A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder Recap: The Grieving Gatsby

As a seasoned viewer of this captivating series, I must say that episode 7 has truly been a rollercoaster ride for Pip and her entangled web of secrets and relationships. The writers have done an exceptional job at weaving together the intricate narrative of these characters, leaving us hanging on the edge of our seats with every passing scene.

In essence, if we liken Pippa Fitz-Amobi to Jane Eyre, then Andie Bell could be seen as a contemporary Daisy Buchanan. To put it simply, her narrative has been significantly influenced by the men around her, ranging from sincere Sal Singh to questionable Max Hastings. She made the mistake of being deeply infatuated with an enigmatic older man who was just beyond her grasp, and suffered the consequences. Additionally, it’s interesting to note that Andie Bell used the pseudonym “Daisy Buchanan” when checking into a nearby hotel with a mysterious character reminiscent of Jay Gatsby, as revealed in this episode by Pippa and Ravi.

Ravi remarks, “I believe I recognize those names,” as Pippa indicates at the names in the stolen guest book, hinting genuinely that he might have attended a math class with them. Ah, Ravi, always staying true to himself.

Through a note hidden inside a toy rabbit from the hotel notepad, Pip discovers The Ivy House Hotel. If I were someone with a secret rendezvous, this idyllic English countryside hotel would be an ideal choice. The tranquil, enigmatic atmosphere of this place adds to the tension between Pip and Ravi in this episode, making it the most captivating so far. Get ready, shippers!

The focus of this investigation has significantly shifted towards Pip’s apparent affection for Ravi. She hurries everywhere due to her eagerness to share new findings with him, collaborate with him, and essentially find any reason to be near him. This case is no longer solely about the EPQ for Pip; it’s more about winning Ravi’s approval and spending quality moments with him. During school hours, Pip appears restless, but the moment she picks up Ravi for their expedition to The Ivy House Hotel, a mischievous grin reappears on her face. Pip’s initial motivation – that Sal Singh was an outstanding individual – seemed somewhat questionable. However, genuine motivation comes from young love.

At The Ivy House Hotel, Pip and Ravi devise a plan (involving a fire alarm) to secretly take the guest book from April 2019. They swiftly enter a hotel room, discovering — surprise! — a lone bed. Amidst a backdrop of mystery novels, this series has introduced an unusual romantic comedy motif. Ravi and Pip won’t be spending the night (with the exception of…), but they do cast a glance at the bed, generating a fleeting sense of possibility for us viewers.

In the bathroom, Pippa stumbles upon a significant find – the same setting as the nude picture Max took of Andie. This clearly indicates that Andie was here, and there’s photographic proof to back it up. What catches our attention more, though, is the extended moment when Ravi and Pippa lock eyes after discovering this. It seems like a kiss is imminent… but Pippa breaks the gaze and refocuses on their case instead. These two are adorably awkward, aren’t they? Yet, come on, let’s encourage them to take things further!

As a former detective with over two decades of experience under my belt, I must say that this episode brought me back to my early days on the force. The plotline is reminiscent of many cases I’ve encountered throughout my career – a seemingly innocent act leading to a dangerous and complex web of deceit.

In due course, Pip is taken aback upon finding Victor Amobi’s name in the visitors’ log, causing her to question if her father was involved in an extramarital affair. The situation becomes even more troubling when, on the next day, Dan da Silva confronts Pippa at Little Kilton. Dan, who had a close relationship with the Bell family and wishes for Pippa to distance herself from them, presents Pip with a video recording of Sal’s conversation with the police after Andie’s demise. In the recording, Sal behaves aggressively and violently — not the Sal that Pip recalls from her memories.

In Pip’s perspective, everything becomes clearer. If Pip suspects her father might be involved in dubious activities, then what does she truly understand about Sal? All along, Pip thought Sal was like Gatsby to Andie’s Daisy. However, it’s possible that Sal might have been more like Tom Buchanan to Pippa – perhaps even a perpetrator. This could be the reason for Pippa’s blurred understanding of the case.

In this episode, Pippa puts forward an accusation towards Ravi that escalates into a significant argument. One might think it odd for her to accuse his brother of being a murderer, especially considering the affection many have for the happy future they envision for them. However, it’s intriguing to witness their relationship take a turn. Partners don’t always share the same perspective. To maintain harmony and team up effectively, they must learn how to manage disagreements as well. This episode showcases the full spectrum of emotions Ravi and Pip experience together – from the exhilarating highs of a romantic moment, to the disheartening lows of clashing over a murder case. This confrontation serves as an important step in fleshing out both their characters.

In simpler terms, When Pip is upset and needs someone to talk to, she rushes into Cara’s embrace. To divert Pip’s attention, Cara suggests they help Naomi get ready for her high school reunion, including a makeover. (It seems quite similar to the last episode.) Later, when Cara is gone, Naomi tries to involve Pip in something questionable by asking about the Sal research. Despite Pip’s reluctance, Naomi persists and even gives Pip her laptop password to search for “Tango Tits.” This action from Naomi is quite puzzling.

06,” it’s actually from April 20. This picture includes all three of Sal’s friends who spoke with the police. But here’s the mystery – who took this photo? Since at 12:06, Sal was supposed to be murdering Andie, it seems he might have been at Max’s until 12:50 instead. This season, Pippa hints that we might uncover more about this in season two.

As a seasoned detective with decades of experience under my belt, I have seen it all – from petty theft to cold-blooded murder. However, this latest case has me stumped. The clues are scattered like breadcrumbs in the wind, and each new piece only adds to the mystery.

During the gathering, Pippa challenges Naomi inside a science lab. Tears stream down Naomi’s face as she pauses when Pippa demands explanations. Naomi, oh Naomi, so puzzling! Why would she voluntarily give Pip this hint if she wasn’t ready to face inquiries? The episode concludes with Naomi admitting that she and her companions had to conceal the truth about Sal because they discovered what we had done.

For every person who wants Pippa to distance herself from the case, there’s another person who wants her to keep digging. For every Becca there is a Ravi, for every Dan a Naomi. The show cuts to black on that marvelous cliffhanger, leaving us with more questions than answers and enough curiosity to immediately press play on the penultimate episode of the season.

Ring a Bell?

In the course of her college admission process, Pip finds herself meeting a Cambridge professor for an interview. It transpires that her Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is centered on feminism within gothic literature. Upon hearing this, Mr. Ward, who oversees the interview and previously advised Pip’s mom to distance Pip from Ravi, expresses approval. One might wonder why he takes such a keen interest in her academic pursuits?

Pip’s companions seem exceptionally skilled at joking about her and Ravi. They’ve even initiated a gossip that she skipped school to meet up with him romantically. In a defensive outburst, Pip exclaims, “I wasn’t dating anyone!”

It turns out that Pip’s mother clarified the situation about Victor possibly being involved in an affair. In reality, Leanne and Victor were experiencing difficulties, leading Victor to stay at The Ivy House Hotel as a means of relaxation for a brief period. This entire misunderstanding seems unjustified now.

One more compelling aspect of this episode is its powerful conclusion, which features the song “You Should See Me In a Crown” by Billie Eilish as a surprising and impactful final touch. What an impressive finish!

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2024-08-02 04:54