Best Crosshair Codes for Fragpunk

Beyond mastering each character in Fragpunk, the key factor significantly impacting the result of your matches is the sight you choose within the game. Therefore, if you’re a novice to tactical shooters like Fragpunk or unsure about creating an effective crosshair for your playstyle, let me share some quality crosshairs that you can replicate and utilize instead.

Top 6 Crosshairs to use in Fragpunk

Listed below are 10 distinctive Crosshair designs, each one ideal for use with any Lancer character within Fragpunk.

Simple Dot

Inside Fragpunk, the Classic Simple Dot stands out as an excellent crosshair choice. Its main advantage lies in its straightforward design and compact size, which significantly reduces distractions on the screen, thereby enhancing aiming accuracy. If you appreciate a clean, minimalistic approach, this should undoubtedly be your preferred crosshair within the game.

  • Code: czazazazazaibzaibzazbzazaafzggbzaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFF0000zFFFFFF

Closed Tight Cross

a compact version of the default crosshair that eliminates the central space. This design facilitates a more precise aim and smoother gameplay experience due to its lack of space at the center.

  • Code: azazafzaizaizaczaczazbzaabzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFFFFFFzFFFFFF


As suggested by its title, the Crosshair takes on the form of an ‘X’ shape. Despite resembling a common internet meme crosshair, it proves effective in targeting, particularly when aiming for headshots. The key strategy is to position the player’s head within the lower portion of the X-shaped cross.

  • Code: azdzaaabzaizaizaezaezebzbzddbzbjdzddbzaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabz00FF00zFFFFFF


In Fragpunk, The Square crosshair is another widely used targeting aid that significantly enhances your aiming precision. This crosshair shares size and design similarities with the Dot crosshair, making it an excellent alternative to the Crosscrosshair for those who find the Circle one less appealing.

  • Code: azczaaabzazazaibzaibzazbzfaczaaabzafezaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzF00000zFFFFFF

Cross with Dot

The Large Dot and Cross Hairs design is widely appreciated because it aids in both rapid flicks and continuous tracking. You can swiftly flick using the prominent central Dot, while the distinct corner outlines assist in spraying bullets with weapons that mimic AR-style fire.

  • Code: azbzifizahzahzaczaczjizbzaabzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFF0C0CzFFFFFF

Tenz Crosshair

You don’t need much explanation – this is the crosshair that Tenz used in Valorant, a game he was quite skilled at. Since both games are class-based shooters, this crosshair should work fine here as well because of its straightforward design.

  • Code: azazafzaezaezaezaezeczazaabzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabz05EAFFzFFFFFF

How to Import/Export Crosshair in Fragpunk

To change the Crosshair in Fragpunk, you have to follow the given steps.

  • Log in to the game and reach the main menu.
  • Click on the Cog-Wheel icon at the bottom.
  • In the General Section, go to the bottom to find the Crosshair section.
  • Toggle the Custom Crosshair part from Default to either Apply to Hipfire Crosshair or Apply to Hipfire and Sight Crosshair.
  • Immediately, you will find a Management button right below this option with the Import and Export Option.
  • If you are exporting your Croscrosshairother players, use this to copy your current Croscrosshairthe clipboard, which can then be shared with other friends via messages using the Ctrl + V option.
  • On the other hand, if you want to import any crosshair, press the import option and copy any of the above codes into the input text box on your screen to enjoy these.

To learn more about Fragpunk, explore the detailed analysis of each card featured in FragPunk’s trailer, or discover the top 5 Spectre Divide Crosshair options.

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2025-03-07 17:19