Monster Hunter Wilds’ Biggest Customization Problem

The latest installment of Monster Hunter, titled Monster Hunter Wilds, generally hits the mark. Several attempts made in this version have proven successful, contributing to the franchise’s ongoing progress and innovation. However, there are instances where I feel that the game, for me personally, doesn’t quite meet my expectations as fully as it could have.

Upon unveiling our delightful new mount, Seikret, I had high hopes it would offer a wealth of personalization choices. With the intricate customization available for Palamute companions in Rise, I was anticipating something comparable at the very least. Regrettably, despite finishing nearly every quest in Monster Hunter Wildspurse, the customization options are disappointingly few. Although it makes sense that Seikrets don’t wear armor since they’re not combat companions, the limited extent of Seikret customization seems like a substantial oversight.

Monster Hunter Wilds Doesn’t Have Much For Seikrets

A Disappointing Customization List

It’s challenging to ignore the impression that the customization for Seikret seems insufficiently developed. At present, Seikret offers approximately four different armor sets, and two extra ones as paid DLC. Similarly to hunter weapons, pendants can also be affixed to Seikrets. Nevertheless, the selection of pendant designs in Wilds is quite limited. The majority of the options are simply recolors of the same scarf, with only around four unique designs available.

In my gaming experience, I find that while Seikret sports a decent selection of color choices, there’s no room for personalization when it comes to altering its appearance beyond the armor. It’s disheartening because even the pattern on the Seikret has minimal impact on the overall design and seems to be more for show than anything else. You’ve got one option: the generic stripes, which is a bit underwhelming if you ask me.

Customizing accessories like tents in Wilds had been hyped up so much during marketing, but it feels disappointing that Capcom didn’t put as much effort into letting us customize the Seikret to our liking. It’s a bummer, especially given how much potential these features seemed to have in creating a unique gaming experience.

Gear In Monster Hunter Is Usually More Than Cosmetic

But Who Really Cares About Palico Armor Stats?

In Monster Hunter, Secrets reside in an unusual realm. Although they serve as a hunting partner, they don’t actively participate in battles except for the rare instances when they aid during a swift hunt. Consequently, there are no unique tools or weapons designed for them to wield. Furthermore, while armor is available for the Secret, it has no impact on gameplay and is awarded as part of quest completion, unlike other weapons and armor which can be crafted, upgraded, and improved in the Wilds.

Typically, a hunter’s advancement includes the acquisition and enhancement of Palico gear. This gear evolves alongside the hunter and can be adjusted to influence the companion’s behavior during combat. However, Seikret armor deviates from this standard Monster Hunter progression path; it’s not crafted from monster remains, and it doesn’t enhance hunting abilities. While this clarifies its separate nature, it can be disheartening to see the limitless creative possibilities with Palico gear and then find myself only able to alter Seikret’s scarf and stripe colors in customization.

Seikret’s Are A Step Back From Rise’s Rideable Palamutes

Palamutes Were Wonderfully Implemented In Rise

Secrets are even more disheartening when measured against the impressive Palamutes from Monster Hunter Rise. These creatures aren’t just versatile and customizable, but they also played a role in battles as mounts. In essence, Palamutes were treated much like Palicoes; they were tailored during character creation and were integral to the standard Monster Hunter experience. To put it another way, each type of monster had its own armor set and weapon for the Palamutes.

When they were involved in this cycle, it’s crucial to remember that it’s unlikely many players give much thought to their companion’s armor stats. The Monster Hunter community has traditionally adhered to the principle of “cool,” and this is particularly true when considering the frequently eccentric companion armor designs. Often, there’s some other system that plays a far greater role in influencing a companion’s gameplay compared to armor. For instance, Palamutes possess hunting tools, which served as the primary means for customization.

Translating the given text into easier-to-understand language:

Granting Seikrets armor serves a similar primary purpose as armor for Palicoes or Palamutes – it’s purely aesthetic. Switching from the highly customizable and heavily armored Palamute to the bare Seikret shell is quite underwhelming, if not downright disheartening, considering that there seems to be no logical explanation why the Seikret shouldn’t have armor options.

Bestowing Seikrets with armor serves the same main function as Palico or Palamute armor – it’s all about appearance. It’s rather frustrating that we go from fully customizable and well-armored Palamutes to a completely bare Seikret, especially since there doesn’t seem to be any good reason for them not to have armor options.

Fun Seikret Custimization Would Still Be Worthwhile

I Expect It To Arrive Eventually

Regardless of Secret creatures not following the standard progression system in Monster Hunter, their significant presence throughout the Wilds adventure suggests that more customization possibilities would be valuable. With significant enhancements already made to layered armor, now much less cumbersome in Wilds, it’s clear that Capcom continues to prioritize customization and aesthetic appeal as crucial aspects of the game.

Regardless of the reason behind the Seikret’s limited customization at first, I am confident that this issue will be addressed (let’s hope it includes layered weapons too). It’s uncertain whether more extensive Seikret customization will arrive with a title update or the expansion of Monster Hunter Wilds. If my expectations are met, I believe this change will be warmly received when it happens.

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2025-03-10 09:27