From Season 3 Episode 5 recap: ‘The Light of Day’

As a longtime resident of Fromville, I’ve seen my fair share of strange and bizarre occurrences. But this latest turn of events has left me absolutely flabbergasted! The town is unraveling at an alarming rate, and it seems as if whatever lies beyond our reach is determined to shatter us completely.

In Episode 5 of Season 3 titled ‘The Light of Day’, Boyd starts to lose grip over the people of Fromville, Tabitha faces intense questioning, and lastly, Victor and Henry meet up after a long time.

In Season 3 Episode 4, there was quite a bit happening. For instance, Tabitha and Henry made their entrance in Fromville, accompanied by some unaware police officers. Later on, as darkness fell, the paramedics met an unfortunate end at the hands of grinning fiends.

In this scenario, a police officer narrowly escaped harm herself, unfortunately taking the life of Colony House resident Nicky in a tragic accident. As for Boyd, he found himself in a challenging position and ultimately chose to put Randall’s life at risk to protect the rest of the group.

In an unexpected turn of events, Randall wasn’t left where things were planned, instead he reappeared. This twist, as seen in the latest Episode 3, only serves to heighten the tension. Before we delve into it, a heads up: spoiler alert!

Chaos in Colony House

From Season 3 Episode 5 recap: ‘The Light of Day’

The grim beginning unfolds as Randall (A.J. Simmons) is escorted into Colony House, and he’s clearly in poor shape. As Marielle (Kaelen Ohm) works to dress his injuries, she reveals his face is covered, but upon removal, it’s evident that pieces of his cheek tissue are torn away. Those vicious creatures have left a terrible mark on him.

Randall angrily shoves Marielle and in response, Boyd (Harold Perrineau) intervenes to hold him back. However, Boyd is the last person he wants around. “It was you who did this! You abandoned me out there!” he yells out.

Back from the forest, Kenny (Ricky He) and Jade (David Alpay) carry Kristi (Chloe Van Landschoot), who’s injured in a bear trap mishap. Marielle tends to Kristi as Boyd fills them in on the evening happenings. Boyd mentions they’ll have a town meeting at the diner, but before he finishes, Jade rushes away.

At the same time, Donna (Elizabeth Saunders) meets up with Henry (Robert Joy), a fresh arrival in Forville who’s Victor’s father. She informs him that they have dispatched some individuals to search for his son.

I’m grateful that Victor (Scott McCord) isn’t too distant. Accompanied by Sara (Avery Konrad), we make our way to Colony House to collect necessities, readying ourselves for our journey into the tunnels. However, our plans are halted when we witness the aftermath of yesterday’s chaos and carnage, as everyone works diligently to clean up.

Donna starts to tell Victor about Nicky and Randall… and that’s just the half of it. 

Victor’s overwhelmed

From Season 3 Episode 5 recap: ‘The Light of Day’

Donna stated that Tabitha returned last night accompanied by someone else, which she revealed as Victor’s father. This left Victor in a state of shock and he hurriedly left. He instructed Sara to go home, indicating they would obtain the ventriloquist doll named Jasper at a later time.

At the Matthews’ residence, Tabitha was filling Jim, Ethan, and Julie in on her experiences outside when suddenly Jade burst in, anxiously querying Tabitha about the lighthouse and the tree adorned with bottles.

Jim (Eion Bailey) contends that it’s merely the Fromville entity playing mind games, but Jade counters, “She left; it’s not an illusion, it’s not a dream. It’s genuine.

Additionally, an entire community is eagerly waiting for clarification from you, regardless of whether you possess the required information or not. Shall we head towards the tree? Perhaps we might discover some helpful insights there.

At the clinic, Randall is recuperating as Kenny shares with Boyd about their expedition into the forest. He mentions there’s something else lurking about, something that moves during the night. However, Boyd has more pressing matters to deal with at the moment.

Kenny muses over why the monsters spared Randall, with Boyd’s main hypothesis being that they wanted to let the people of Fromville know they’re still around and remain a danger.

What makes it bearable for us here is being able to pretend, especially during the day, that we’re secure,” he explains. “But with Randall present, we can no longer maintain this illusion of safety.

