All changes in Age of Mythology Retold

As a longtime devotee of the Age of Mythology series, I must say that the Retold edition has truly outdone itself. With its meticulous attention to detail and thoughtful updates, it feels like a game tailored specifically for me, an avid strategy gamer with a penchant for Greek mythology. The removal of the Favor cap and the population limit increase have made my gaming experience smoother than ever before. And let’s not forget about the new maps – each one offering a fresh challenge and immersing me deeper into the world of mythology.

Twenty-two years have passed since the first Age of Mythology game was released on Halloween, October 31, 2002. Excitement is building as its remastered version, Age of Mythology: Retold, debuts on September 4, 2024. If you’re a fan and wondering what’s new, here’s a rundown to help you prepare for your return to the game world.

The differences between Age of Mythology and Age of Mythology: Retold

Learning about the modifications this remaster introduces is crucial for fans, as it allows them to dive straight into the game once downloaded. Familiarity with the various Pantheons within the game is assumed beforehand.

All changes in Age of Mythology Retold

In Age of Mythology: Retold, you’ll notice a host of upgrades and fresh additions. These range from overhauled attack strategies to an enlarged fleet of vessels. You’ll see alterations in unit management, naval skirmishes, and even the aesthetics and functionality of your structures. Let’s delve into these modifications so you’re well-prepared to explore the game’s novel and refined aspects.

#1 A more reactive attack command

All changes in Age of Mythology Retold

Instead of clicking individually on each enemy you wish to battle, you can now just guide your troops towards a single target. They will continue attacking until all enemies within that vicinity have been defeated.

To keep your ranged soldiers from approaching enemies, just select them by clicking and dragging, then command them to move separately from the rest of your army.

It can look a little chaotic, but

#2 More ships for seafaring folk

All changes in Age of Mythology Retold

Initially, during the classical era in the original Age of Mythology, only arrow ships were at our disposal. However, in the updated version, Age of Mythology: Retold, players get to utilize not just one but three different types of attack ships!

Docks are far too time-consuming for foot soldiers to try and take out. Where possible, try to use ships to attack your enemy’s docks and ships.

In your game progression, as you move through different eras, you will unlock mythical units that are no longer associated with lesser deities.

In Age of Mythology: Retold, naval vessels now have the ability to traverse shallow waters, a feature that wasn’t present in the original game.

#3 Using God Powers

In the game “Age of Mythology: Retold”, you’re free to invoke your divine abilities more than once, but only if you have sufficient favor accumulated to do so again.

In this scenario, there’s a timer that ensures fairness in the game. However, if you have sufficient villagers offering their devotion at a temple, you can unleash multiple divine abilities during combat against your adversaries.

#4 Auto Scout feature

With Auto Scout, the AI assumes command over a given unit, enabling it to traverse the map autonomously on behalf of the player for exploration purposes.

In the game “Age of Mythology: Retold”, every scouting unit inherently possesses a feature known as the ‘autonomous exploration capability’. Each civilization boasts unique scouting units of their own.

  • Atlanteans: Oracle, Oracle (Hero).
  • Egyptians: Priest, Baboon of Set.
  • Greeks: Kataskopos, Pegasus, Hippocampus.
  • Norse: Berserk, Raven.

While auto-scouting, Oracles will temporarily stop at strategic locations to ensure they have the best possible view before continuing.

#5 Visual effects for buildings

All changes in Age of Mythology Retold

Buildings now have visual effects based on the terrain they’re placed on:

  • Burnt terrain – Buildings look charred and weathered.
  • Marsh dirt terrain – Structures appear coated in mud.
  • Marshy terrain – Structures appear grungy, and are covered in mold and moss.
  • Sandy terrain – Buildings get dusted with a light layer of sand.
  • Snowy/icy terrain – A thin layer of snow covers the buildings.

#6 New Campaign Relics

All changes in Age of Mythology Retold

As a seasoned gamer of Age of Mythology: Retold, I’ve stumbled upon a fresh batch of 13 Relics that weren’t part of the original game! These campaign relics I’m now wielding were missing from the original version.

  • Crown of Hera – One use of the Lightning Storm God Power.
  • Cup of Dionysus – One use of the Bronze God Power.
  • Fafnir’s Golden Mailcoat – Reduces the pierce vulnerability of human soldiers and heroes by 5%.
  • Glaucus’ Book of Prophecies – Increases fish gather rate by 30%.
  • Golden Camel Statue – Increases Osiris Piece Cart movement speed by one.
  • Prow of the Argo – Increases warship hit points by 20%.
  • Relic of Ancestors – One use of the Ancestors God Power.
  • Relic of Bronze – One use of the Bronze God Power.
  • Relic of Earthquake – One use of the Earthquake God Power.
  • Relic of Prosperity – One use of the Prosperity God Power.
  • Relic of Tornado – One use of the Tornado God Power.
  • Shield of Athena – One use of the Restoration God Power.
  • Zeus’ Thunderbolts – Put this into Zeus’ Temple to vanquish your foes.

