Andy Cohen on ‘Dramatic’ New Season of ‘Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,’ Rebecca Minkoff Scientology Backlash and One Year Since the Reality Reckoning: ‘I Don’t Really Think About It’

As a huge fan of Bravo, I couldn’t be more thrilled to see Rebecca on “The Real Housewives of Miami.” She brings such a unique and refreshing energy to the show, making it even more captivating for viewers. With her compelling personal story, aspirational lifestyle, and deep roots in the art community, she’s an excellent addition to the cast. The camaraderie among the women seems stronger than ever, and I believe that this season will showcase a true unit, which is fantastic!

Andy Cohen is unbothered.

In a hidden conference room above the lounge of London’s Langham Hotel, I find the Emmy-winning executive producer of Bravo‘s “Real Housewives” franchise and the host of “Watch What Happens Live” nonchalantly doodling on a notepad. Despite Cohen’s casual demeanor, taking a seat at the long, wooden table feels like I’m about to hear the state of the union from an important elected official. In a way, this isn’t far from the truth.

Andy Cohen is unquestionably the head of “The Real Housewives” franchise, a role he has held since its debut in 2006 with the “Orange County” edition. Over the years, it has grown into an international sensation with a dedicated fanbase, leading to 11 separate series in the U.S. and 21 worldwide. Currently, Cohen is in London for the inaugural Hayu FanFest, an event organized by NBCUniversal’s all-reality streaming service, Hayu, which lets viewers in 45 countries stream their favorite shows on the day they air in the U.S.

Cohen shares his awe at having so many devoted and spirited fans on the other side of the ocean,” Cohen tells EbMaster. “In America, our fandom’s passion is what makes our story, and encountering people everywhere who echo these feelings here, it showcases the strength of our brand.

Overseeing one of the largest reality TV franchise empires has not been without its hurdles. Last year, Bravo, its parent company NBCUniversal, and Cohen encountered a situation they called a “reality reckoning,” leading to lawsuits from former Housewives due to accusations of sexism, substance abuse, on-set racism, and other misconduct. Additionally, a former “New York City” star, Bethenny Frankel, urged reality TV stars to unionize. An external investigation was carried out by Bravo and NBCUniversal into the misconduct allegations against Cohen, and he was found innocent. Although the legal matters are yet to be fully resolved, Cohen now claims he no longer dwells on these issues.

He consistently emphasizes his work on the shows he produces, expressing his pride in collaborating with exceptional production companies. As he mentioned a year ago, and reiterates now, he takes immense pride in the systems we’ve had in place to prioritize mental health, as well as those currently in effect that allow us to create outstanding television loved by viewers worldwide.

Here’s my take:

There are four “Real Housewives” shows airing right now — “Orange County,” “Potomac,” “Salt Lake City” and “New York City” — which season is your favorite so far?

Currently, my preferred show is “Atlanta,” as I’m six episodes deep into its latest season. Generally, I keep my eyes on what’s coming next, but the trailer for “Beverly Hills” was released yesterday and it looks quite promising. The lives of the characters seem to have undergone significant transformations this season.

You quickly revamped “Potomac” for this season after the exit of Robyn Dixon and Candiace Dillard Bassett — how do you feel like it’s going?

Wonderful! It appears the platelets have adjusted as planned. A slight jolt was required to set things in motion, which is precisely what these shows aim to do. I’m genuinely pleased not only with the quality of the episodes but also with the enthusiastic response from the audience and the rise in ratings.

It’s opened the doors for some new friendships to form, including… possibly Gizelle Bryant and Wendy Osefo?

It’s a delight to catch up with Gizelle and Wendy! In fact, I chatted with them just yesterday. Gizelle mentioned she needed to talk to Wendy about something. Hearing that makes me happy.

There were Monica Garcia stans who thought “Salt Lake City” would flop without her this season. They’ve been proven wrong. What do you make of that? 