Guilt takes over

From Season 3 Episode 5 recap: ‘The Light of Day’

In the course of their discussion, Marielle shares the news of Nicky’s passing with Kristi while attending to her foot injury. However, Kristi’s attempt to reassure Marielle that she shouldn’t feel guilty about the circumstances surrounding his death is misunderstood. Instead, Marielle interprets it as if Kristi doesn’t want her to fall back into opioid addiction.

However, Marielle expresses her apologies, explaining that she’s more concerned with taking care of Kristi at the moment. Upon hearing Randall stirring in discomfort, she proceeds to check on him.

In the room enters Boyd, yet Marielle expresses concern that his presence might worsen Randall. Recognizing her choice of words could have been clearer, she advises him to concentrate on excelling at what he does best: maintaining law and order within Fromville.

But the damage is done: Boyd is clearly feeling guilty for abandoning Randall. 

At Colony House, Donna leads Henry to Victor’s quarters, where he confides that deep down, he had come to accept that Victor, Eloise, and Miranda were no longer alive.

He questions why any man would abandon his family, feeling guilty about Victor distancing himself. “Give him some space,” Donna soothes him, “he’ll eventually reach out again.

Deborah Grover’s character, Tillie, enters to let everyone know that the town meeting is starting soon, as Donna informs Henry that there are many inquiries regarding Tabitha’s recent life experiences outside of our town.

Julie’s escape

From Season 3 Episode 5 recap: ‘The Light of Day’

At the restaurant, it’s overflowing with folks seeking solutions, and as soon as Tabitha arrives, a barrage of questions greets her. Simultaneously, Julie (Hannah Cheramy) clandestinely enters Fatima and Ellis’ room and nabs a hidden cache of marijuana.

As she prepares to depart, Elgin (Nathan D. Simmons) mistook her for an uninvited guest and almost confronted her aggressively. However, he realized his error and offered apologies. They eventually chose to spend time together instead.

Sara inquires Victor about his reluctance to meet his dad. Basically, it’s all about anxiety that everyone can relate to. Victor admits he had nearly persuaded himself that the time before Fromville never happened, and his father, Henry, was merely an imaginary character.

He’s worried his dad’s expecting him to be the same little boy he was all those decades ago, but Sara points out that Henry’s probably just as scared, if not more so. 

At Colony House, Elgin shares with Julie his encounters with a spectral woman in a kimono, whom he’s been observing while they enjoy a few puffs from their pipes. Moved by her words, Julie expresses that she’d prefer dealing with this ghostly figure compared to the haunting thoughts she grapples with daily, stemming from the traumatic dungeon incident in Season 2.

As Elgin inquires about the sounds I’m picking up, I tell him it’s mostly screams that echo within my ears. It’s not just something I hear; it seems as if I can sense it deeply. The only thing that manages to mute those cries is the weed, making everything a tad quieter.

Afterward, they descend to the basement and rummage through the possessions left by previous occupants. While playing around, they stumble upon an old Polaroid camera that still has film inside.

Disorder at the town meeting 

From Season 3 Episode 5 recap: ‘The Light of Day’

The town gathering seems to be facing difficulties: it appears everyone believes Tabitha missed her chance, as they feel she should have reported the matter to the authorities instead.

The newbie police officer, Acosta, steps in to defend her, insisting that she thought Tabitha was crazy and other officials would have reacted in the same way. But it’s not enough to convince the townspeople. 

Tabitha feels overwhelmed and leaves angrily as Boyd tries to soothe the group. Most of them suggest they should queue up at the mysterious tree if there’s even a remote possibility it could lead home, but Boyd cautions them about the perilous experience he had when he approached a distant tree, which came close to claiming his life.

At Matthews’ residence, Tabitha shares her decision to return to the tree once more. Though Jim isn’t keen on the plan, I find myself echoing her sentiment. “You’re correct,” I say, “I ventured out there and returned empty-handed. It’s only fair that I give it another try.

