How To Beat Volbaino In The First Berserker: Khazan

After completing The First Berserker: Khazan‘s Phraugh Village in the mission titled “Revenge – Act One,” you’ll face off against the fearsome Volbaino. This hybrid of man and deer is armed with a hammer and a spike, which he uses aggressively. He’ll spin rapidly around the arena, connecting long combos, hurling his weapons at you, igniting the ground beneath his feet on occasion.

In the “Revenge – Act One” mission, once you have progressed through The First Berserker’s Phraugh Village, you will encounter Volbaino, a formidable adversary that is half man and half deer. He carries a hammer and a spike, both of which he wields with great ferocity. He’ll spin swiftly around the battlefield, linking together powerful combos, flinging his weapons your way, and even setting the ground ablaze from time to time.

Furthermore, the location where the fight takes place is significantly influential in this battle compared to others. To stay alive, you’ll have to swiftly move across the various levels of this room. Notably, he ignites his spikes, so relying on Brink Guards might not be sufficient for your safety. However, don’t fret, we’ll guide you through all the necessary information required to defeat this monster once and for all.

Preparation For The Volbaino Boss Battle

Initially, during your adventure in Phraugh, you should’ve come across the Necklace of Sealed Fire. This artifact is hidden within a house, specifically where you must avoid alerting a Dragonkin Sentry and their companions. If you didn’t find it, don’t worry as it’s not too distant from the main entrance of the Central Storehouse in Blade Nexus. Additionally, you should’ve gathered some Fire Cleansing Potions along the way. Ensure these items are active on your character.

Regarding the choice of armor, it’s all about personal taste. Go for the armor that has the abilities you value the highest. Personally, I prefer the Ashen Wolf set because it grants an additional Nether charge if you wear all five pieces.

You’re free to select any of the three weapons, but I find that Dual Wield offers some distinct benefits, particularly when combined with the Whirlwind ability. This will prove incredibly useful in helping you dodge specific attacks. Regardless of your weapon choice, it’s advisable to equip a skill that makes Brink Guards deal damage, as you’ll be encountering them frequently.

Dealing With The Volbaino’s Fire Buff

As a gamer, I often find myself facing Volbaino, an enemy who loves to resonate his weapons, creating a fiery element on those pesky spikes. He usually does this right at the start of our battle. The fire boost might fade away, but trust me, he’ll quickly rekindle it.

What makes Volbaino particularly threatening is that this flame buff pierces right through your defenses, even your Brink Guard. So, beware!

Apart from carrying the Necklace of Sealed Fire and cleansing potions, which are essential for battle, it’s crucial to evade Volbaino’s spike swings when he has been empowered with fire. Volbaino frequently shifts between his two weapons, so you can still defend against his hammer blows, but be prepared to dodge the spikes instead.

Although there’s usually a difference, here’s what sets it apart: when he begins rapidly smashing his weapons, one after another, it’s best to create some space between you. If you can’t manage that, just try to shield these blows, known as Brink Guarding. Attempting to dodge in such quick succession could result in being struck. The fire-resistance from your necklace should provide adequate protection against the flames.

In the most unfavorable situation, should flames ignite you, you’ll be equipped with Fire-Quenching Elixirs for an instant removal of the fiery effect.

How To Beat Volbaino

During the first phase of the fight, your best is to Brink Guard his attacks. Nearly all the attacks have an even cadence, which makes them easy to time and guard. Your best opportunity to dish out damage is when he performs a horizontal swing, and then follows that up with two vertical swings (alternating which hand he uses), and then performs a jump attack. The Volbaino uses this attack quite frequently, so it will be a valuable opportunity to dish out the damage.

If the spike is on fire, it’s important to avoid getting hit by its flames to prevent taking fire damage. However, when it jumps, you can safely perform a Brink Guard without worrying about getting burned.

Moreover, upon driving the Volbaino’s spike into the earth, he follows by hammering it as if an anvil, producing a wave of shock. During this moment, he becomes exposed. Consequently, take advantage of the shockwave and retreat swiftly, then return to attack once the shockwave subsides.

If you’re wielding dual weapons and possess the Whirlwind skill, you can utilize it to dodge the shockwave when he attacks the spike. As long as you’re not on the ground, you’ll remain unscathed.

When Volbaino executes a close-to-the-ground, full rotation spin, it’s a sign he’s about to launch six rapid, upward strikes in quick succession. Following these six strikes, he’ll carry out a Brink Attack, where he lunges forward. To avoid getting hit by this attack, simply dodge to the side. After those six strikes, Volbaino will be quite exposed, so take this opportunity to unleash your most powerful attack against him.

Besides the initial brink attack, Volbaino also possesses another charge move. In this move, he charges towards you, usually followed by an unblockable slash with his spiked tail. Keep your eyes peeled on that spike, and when it begins its descent, swiftly dodge to avoid it. The timing can be a bit challenging at first, but with practice, you’ll get the hang of it.

Volbaino’s Second Phase

Once Volbaino’s health is roughly halved, he’ll scamper up a wall, do a giant leap, and slam his hammer onto your head. While Volbaino is scaling the wall, take advantage of this moment to keep raining javelins on him. Continue doing so until you see him prepare for takeoff. Dodge just before impact to avoid damage and get a chance to retaliate.

Moving forward, whenever Volbaino drives his spike into the ground, he’ll subsequently pull it back out, which will take a few attempts and leave him exposed to attacks. But once he does, it creates a large fire pit that can cause damage if you step into it. You are free to hurl javelins at him during this time. However, this moment presents an ideal chance for you to ascend the ladder and reach the upper level.

When Volbaino licks his spike, it’s crucial to make your way up to the second floor immediately, as he’ll ignite the entire floor afterwards. But if you’ve followed our advice and climbed the ladder when Volbaino was pulling at the spike, then this becomes less of a problem since you’d already be on the second floor by then. In that case, escaping would be much simpler, as it’s easier to jump off the edge to get away, rather than racing against time to climb down a narrow ladder.

As a die-hard fan, I’d say, “Seize the moment when Volbaino is stunned and scale that ladder! It’s something you’ll eventually have to do, so why not take advantage when the chance arises, even if it seems early in the fight?

Volbaino is going to lift his spiked object into the air before striking it with his hammer. After he drives it into the ground, he will then hurl his hammer at the spike, creating a powerful shockwave. To stay safe, make sure you are maintaining a reasonable distance from the spike so that you don’t get caught up in the shockwave’s impact.

During Volbaino’s second stage, he’ll continue to employ the same combos as in the first phase that expose him to danger. So, keep your guard up, make use of Brink Guards, avoid his fire-lit spikes, and deal damage when he’s vulnerable. With persistence, you’ll soon find yourself enjoying a meal of venison.

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2025-03-25 11:37