A fan discovered a completely battered PS1 display from the 90s and turned it into something every PlayStation player would love to own

As a gaming enthusiast, I can’t help but be hooked on restoration videos – there’s just something magical about witnessing an old, battered item transform into something shiny and new. Whether it’s reviving a classic car or breathing life back into antique furniture, these creators possess a unique talent that never fails to impress me. However, this time around, I stumbled upon a treasure hunter who raised the bar and crafted something truly extraordinary – a heartfelt tribute to nostalgia itself.

A PlayStation relic resurrected

Thrift shops can be fantastic finds (just consider what this fortunate individual discovered in one!), but if you don’t have any decent ones nearby, online treasure hunting is the path to take. It isn’t just eBay and Amazon; there are numerous online auctions brimming with hidden treasures. Reddit user United-Background431 struck gold with something truly extraordinary.

He uncovered a nearly 30-year-old PlayStation 1 lightbox for a display, or what remained of it. Essentially, all that was left was the frame with some absent sections, but both the front and side PlayStation emblems were well-preserved.

After adding several coats of fresh paint, some LED lights, and new panels, the perfect living room lamp was ready. However, this large 51-inch item proved too bulky for his small space, so he decided to sell it on eBay.

On occasion, United-Background431 has come across some vintage technology treasures, like resurrecting a Sony Walkman and refurbishing an ’60s tape recorder to their original condition. Reviving forgotten tech gems can be a fulfilling use of time.

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2025-03-20 16:32