Jim gently steers her aside and attempts to dissuade her, fearing she might not return. She comforts him by explaining that she’s not planning on climbing the tree, merely inspecting it. In the end, Jim agrees, but on the condition that Ethan (Simon Webster) remains at home with him instead.

Boyd loses his cool

From Season 3 Episode 5 recap: ‘The Light of Day’

Following the town gathering, Officer Acosta speaks with Boyd, indicating that though she cannot undo her actions, she can offer assistance. “To divert their attention from that tree,” she clarifies, “you need to provide them with an alternative focal point instead.

Boyd didn’t react kindly towards her; instead, he raised his voice, reprimanding her for past mistakes made the previous night. However, it’s important to note that she wasn’t fully aware of what was happening then. She was scared and merely adhering to regulations.

Currently, Boyd is facing a series of challenges: In Season 3 Episode 1, he witnessed Tian-Chen being tormented; winter’s approach has put their food resources under strain; morale among the group is at an all-time low; and now, his leadership skills are beginning to falter.

In this scenario, Boyd appears to be venting his anger towards Officer Acosta, fully aware of his actions. Once she exits, a wave of remorse sweeps over his face.

With Boyd’s son Ellis (Corteon Moore), things don’t seem to be improving either. He is seen eating from a bucket of spoiled vegetables as if it were a fresh KFC meal. Overwhelmed, Fatima (Pegah Ghafoori) confesses her concern about the baby’s health.

Victor and Henry’s emotional reunion

From Season 3 Episode 5 recap: ‘The Light of Day’

In the open air, Ethan and Henry take a leisurely walk, eventually crossing paths with Victor and Sara. It’s been many years since they last were together, but now, father and son reunite once more.

As I cautiously approach Victor, my heart pounding, it feels like we’re both walking on eggshells. We meet halfway, and I can hardly believe it – it’s almost as if the universe conspired for this moment. In a rush of relief, Victor bursts out, “I was lost, couldn’t find my way home!” To which I reply reassuringly, “It’s alright, buddy. We found each other now.

As I stroll over to Boyd, I notice a hint of confusion in his eyes. I apologize for not voicing my thoughts earlier during the town meeting, but I wanted him to know he’s got the right intentions for all of us. “Just so you know,” I say, “I’ll stand by your side next time we need to make a call.

We shift focus to Jade and Tabitha by the tree filled with bottles, as they’re retrieving slips of paper. Each slip bears a four-digit number, leading Jade to speculate that these might be dates. However, one note reads 2659, which seems unusual given this theory.

As I plopped down next to Jade, she began to share her chilling encounter within the labyrinthine tunnels. She spoke of the cryptic symbol etched on the cold, industrial slabs, the eerie repetition of a strange word “anghkooey” by mysterious children lurking in the shadows.

Jade expressed that, despite his fear, “it was the first moment I sensed some connections beginning to form.” However, trying to make sense of it all has proved to be incredibly challenging.

Dale takes a wrong turn

From Season 3 Episode 5 recap: ‘The Light of Day’

While they’re engaged in conversation, Dale, a local resident of Fromville (Cliff Saunders), makes an appearance. Since Tabitha came back, he’s been hostile, and now he’s taking things into his own control: he intends to venture through the tree’s portal.

Here I am, stepping up, ready to take the risk. Jade and Tabitha cautioned me about potential dangers, but their warnings fell on deaf ears. In a moment, I made my decision – “Someone’s got to do it, right?” I say with determination. They can thank me later. With a swift move, Dale jumps in, and just like that, he vanishes from sight.

It’s unnecessary to anticipate his fate or be taken aback by a return to reality. Instead, it is discovered that Boyd and the townspeople find him merged with the very structure of the swimming pool’s concrete wall.

In a tense moment, Boyd struggles to decide his next step, but after some heart-wrenching seconds, Dale unfortunately passes away. With shock etched on their faces, onlookers witness Boyd shout out in exasperation, “I’m doing everything I can to save you! Don’t you see that? I can’t help if you don’t let me!

To put it simply, things are crumbling under pressure here. Recall the moment from Season 2 when Boyd asserted, “You can’t break me!” Indeed, whatever lies hidden behind this location seems determined to do just that.

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2024-10-21 05:20