Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Review

As someone who has spent countless hours immersed in the captivating world of Ace Attorney, I must say that the Investigations Collection has truly outdone itself. The high-definition makeover, while preserving the option for nostalgic pixel art, is a testament to Capcom’s dedication to delivering an enhanced experience.

As a dedicated fan, I can hardly contain my excitement! The arrival of the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection has opened up an opportunity for me to relive each original Ace Attorney game experience (excepting the Professor Layton crossover) on contemporary platforms. Whether it’s through the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, the Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy, or diving into the past with The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, experiencing the early days of detective work, I can now also explore the other side of the line with Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth and Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor’s Gambit on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, or Xbox One.

If you’re new to the series through the collections, let me fill you in: The game called “Miles Edgeworth” made its debut on the Nintendo DS in Japan back in 2009, with another title named “Prosecutor’s Gambit” released in 2011. These games offer a transition of sorts between “Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations” and the time frame years later seen in “Apollo Justice”. The protagonist, Miles Edgeworth, takes center stage in these games, giving us a glimpse into the detective work side of the Ace Attorney universe. Unlike typical Ace Attorney games, these titles focus more on actual investigation and sleuthing rather than courtroom strategies.

In a fresh twist from the original Ace Attorney series, Ace Attorney Investigations sets itself apart by introducing significant shifts in its narrative structure. Unlike the traditional courtroom settings found in most instances, these games unfold primarily outside of trial arenas, except for a few crucial flashbacks. Additionally, they depart from the intricate three-day “initial trial” system that characterizes Ace Attorney, instead opting for an intense compression of time within the storyline. Despite abandoning the three-day trial format, both games cover what could be considered the most pressure-filled and grueling two weeks in Miles Edgeworth’s career. Remarkably, all five cases in the first game transpire over just a four-day span, with crimes such as murders and kidnappings occurring seemingly everywhere Miles goes, even within his own office.

In essence, the closely linked sequence of events in these games makes it easier to follow the storyline and maintain a sense of continuity, which can sometimes be missing from regular Ace Attorney games. By the end of most Ace Attorney games, I often find it hard to recall all the various plotlines that intertwine them. However, in both Miles Edgeworth and Prosecutor’s Gambit, the connections between the stories were easy to grasp, resulting in a more unified and cohesive narrative experience.

Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Review

The shared narrative thread between the games within the Ace Attorney Investigations series enhances the experience significantly, as standalone, Miles Edgeworth appears less impactful than in the main games. This is partly because the games forgo the conventional defense attorney structure, with Miles primarily focusing on discovering the truth behind each case, rather than battling to save a seemingly doomed client from a biased prosecution system like Phoenix Wright often does. Consequently, some of the first game’s revelations might seem less impactful.

In 2012 or around that time, when the standalone release of Miles Edgeworth occurred and English-speaking gamers learned that its sequel wouldn’t be translated, the game felt somewhat incomplete. However, within the context of the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection, having Miles Edgeworth treated as the first half of a longer game significantly improves the experience. The plot no longer appears to lag and the villain seems more fully developed, serving as an engaging introduction rather than a somewhat underdeveloped character. Instead, it becomes the compelling prelude to the intense, rollercoaster-like cases in Prosecutor’s Gambit.

Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Review

These games stand out by emulating a style more akin to classic point-and-click adventure games compared to the primary Ace Attorney series. Unlike switching between screens in first-person, players now have control over Miles, allowing for closer examination of areas of interest within the environment. For the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection, Capcom enhanced the background art to high-definition resolutions and introduced new HD character sprites, replacing the pixelated designs from the original games. However, fans can still opt for the classic art style if they prefer. Personally, I find the new style more harmonious with high-definition screens. Although the clever pixel art techniques used in the original art style to depict characters on the Nintendo DS’s small screen may not look as appealing in full HD, it’s reassuring that the option remains available. Additional features include a gallery and music player.

In summary, the character Miles Edgeworth and the game “Prosecutor’s Gambit” deviate significantly from the standard Ace Attorney series in two key aspects: one emphasizing Miles’ exceptional deductive abilities and the investigative nature of the games, and the other introducing a new conversational minigame called Mind Chess. The Logic system serves as an additional layer in the usual clue and evidence gathering process within an Ace Attorney game, allowing Miles to collect “Facts” during investigations, then analyze them in a special mode to link related Facts together, revealing fresh avenues of investigation or hidden clues. On the other hand, Mind Chess is a new feature that presents Edgeworth with challenging conversations against uncooperative subjects, requiring him to dismantle their defenses using strategic rhetorical tactics. This minigame adds an element of time pressure to the normally leisurely pace of progression within the Ace Attorney series, but it’s easy to see how these new gameplay elements align with the core mechanics of the Ace Attorney games.

Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Review

Although the Ace Attorney Investigations series attempts to distinguish itself from the main series in various ways, it essentially boils down to cosmetic differences. While you no longer engage in trials, you’re still performing tasks like interrogating suspects, gathering evidence, identifying inconsistencies and weaknesses in statements, presenting proof to expose these issues, and overcoming their verbal or emotional obstacles to reach the truth. Frequently, there’s a wrongly accused individual who needs defense from our beloved prosecutor. Interestingly, Kay Faraday, the new main character, serves a role similar to Edgeworth’s versions of Trucy or Maya to Apollo and Phoenix respectively. Moreover, Prosecutor’s Gambit emphasizes the similarities between prosecution and defense as a recurring motif, suggesting that even Capcom recognizes that Ace Attorney games have always been more about detective work than legal proceedings.

Speaking as a die-hard fan, it’s simply incredible! The latest installment in the Ace Attorney series, brimming with beloved characters and captivating cases, is like a dream come true. With appearances by favorites from the original trilogy, and even some familiar faces from Apollo Justice, it’s a joy for fans who thought they’d only get to experience the charm of games like Prosecutor’s Gambit through fan-made patches or emulation.

In recent times, Capcom has successfully updated the beloved game “Ace Attorney” for contemporary platforms, offering several user-friendly improvements along the way. This upgrade also includes numerous additional hours of top-tier narrative, making it an even more engaging experience for gamers.


As a gaming enthusiast, I’m thrilled to share that the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection is not just limited to PC; it’s also playable on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch! So, whether you’re a console or PC gamer, you can join the adventure!

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2024-09-03 18:35