Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 introduces the Hunters in its newest developer diary

In a recent update, Paradox Interactive and The Chinese Room have shared a new behind-the-scenes video for Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2, entitled “Hunters.” This installment offers a glimpse into the game’s enemy faction, specifically, the Information and Awareness Office (I.A.O).

In today’s behind-the-scenes update, Project Art Director Ben Matthews, Lead Game Designer Martin Akehurst, and Narrative Director Ian Thomas discuss the agents of the I.O.A., a government agency that tackles significant threats such as the Anarchs, a topic previously explored in a developer diary.

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 will be released on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S this year.

You can find the full Dev Diary #28 focusing on the Hunters with a video below:

Dev Diary #28: Hunters

In our Development Diary 17, we acquainted you with the Anarchs, one of the hostile factions you’ll encounter. Now, let’s present another: the I.A.O. (International Association of Outlaws) in tonight’s discussion.

The Information and Awareness Office spearheads the U.S. government’s response to the Blankbody threat. While officially defunded, it operates on a large black budget that allows its hunters to face the undead under the guise of “training missions” and “counter-terrorist strikes”.

Agent Baker

“Does your kind still feel protective over the young? Do you still feel at all?”

Agent Baker is practical and systematic in her approach. She heads the I.A.O., tasked with probing into the enigma of the Blankbody presence in Seattle. With unwavering determination, she pursues any hints of mysterious deaths or disappearances, and scrutinizes past occurrences meticulously. Her ultimate aim is to comprehensively grasp the nature of the entities she tracks, ensuring their annihilation is thorough and complete.

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but share this heartwarming anecdote. The individuals I work alongside, under the leadership of an extraordinary woman, hold her in high esteem. They’ve even bestowed upon her a special moniker – “The Mother Hen” – which she wears with unabashed pride.

Initially, it was crucial for the I.A.O. to present a distinct foe from those previously met by the player in the game. Unlike the raw and unrefined Anarchs, the I.A.O. are a disciplined paramilitary unit, specifically targeting a particular kind of quarry.

To make the I.A.O appear and seem formidable to an ancient vampire, we aimed to design it with tough, cushioned ends reminiscent of leather, and equip it with weapons that exude a fierce heat.

In the battle against their adversary, it’s crucial that we portray the diversity and severity of the opponents threatening Phyre in a clear and visually striking manner. Enemies at a distance are distinguished by large, hooded ponchos that reveal their intense eyes, while closer combatants have imposing stances as they wield thermal batons. These weapons are high-tech and heavy-duty, giving off an impression of durability and purpose. Although the I.A.O. lack some supernatural abilities found in ghouls or vampires, they remain a significant threat, leveraging technology to their advantage.

– Project Art Director Ben Matthews

In one intriguing assignment I relish working on, Phyre infiltrates a fortress belonging to the secretive organization known as the I.A.O., located on Harbor Island. This stronghold is meticulously secured, with I.A.O. agents guarding it both inside and out.

In this game, one of its battlefields is particularly vast and diverse, offering several paths for traversal and enabling you to complete tasks in any sequence you prefer. However, the I.A.O. has installed thermal barriers that block specific routes; getting close or touching these barriers will cause harm. You’ll have to investigate Harbor Island to discover a method to deactivate those barriers, thereby gaining access to additional exploration areas.

IAO agents are better coordinated than other adversaries you’ve encountered up until this point in the game. They move around the facility in teams, making it trickier to eliminate them individually. Moreover, their use of night-vision goggles, searchlights, radios, and other surveillance equipment necessitates a more strategic approach if you wish to avoid detection while trying to neutralize them.

Encountering the I.A.O. in a direct fight could lead to them employing more strategic, military-style tactics with heightened precision and understanding of their weaponry, aiming for your most vulnerable spots. They are equipped with combat armor that provides enhanced durability compared to regular humans, but they remain fragile when contrasted against ghouls and vampires. To compensate for their mortal weakness, they carry an array of anti-vampire weapons that represent the strongest challenges within the game: Thermal Batons for close combat, which deal damage even if they block your attacks; Phosphor Grenades that create burning puddles to force you out of safe hiding spots; and Sniper Crossbows that fire explosive bolts, causing significant damage if not promptly removed.

One strategy I often employ is snatching phosphorus grenades or explosive bolts out of mid-flight and hurling them back, causing maximum destruction. It’s also thrilling to utilize a Ventrue’s Possession ability, compelling an agent to attack their own allies, eliciting the terrified shrieks of friendly fire.

– Senior Game Designer Martin Akehurst


In addition to the I.A.O., other hunters are present in Bloodlines 2. There’s suggestive proof that a long-standing hunter is roaming the streets of Seattle.

In the early 1900s, numerous Kindred suffered their ultimate fate at the hands of a mysterious hunter named Santiago. Many coteries were annihilated in cities like San Francisco and New Orleans, with each act of destruction traced back to this relentless predator. At every scene, an intricately designed metal keepsake shaped like a cross was found. These distinctive crucifixes are commonly known as the Cross of St. James, thus earning Santiago his name.

It’s been speculated that Santiago, whoever they really were, was part of the Society of Leopold, an extremely old and notorious group known for hunting supernatural beings. If this were so, Santiago would have viewed themselves as a warrior fighting under the banner of Christ, engaged in a holy crusade against the cursed.

– Project Narrative Director Ian Thomas

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2025-03-13 10:26