Enshrouded: Can We Build Curved Arches Yet? Players Weigh In!

Enshrouded has captivated players with its enchanting world and the creativity it encourages through building mechanics. Recently, a lively conversation broke out among players regarding the ability, or rather the inability, to create curved arches in the game. The original post by user Vhett sparked a flurry of responses that both highlighted the limitations of current crafting options and provided some creative workaround solutions. As players mashed their keyboards to express their thoughts, it became clear that while the excitement for building in Enshrouded is palpable, a yearning for advanced crafting options like curved arches is undeniably present. Let’s dive deep into this architectural dilemma!


  • Players are currently unable to craft curved arches directly, leading to discussions about potential future updates.
  • Creative solutions and workarounds were shared among community members, sparking a road of innovation.
  • Some players feel frustrated by the limitations but remain hopeful for future enhancements.
  • Accessing hidden features and blocked content is made possible through community-shared tools and mods.

The Limitations of Building Mechanics

One of the primary frustrations raised by players involved the current crafting mechanics that restrict the construction of more intricate designs. User AceChipEater chimed in, wryly noting that while there are many beautifully crafted blocks and items in the game that look like they should be curve-capable, they aren’t yet available to players for crafting. This sentiment echoes loudly in the community, where dreams of a grand curved arch gate go unfulfilled. It’s akin to having a mouthwatering pie recipe that requires a rare ingredient currently missing from the pantry. The community acknowledges that curved arches may be possible in the future, but until then, players are left with the creative interpretation of “boxed curves,” reminiscent of a dwarven fantasy—heartwarming, but not exactly a majestic castle entrance.

Creative Workarounds: The Small Stone Brazier Solution

Despite the limitations, players are not backing down in the face of architectural adversity. User Daimyo_68 offers an interesting solution featuring the Small Stone Brazier. By fine-tuning adjustments with this item, they suggest that players can create improvised arches that mimic the curves they desire. It’s like trying to make a gourmet meal out of leftovers—sometimes, you just have to get creative! They further illustrated this with an example—imposing a series of these braziers end to end to craft a grander arch. It’s a neat trick worthy of praise, showcasing the innovative spirit of the community. However, this method does demand time, patience, and a keen attention to detail to hide the flames effectively. A valiant effort, indeed!

Frustrations and the Quest for Curves

While creative solutions are applauded, a sense of impatience wafts through the threads. LipChungus, embodying the voice of many, expressed frustration towards downvotes on topics concerning architectural design limitations. Their viewpoint resonates with players who search for ways to elevate their builds but hit a wall with existing features. They acknowledge that while some voxel connections may display curves, none seem to grant the grandiosity of the curved arches originally imagined by builders in the game. This frustration brings forth a vital question: how does one continue to grow an artistic vision when tools for expression are limited? Players are left feeling like artists in a world without canvases, yearning for the day Enshrouded rolls out a patch that would allow for such enhancements.

Unlocking Hidden Content

The issue of access to materials and features is not lost on the player community. User lilibat proposed an intriguing workaround involving a cheat engine called the Builder’s Companion, which gives players access to a variety of decor and building blocks that aren’t usually available. It’s fascinating how such tools can breathe new life into player creativity and open doors that were previously locked. This resource, while a cheat, serves the purpose of empowering builders to express themselves differently and create designs straight from their wildest imaginations. It’s like finding a secret door in an old library that leads to an infinite room filled with every book ever written—adventurous, unexpected, and incredibly exciting!

Throughout this discussion, what shines most brightly is the sense of community and creativity that players foster in Enshrouded. While there are challenges and setbacks, whether it be crafting limitations or the occasional downvoted comment, the passion for building and exploring continually comes out on top. As diverse ideas flow, it becomes evident that the desire to craft something beautiful supersedes the frustrations players face.

Whether through creative adjustments, a little bit of magic from some modding, or sheer optimism, players continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible. Who knows? With a dash of patience and a sprinkle of community collaboration, we might soon see those long-desired curved arches rise triumphantly in the world of Enshrouded. Until that day comes, however, a collective spirit prevails, showcasing the joy of building relationships just as much as building intricate structures in this enchanting universe. The journey may be fraught with stumbling blocks, but for the players, the possibilities of what can be built are limited only by the imagination—and it’s running wild!

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2025-03-18 07:47