Aid: Jonesy Is STRONGER Than Steve!

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that Aid’s latest video has left me utterly astounded. His analysis on the strength debate between Jonesy and Steve is nothing short of brilliant!

In his recent video, Aid examines the ongoing dispute concerning the might of two prominent video game figures: Jonesy, hailing from Fortnite, and Steve, representing Minecraft. Despite the widespread opinion that Steve is the most powerful character, Aid offers a persuasive case for Jonesy’s greater strength.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Jonesy’s ability to hold a black hole back bling proves his immense strength.
  • Calculations estimate the weight of the black hole back bling to be 6.78 nonillion pounds.
  • This makes Jonesy 339 billion times stronger than Steve.

Jonesy’s Strength: Debunking the Steve Myth

Let’s clarify the misconception that Steve, carrying blocks of ice, can lift a staggering 20 sextillion (20 quintilian) pounds in Minecraft. However, we at Aid consider this notion to be an overstatement, and we refer to it as ‘Cap’.

The Power of Jonesy’s Black Hole Back Bling

Assisting in the introduction of Jonesy’s heavyweight black hole accessory, Aid emphasizes its potential game-altering impact. Noting that these cosmic accessories can weigh as much as 10 Suns, Aid underscores the importance of assessing the exact weight of this particular black hole. By applying the Schwarzschild radius formula, Aid estimates the weight to be a staggering 6.78 quintillion pounds.

Jonesy’s Superiority: 339 Billion Times Stronger

As a dedicated fan, I can’t help but be awestruck when Aid brings up the mind-boggling disparity in strength between Jonesy and Steve during his discussion. He convincingly argues that with Jonesy’s calculated weight and the additional mass from a previous video, Jonesy’s power is an astonishing 339 billion times greater than Steve’s! It’s truly humbling to ponder such a staggering gap in strength.

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2024-08-11 19:13