Apex Legends: Community Outrage Sparks Call for Review Bombing to Pave the Way for Change

As a long-time Apex Legends player, I can’t help but feel a deep sense of disillusionment and frustration with the current state of our beloved game. The community has reached a boiling point, and we’re taking drastic measures to make ourselves heard – review bombing being one of them. I’ve been following this game since its inception, investing countless hours into mastering its mechanics, forming friendships, and even competing in tournaments.

Apex Legends’ community is at its breaking point, with players expressing their concerns about the game’s current state through mass negative reviews – a practice known as review bombing. A recent Reddit thread has ignited debates on the efficiency of this tactic, encouraging gamers to air their long-standing grievances against Electronic Arts (EA) and Respawn Entertainment for perceived neglect. Mgc_Adri, the thread’s creator, believes that review bombing is an effective method to grab developers’ attention and initiate change, reflecting a profound sense of dissatisfaction with years of perceived inattention. In the ensuing discussions, numerous players join the conversation, sharing their complaints, experiences, and doubts about whether this extreme approach will ultimately bring about the desired improvements.

We as a community need to keep review bombing the game until they fix it completely.
byu/Mgc_Adri inapexlegends


  • The community is calling for review bombing as a method to force developers to take player feedback seriously.
  • Players express disappointment over persistent issues like matchmaking, monetization strategies, and perceived developer silence.
  • The conversation reveals a divide among players regarding the efficacy and consequences of review bombing.
  • Mgc_Adri’s post ignites a broader dialogue on the relationship between players and game developers.

The Call for Review Bombing

Mgc_Adri’s initial post encourages the community to persist with leaving negative reviews as a powerful form of protest against EA’s questionable choices, specifically concerning in-game monetization and disregard for player feedback. The gaming public feels that they are speaking into an empty void, encountering glossy marketing messages instead of attentive ears. A prevailing belief holds that financial losses will be the only catalyst for EA and Respawn to prioritize player contentment once again. The sentiment among players is one of frustration and determination to effect change for the beloved game they hold dear.

Frustration with EA and Respawn

Players express concern that Respawn’s actions are restricted by EA’s control, leading them to view the developers as marionettes in a disappointing monetization and missed opportunity saga. Commentators like KozukiYamatoTakeru recall past instances of broken promises, implying a pattern of hollow apologies followed by repeated offenses. This history fuels players’ suspicion, as they argue that not only is Respawn’s communication lacking, but the player base has also experienced disrespect in the past. The collective frustration centers around allegations that EA manipulates situations for financial gain rather than addressing players’ concerns. Consequently, players feel their in-game experiences depend on corporate decision-making that appears detached from their grievances.

The Divide Among Players

Among gamers, there’s growing debate over review bombing as players express their views. Some are enthusiastic about it, believing it’s essential to show the extent of dissatisfaction and push for improvements. Others, like aknop, caution against potential risks, fearing that negative reviews could deter newcomers from joining. This give-and-take fuels intense discussions, underscoring the need for game enhancement but also the uncertainties of the approach’s impact on the player community. In other words, it’s a delicate dance between applying pressure on developers and considering how that pressure might shape the future of the player base.

Hope for Change

In spite of the annoyances, there’s a glimmer of optimism running through the conversations. Gamers understand that if EA and Respawn collaborate and change their approaches, they have the power to bring Apex Legends back to its peak. The faith is that with as much passion and dedication as the community can offer, Respawn could surmount the present predicament. The visions on the forums depict a future where developers truly value player feedback and focus on delivering top-notch content over PR stunts. The prospect of an alternative developer taking over is invigorating; it feels like sketching a fantasy on the canvas of what could be. Gamers envision a situation in which a publisher invests emotional resources into improving gameplay and adding features instead of treating it as disposable content driven solely by financial gains.

As a passionate gamer deeply involved in the Apex Legends community, I’ve noticed that our discussions reveal a resilient and fervently hopeful group of players. Frustrations are shared openly, but so is our desire for change. Our conversations highlight not only our concerns, but also our belief that beneath the surface lies an incredible potential for positivity.

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2024-07-26 17:13