All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

As an old-time adventurer who’s seen more than a few Elementites in my day, let me tell you about these crystals that pulse with magical energy scattered across this land.

Throughout your adventure in Visions of Mana, you’ll encounter Elementites scattered across various locations. By collecting these Elementites from crystals during your travels, you can replenish some of your mana and accumulate some elemental points. Familiarizing yourself with all the hidden Elementite spots in Visions of Mana is crucial if you aim to maximize your points.

This guide is still in progress and will be updated soon.

Every Elementite crystal in Visions of Mana

In this walkthrough, you will find the position of each Elementite crystal in Visions of Mana, along with the element they represent. Keep in mind that you might need to revisit certain areas to collect Elementites you may have missed during your journey.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

1. Keep in mind that you can’t gather an Elementite unless you possess the matching Vessel. Also, it seems that they only show up on the map once you own the vessel. I’ve managed to find many of them without the vessels, but let me tell you, it was quite a challenge!


All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

1. In Tianeea, there exists a single Elementite, specifically a Fire Elementite crystal positioned near the docks. Unfortunately, due to game mechanics, you cannot gather it when you first begin playing; instead, you’ll need to return for it later.

Charred Passage

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

1. As I stepped into the Charred Passage from Tianeea Village, the very first Elementite I encountered was nestled near the thundering waterfall. This one was a Water Elementite, a testament to the raw power of the cascading waters nearby.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

2. The second is on the beach, in the center of a crumbling structure. It’s a Water Elementite.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

3. The third Elementite is near the center of the beach, directly across from a treasure chest.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

4. The fourth Elementite is in the ruins. It’s a Fire Elementite.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

5. The fifth Elementite is north of the Ruins, by the path.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

6. I’ve found the sixth Elementite nestled by the wind-crafted tunnel, right in the heart of a narrow stream. This one’s a Wind Elementite, harnessing the very essence of the air around it.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

7. The seventh Elementite can be found in the bottom right corner of the Charred Passage.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

1. The eighth Crystal of Elementite is located at the foot of the hill, in the lower right part of Charred Passage. This one is a Moon Elementite.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

9. The ninth Elementite is located close to the bridge connecting the two biggest cliffs within the Charred Passage.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

10. The 10th Elementite is near the exit of the Charred Passage. It’s a Wind Elementite.

Aery Vale & Aery Passage

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

1. Right at the start of the Aery Vale is a Fire Elementite.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

2. From the starting point, take the path to the right and up a hill to find another Elementite.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

3. If you gaze directly at the central wind tunnel from the position of the Earth Elementite, you’ll spot another Elementite.

Go through the passage on the right of the Earth Elementite.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

4. By the bridge in Aery Passage, you’ll see a Moon Elementite.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

5. Across the bridge is another Elementite.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

6. Circumnavigate the trail, and I assure you, a Moon Elementite awaits, offering a breathtaking vantage point over the cascading waterfalls in the valley of Aery.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

7. Drop to the ground to find another Elementite.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

8. Near where you exit to head back towards Longren, there are some ancient ruins. They form a massive circular shape. One section of it contains a large chunk of Elementite that’s pink in color.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

9. The other end has another one.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

10. In the central part of Aery Vale, there are two Moon Elementals. One is stationed near a wooden staircase in one of the corners.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

11. Another Moon Elementite is positioned next to a chest. However, it’s situated on the opposite side of the initial entryway into the Vale, meaning you would have taken a left turn instead of a right one to reach it.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

12. There’s a Fire Elementite near the two houses in the Vale.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

13. A Wind Elementite on the lower level by the houses, next to some trees.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

14. Another Elementite can be found south of the Wind Elementite in the last screenshot.


There is only one Elementite in Longren.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

1. On the top of the hill where Careena did her wind dancing, you’ll find a Wind Elementite.

Mt. Gala

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

There are three Elementite crystals on the path that takes you up to the top of Mt. Gala.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

1. The initial location for the Elementite crystal is atop a modest hill with a scenic view of the lake. Upon departing from Longren, you’ll discover this Wind Elementite crystal.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

2. The second Crystal of Elementite isn’t located too distantly; it sits atop some stones following your leap from one cliff to another. Upon revisiting the spot and taking a screenshot, I confirmed that it indeed is a Wind Elementite.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

3. You’ll find the third one past a damaged bridge, higher up the trail. It can be reached by using your Wind Vessel. This one is also an elemental crystal of Air.

Lefeya Drifts

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

At the beginning of the Lefeya Drifts, you’ll find yet another Wind Elementite crystal waiting for collection.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

2. By the giant door that you can’t open in the top left corner of the Lefeya Drifts.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

3. In the center of the Drifts, near the fast travel/save point. This is a Fire Elementite.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

4. On the right of the save point, you’ll find a Moon Elementite.


All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

Etaern only has one Elementite.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

Venturing beyond the town of Etaern, you’ll stumble upon a Moon Elementite crystal not far from where you chat with Morley’s three sisters. After finding this enchanting crystal, make sure to grab the chest located on the right side (marked by a blue circle on your mini-map) before heading left to exit Etaern.

Fallow Steppe

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

In the vast expanse known as Fallow Steppe, home to the farm where you obtain your mounts, you’ll find numerous Elementite crystals. These crystals can be located beyond the farm, deep within the broader region of Fallow Steppe.

1. The first is down the path from the farm and on the left. This is a Wind Elementite.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

2. The second is further down the hillside, on one of the hill’s ridges.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

3. The third location is situated atop a notable hill, right smack in the center of the route leading to Rhata Harbor. It’s hard to overlook the building; it stands out quite clearly on the map.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

4. I need to head up the hill in front of me, starting from the northern base. After reaching the peak, I’ll circle around the top to find another crystal – this one seems to be a Moon Elementite.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

Heading back along the trail, just beneath the Luna Elementite signpost, I stumbled upon the fifth one myself – the elusive Elementite.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

6. The sixth is on the far left of the map, near the edge. This is a Water Elementite.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

7. You’ll find the seventh Moon Elementite atop a hill, which offers a panoramic view of the trail leading from Fallow Steppe to Rhata Harbor. This specific Elementite is called the Hilltop Moon Elementite.

There are no Elementite crystals in Rhata Harbor.

Ledgas Bay

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

There is only one Elementite in Ledgas Bay.

Next to the harbor, slightly concealed behind some blooms and a tree on the left curbside, there’s a Water Elemental waiting to be discovered.

Pritta Ridge

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

1. Next to the small dock near the entrance to Pritta Ridge, you’ll find a Fire Elementite.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

2. On the hill above the docks, you’ll find another Elementite.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

3. A Moon Elementite can be found on the first bridge.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

4. There’s a Water Elementite on the beach.


All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

1. There’s a Water Elementite near the center of Illystana – across from the Dudbear.

Luka Ruins

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

1. Luka Ruins’ first Elementite is in the back right corner.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

2. The second, a Wind Elementite, overlooks the cliff.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

3. The third, a Water Elementite, is inside the ruins, near the entrance.

All Elementite locations in Visions of Mana

4. The fourth, another Water Elementite, is on the lower level of the ruins.

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2024-08-29 17:54