#7 Villager Priority feature

In the realm of Age of Mythology: Retold, the Villager Priority system proves to be a game-changer for us, the gamers. Instead of micro-managing each worker individually to gather food, wood, and gold, this feature allows our villagers to distribute themselves among these resources automatically. Now, I don’t need to worry about perfecting every build order right from the start; I can focus on the broader strategy while this helpful system takes care of the nitty-gritty details. It’s a lifesaver for those moments when you want to quickly manage your villagers and get back to the epic battles ahead!

You can access Villager Priority through a button near the god powers UI. It doesn’t include Favor collection for the Greeks and won’t construct new resource drop sites, but enabling “Allow Farm Construction” lets villagers build Farms to improve food gathering.

#8 Standard victory conditions

As a gamer, I’ve got to focus on building essential structures for my survival: Town Centers, Temples, and fortified structures similar to Fortresses, while leaving Caravans out of the equation. These are my priority!

If a player loses all of these, they are defeated, even if other buildings like Archery Ranges or Markets remain.

#9 Ranged Unit accuracy changes

All changes in Age of Mythology Retold

In a manner reminiscent of Age of Empires II, ranged units like archers will now exhibit reduced precision against moving objectives. Enhance your accuracy while targeting mobile units by investing in Ballistics research at the Armory.

In these structures – Town Centers, Village Centers, and Citadels – the Ballistics effect is inherently built-in, eliminating the necessity for any additional upgrades.

#10 The Wonder Age

All changes in Age of Mythology Retold

Although the Titan Age has been removed, the Wonder Age has taken its place.

At this point, a Wonder has been constructed, and it becomes inaccessible if the Wonder gets demolished. In the era of the Wonder, the costs for recharging divine abilities decrease by 75%, and their cooling-off periods are shortened by 75% as well.

At this point, Mythical Units and Titans undergo substantial upgrades. They acquire double their current health points, deal twice as much damage (including continuous damage), and move 20% faster. To top it off, they also appear more imposing in size.

During the era of Wonders, it is now possible to construct the Titan Gate anew. Every ten minutes within the game, a fresh Titan Gate can be built. The initial gate requires 400 units of favor, with each subsequent gate requiring an additional 400 favor.

#11 Other general changes

  • A Divine damage type has been added. Several Units have divine attack by default (such as the Myrmidon) while others may gain it from specific myth upgrades.
  • Huntable animals no longer automatically attack the player’s Units unless attacked first.
  • Some minor objects and Units from the original game, including the Golden Fleece and the Giant Duck-Billed Platypus, have been taken out.
  • The Favor cap has been removed.
  • The population limit has been raised to 1000.
  • When you place a resource drop site, a nearby idle Villager will automatically start building it.

#12 All map changes

New maps:

  • Arena
  • Aïr
  • Giza
  • Elysium
  • Gold Rush
  • Ironwood
  • Kerlaugar
  • Mirage
  • Mirkwood
  • Mount Olympus
  • Muspellheim
  • Nile Shallows
  • Tiny

The “King of the Hill,” “Regicide,” and “Sudden Death” game types have been taken out individually. Now, you can enjoy playing these specific scenarios as independent Skirmish game modes, regardless of the map you choose.

Changes to existing maps:

  • Alfheim has gained autumn oak trees and natural lighting in place of pine trees and eerie golden light. Greek-style columns have been swapped for Nordic ones, and the Ruins object has been removed.
  • Anatolia has grassy terrain with snow instead of sand and snow.
  • Archipelago generates mountains both on land and in the sea.
  • Black Sea has grassy terrain with snow instead of sand and snow.
  • Erebus now generates small lava pits rather than long rivers. The rare River Styx water variant has been removed, and statues of Hades now appear near Relics instead of Columns and Ruins.
  • Highland now has a mix of grass and dirt terrain instead of lush grass, with slightly wider rivers.
  • Megalopolis features desert sand terrain with patches of green grass under berry bushes, and palm forests instead of the original mix of palm, oak, and acacia trees.
  • Marsh has mostly muddy grass around the wetlands, replacing the lush grass.
  • Nomad now generates as a complete island, similar to its Age of Empires versions, with a new Greek biome variant in addition to the Egyptian biome.
  • River Nile has grassy riverbanks.
  • Sea of Worms features autumn oak trees instead of pine, tundra terrain instead of snow and sand, and players no longer start with a Fortress, Migdol Stronghold, Hill Fort, or Palace instead of Sentry Towers.
  • Team Migration has starting islands covered in sand instead of grass.
  • Tundra has more permafrost terrain and no longer features falling snow.
  • Valley of Kings no longer has Bandit Migdols guarding gold; shrines near relics, now purely decorative, replace them.
  • Vinlandsaga no longer includes Skraelings, as they have been removed from the game.

Out of all definitive editions, retold is the best.
byu/ZealousidealAnt9714 inAgeofMythology

In the course of development, numerous subtle adjustments were incorporated into Age of Mythology: Retold, resulting in a game that has garnered overwhelmingly positive responses from its players. For more details about these minor tweaks, you can head over to the Age of Empires Wiki under Update 17.18697.

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2024-09-10 03:51