Limited Run Blames Supplier For NES Carts That Damaged Consoles

In simpler terms, when reports surfaced suggesting that Limited Run Games sold NES game cartridges that might harm consoles, the company acknowledged the accuracy of the report. They attributed the problem to a shift in their suppliers and expressed regret over the inconvenience caused.

This past week, a report emerged from Time Extension, featuring remarks by retro gaming enthusiast Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso. He alleged that Limited Run Games were selling classic NES games on 3.3V cartridges instead of the standard 5V cartridges compatible with NES consoles. As he explained, this discrepancy can lead to faulty power signals, which may ultimately cause harm not only to the cartridge but also to the NES system itself. The specific titles he pointed out as having this issue are Rugrats: Adventures in Gameland and PioPow.

A representative from Limited Run Games told Eurogamer that they have investigated a problem reported by their community. They confirmed that, due to a voltage regulation issue, there’s a slight possibility that continuous play of these games might cause harm to either the game cartridge or the console itself over time.

The company added that the producer responsible for these game carts had primarily worked on a minimal number of games for Limited Run Games. They are currently investigating their past work to identify any other potential issues. In the interim, Limited Run has pledged to deliver replacement cartridges to buyers and also offers refunds as another choice.

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2025-02-19 20:39