Why Manor Lords’ Performance Surprises Gamers with Old Hardware

As a seasoned gamer with a heart full of nostalgia, I can wholeheartedly relate to Comprehensive-Log317’s post. The thrill of gaming on outdated hardware is like finding that long-lost copy of Super Mario Bros. 3 in your attic – it’s a timeless joy!

Manor Lords has received numerous comments from its user base regarding gameplay issues on outdated computer systems. A recent post by user Comprehensive-Log317 offers insights into how the game performs on a 15-year-old gaming setup. Despite experiencing some crashes and performance problems, this player observed an unexpected improvement that came just in time. They detail their journey from grappling with severe technical difficulties to enjoying a more seamless experience, all while emphasizing how certain aspects of the game, like level 3 plots, have significantly impacted loading times. This shared experience struck a chord with other community members, resulting in a mix of joy and frustration as they traverse the world of Manor Lords using a variety of hardware configurations.

Sub par hardware
byu/Comprehensive-Log317 inManorLords


  • User Comprehensive-Log317 shares their improved gaming experience on 15-year-old hardware.
  • The user highlights a correlation between upgraded structures in-game and increased loading times.
  • Many gamers express mixed feelings with both positive experiences and technical struggles.
  • Discussion reveals a community where outdated rig enthusiasts find solace amid technical challenges.

Performance on Old Hardware

In a rapidly evolving gaming landscape where technology becomes outdated swiftly, it’s refreshing to come across posts like Comprehensive-Log317’s. Witnessing someone play games smoothly on seemingly antiquated hardware is reminiscent of opening an old Pokémon card pack – you never predict the outcome! This user was delighted to share that they were having a glitch-free experience in Manor Lords with a GTX 980×2 SLI and an i7-4790. They even joked, “I owe it to the heavens above!”, discovering they could play at mid-range settings without the game freezing up like an old lawnmower. Considering the age of their hardware, it’s impressive that they can not only run the game but also appreciate it without having a panic attack every 20 minutes due to crashes. Truly remarkable gaming perseverance!

Loading Times and Level 3 Plots

According to Comprehensive-Log317, while there’s plenty of fun to be had, there are also some concerning issues. They noticed a significant increase in loading times when they advanced their burgages to level 3, with wait times escalating from a manageable 45 seconds to an extended 4 minutes or more. This delay has become reminiscent of waiting for paint to dry, stirring curiosity within the community. Many users speculated about potential hidden mechanics or clever optimization techniques at play. One user, with a powerful gaming setup, admitted experiencing long loading times during busy periods. This sparked a discussion about resource management in the game, suggesting that even top-tier systems can encounter issues when overwhelmed with demands. It appears that level 3 plots require further optimization, or perhaps they’ve been secretly filled with a large medieval family gathering!

Community Sentiment

The comments on the post varied from appreciation and shock, with a warm sense of friendship among players as they discussed their diverse gaming experiences. From bonding over outdated computer parts to sharing stories of frequent crashes, users found common ground. One user humorously questioned, “I thought this game was using UE5 already? Perhaps that’s the issue?” This demonstrates that even experienced gamers can struggle to keep up with the ongoing advancements in game engines and user expectations. However, despite the occasional challenges, Comprehensive-Log317’s move towards a more stable gaming experience generally received enthusiastic support, as shown by users like laxen123 who appreciate the resilience of older systems, cherishing the nostalgia of vintage hardware while looking forward to future upgrades.

Technical Insights

<pAs the thread continued to grow, veterans began to offer insight into the technical dilemmas many users faced. The dialogue turned towards the possible causes of prolonged loading times that the user experienced. With fragmentation of game assets and the sheer number of items and structures in the game, loading up all that data can cause delays. Various users tossed out solutions and potential fixes – one enthusiast suggested monitoring system performance, regularly cleaning the system to keep it optimized, while others recommended temporary tweaks in the game’s settings. For gaming enthusiasts, discussing hardware upgrade possibilities was thrilling yet served as a reminder of the personal investment it takes to maintain a capable gaming system. Amid the chatter, one can imagine many chuckling over the user experiences that bond them together in this sometimes-frustrating, yet rewarding adventure of gaming.

As a gamer immersed in the grand saga of Manor Lords, I’ve found myself witnessing a captivating blend of modest system requirements and magnificent gameplay. Despite occasional hiccups like protracted loading screens and random crashes, my fellow gamers like Comprehensive-Log317 have shown remarkable determination and affection for the game’s enchanting appeal.

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2024-10-26 06:43