It seems these shows aim to emphasize that no individual character outshines the group as a whole. Last season was exceptional and this one offers a fresh, unique take. It’s important to have faith in the progression, and this season’s cast has been exceptionally well-chosen. To put it simply, Bronwyn [Newport] is an excellent new addition to the show. From the very first episode, there’s a sense of moving forward. This season showcases a different side of Mary [Cosby]. Although we are only just beginning this season, viewers will undoubtedly be pleased with what’s to come.

Mary really seems to have turned a new leaf this season, I think she’s being more vulnerable than ever.

I agree, and I’m looking forward to sharing an intriguing personal tale about Mary that I believe will resonate deeply with others.

And you have some new faces on “New York,” including Rebecca Minkoff. What’s your reaction to the backlash she’s been getting for being a Scientologist?

As a film enthusiast, I must admit that I don’t necessarily have an opinion on people’s views towards Scientology. However, let me tell you, this New York lady is quite the character to have around! And Raquel [Chevremont], oh boy, she’s truly mind-blowing! She’s got a fascinating personal tale in the pipeline too. I find her incredibly aspirational and stylish, and it’s just wonderful to see someone so vibrant and connected to the art world grace our screen. I believe this show has always aimed to delve into such creative spheres, and I feel that having her on board makes us all the more cohesive as a group, like we’ve been friends for years. In essence, this feels like a well-knit unit now.

Do you think it’s strange that none of the other women are grilling Rebecca more about Scientology, or is that to come?

The topic frequently reappears in the series, and I believe she effectively communicated her boundaries during the initial interview. It seems she’s not using the show as a platform for Scientology discussions. Let’s watch how this aspect unfolds.

Now that it’s been over a year since the “reality reckoning,” how are you feeling? Did it change the way you do things at all?

I seldom ponder much on other matters. My primary focus has always been on creating the shows I oversee, and as I mentioned a year ago, and will repeat now, I take great pride in collaborating with exceptional production companies. I am proud of the care systems we had in place a year ago, and I’m proud of the current ones that prioritize both mental health support and the creation of high-quality television that captivates audiences worldwide. Particularly, I admire the women on “Housewives” and our relationships with them. Recently, an insightful article in the L.A. Times featured Heather Gay discussing how the show has impacted her life, emphasizing its importance for women and its feminist undertones — a perspective that underscores for me what truly matters about this series, silencing any irrelevant noise.

Bethenny Frankel was definitely one of the loudest voices during the Reality Reckoning. Have you heard from her at all?

I don’t really pay attention. She’s very active on TikTok; I’m not on TikTok.

You were on Doug Emhoff’s TikTok the other day alongside Ben Stiller as part of Girl Dads for Harris. Why has it been important for you to campaign for her?

This election is particularly significant for our era. While it’s often said every four years, I genuinely feel this time it is. As a gay American father deeply attached to my nation, and the son of a woman who instilled in me the importance of standing firm for what I believe and expressing my opinions, I have something to share if people choose to listen. If not, I wholeheartedly respect their decision too. In about two weeks, the election will pass, and we can all return to our normal routines. Everyone can then relax and take a breather.

You also went viral last week for a video of you rocking out to the Grateful Dead. What was your reaction to that?

As a movie critic, initially, I felt a pang of concern as I navigated the often murky waters of the internet. But upon witnessing this private moment of profound happiness at a concert, I was compelled to pause and express my hope that its true nature wasn’t lost in translation. Thankfully, it appears that this heartwarming scene has indeed touched people, just as it stirred emotions within me. It was a moment of pure joy, and I genuinely hope it brought as much happiness to others as it did to me.

Will we see you hosting “New Year’s Eve Live” again this year with Anderson Cooper? And will you be drinking?

Absolutely! Without a doubt, after the incident during the hurricane with Anderson, I’m not just offering him tequila, I’m planning to throw it at him.

This interview has been edited and condensed.

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2024-10-26 19:47