun that quads provide in co-op play. They visualize the game through a social lens where friends can band together for exciting multiplayer experiences, regardless of whether it’s a party of two, three, or four. Yet the exploration of this balance isn’t just a simple case of adding or removing modes; it’s an ongoing dialogue about player experience. The variety of sentiments encapsulated in the thread highlights an aspect of community that thrives on adaptability and evolution, encouraging developers to listen closely to feedback.

In the ongoing debate among Apex Legends players, one point is undeniably true: winning isn’t the only thing that matters; they value their time spent playing and bonding together. The clamor for the return of the DUOs mode highlights friendships, rivalries, and collective memories that players cherish as they adapt to the game’s constant updates. Whether the developers decide to listen or not, these conversations provide a fascinating glimpse into the preferences and expectations of gamers today.

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2024-08-18 10:28