Bug Out Event Guide

2021’s Bug Out event in Pokemon Go is packed with exciting content! It will introduce us to Sizzlipede and Centiskorch from Generation 8 for the first time. Additionally, we can expect the return of Kleavor, Shiny Venipede, and numerous other elements.

Every year, the Bug Out event in Pokemon Go highlights the game’s insect-themed Pokemon, just as its name implies.

This year, the limelight is shifting towards the introduction of Sizzlipede, Galar’s Fire/Bug-type Pokémon, along with its evolution, Centiskorch. Furthermore, the elusive Kleavor will resurface in Raids, numerous Shiny bug species will be spotted in the wild, and all players can benefit from exciting rewards throughout the gameplay.

Bug Out event: Date & time

During the ongoing Might and Mastery season, Pokemon Go’s Bug Out event will take place from Wednesday, March 26, 2025, starting at 10:00 AM, all the way until Sunday, March 30, 2025, wrapping up at 8:00 PM local time.

Players will be given ample time to obtain the new Pokémon, Sizzlipede, and help it evolve, all while searching for some Shiny insects as well.

Pokemon debuts

Previously stated, the upcoming Bug Out event features for the first time the introduction of both Sizzlipede, a Gen 8 creature, and its evolution, Centiskorch.

In the world of Pokemon, the Fire/Bug-type creatures have gained significant recognition ever since they debuted in Pokemon Sword and Shield. One such notable example is Centiskorch, who stood out among the crowd due to its unique Gigantamax ability – an impressive and awe-inspiring feature.

Wild encounters

These are the Pokemon that will spawn in the wild more frequently during the event:

  • Caterpie*
  • Weedle*
  • Wurmple*
  • Nincada*
  • Venipede*
  • Dwebble*
  • Joltik*
  • Grubbin*
  • Dewpider*
  • Nymble*
  • Cutiefly*

Pokemon marked with an (*) can appear as Shiny.


The following Pokemon will appear in Raids during the Bug Out event:

1-Star Raids

  • Scyther*
  • Nincada*
  • Sizzlipede

3-Star Raids

  • Beedrill*
  • Scizor*
  • Kleavor*

Event bonuses

Here are all the bonuses trainers will be able to enjoy during the five days:

  • x2 XP for successfully catching Pokemon with Nice Throws or better.
  • Increased Candy for Nice Throws or better.
  • Increased chance of getting Candy XL for Nice Throws or better – only for trainers level 31 and up.
  • Lure Modules will attract Sizzlipede during the event.
  • Increased chance to encounter Shiny Wurmple and Shiny Venipede.
  • If enough Pokemon are caught with help from a single Lure Module, additional Pokemon will appear near the lured PokeStop.

Field Research Task

Tasks centered around special events will be offered, and those who successfully finish these tasks can earn fantastic prizes such as large amounts of Energy, Scatterbug Candy, and additional chances to encounter Pokémon themed for the event.

Timed Research

In the game, a chance for all players to participate in a free Time Trial Research is opening up. Completing this could net you some exciting rewards!

  • x1 Lure Module
  • Encounters with event-themed Pokemon
  • Encounters with Shedinja, Sizzlipede, and Kleavor

Don’t forget: Just like any other Timebound Research, it comes to an end. That means all tasks need to be finished, and any rewards you’ve earned should be claimed by Sunday, March 30, 2025, at 8:00 PM in your local timezone.

Paid Timed Research

Participants in the Bug Out event are able to purchase a unique Timed Research task, priced at approximately $2.00 (or an equivalent amount based on your local currency).

Completing the tasks will earn players:

  • x1 Lure Module
  • x2 Premium Battle Pass
  • Extra encounters with event-themed Pokemon
  • Encounters with Heracross, Sizzlipede, and Kleavor

Players can buy and give away Paid Timed Research tickets as gifts, but only if they have reached the Friendship level of “Great Friends” or beyond.

Just like the previous Time-Bound Research, this one too will expire. Make sure to finish the tasks and collect the rewards before the event concludes on March 30, 2025, at 8:00 PM in your local time zone.

Avatar Items

During the duration of the event, fresh Avatar items will become available for purchase directly within the game shop. Players can acquire these new items right from when the event starts all the way up until its conclusion.

  • Sizzlipede boots
  • Scolipede jacket

Collection Challenges

During the Bug Out days, event-themed Collection Challenges will be available for all trainers.

Finish the collection tasks centered on evolution by completing challenges to earn Stardust, experience points (XP), and encounters with Pokémon themed for the current event.

PokeStop Showcases

Just like many other events, the PokeStop Showcases will be happening at various PokeStops. Keep an eye out for them so you can participate in fun, themed competitions.

You now have all the essential details about this year’s Bug Out event in Pokemon Go. Don’t overlook checking out the Spotlight Hour schedule and the list of Raid Bosses, as well as the Shadow Raid bosses, which are also available.

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2025-03-13 01:19