The Most Underrated Call of Duty Characters: Fan Thoughts and Feelings

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades under my belt, I’ve seen the evolution of Call of Duty characters from their humble beginnings to their current cinematic glory. The recent Reddit thread on underrated characters in COD sparked a heated debate, and as someone who’s played every game since Modern Warfare, I couldn’t help but chime in.

Throughout its numerous versions, Call of Duty has spawned a vast array of characters, causing players to have thoughts about nearly every soldier, hero, and villain. A Reddit post entitled “[COD] Characters in Call of Duty often overlooked” sparked debate, resulting in passionate discussions among fans about who should be given more attention. The post served as a platform for arguments and counterarguments concerning characters such as Frost, Hesh, and Griggs, inciting strong feelings on both sides.

[COD] Most underrated Call of Duty characters
byu/JoshuaKpatakpa04 inCallOfDuty


  • The discussion highlights differing opinions on what constitutes an underrated character.
  • Several fans expressed deep nostalgia for characters they believe deserve a revival in the spotlight.
  • Criticism was aimed at characters viewed as overrated, showcasing the subjective nature of character appreciation.
  • Users emphasized the importance of character depth and voice, influencing how memorable a character is.

The Essence of Underrated Characters

The thread opened up an insightful discussion about what it means for a character to be underrated. Several users pointed out that sometimes a character’s narrative presence is limited, which can lead to their underappreciation among the broader fanbase. For example, a user noted, “SGT Roebuck is an underappreciated GOAT”. While Roebuck might not hold the spotlight compared to other icons, his portrayal adds layers to the narrative, making him a memorable figure for those who pay attention. Many in the community lament the gap between popular and underrated characters, voicing their desire for a more inclusive recognition of all soldiers who played pivotal roles in their games.

Character Nostalgia

In this discussion, a sense of nostalgia significantly influences the emotions expressed. Users exhibit fondness towards characters like Griggs and Hesh, but express a desire for less dialogue from Hesh, as one fan put it, “Hesh is awesome, but he talks too much, to be honest.” This indicates that players admire the character, yet find his dialogue excessive. Interestingly, other characters such as Frost are not spared criticism; one user commented, “Frost isn’t underrated; he’s overrated if anything!” This reveals a schism between nostalgic affection and the call for character development. These comments underscore that players often treasure characters that remind them of their gaming past, even if they are not universally popular.

Target of Criticism: Characters with Less Personality

It’s intriguing to note that certain users have taken it upon themselves to critique characters they feel lack depth or development in the Call of Duty series. One user even bluntly remarked, “Least memorable characters: Picks 3 characters who possess no distinctive personality, voice, appearance, or characterization.” This comment touches on the essence of what makes a character stand out within this gaming universe. It sparks a substantial discussion: Are these characters undervalued, or do they simply lack traits that make players connect with them compared to iconic figures? Given the intense competition in the franchise, it’s challenging to create a lasting impact without a compelling narrative or captivating gameplay moments connected to the characters.

The Importance of Character Depth

Discussions about favorite characters brought attention to the importance of depth and backstory in gaming. Fans acknowledged that these aspects significantly influence a character’s impact on players. For instance, Gaz from Modern Warfare, often mentioned in posts as someone fans wanted to see more of: “I hoped he didn’t die in MW1 and we got to know him better.” This suggests that well-developed characters strike a chord with gamers. Critics argue that detailed backgrounds and emotional growth foster stronger connections, resulting in deeper fan engagement over time. In essence, when characters evolve beyond combat into fully fleshed-out personas, their worth increases, leading to more engaging interactions among fans.

In a vibrant conversation on Reddit, a myriad of perspectives surfaced about underappreciated characters from Call of Duty. From reminiscence, amusement, to comments on their character development, these discussions add layers to the community’s comprehension of the game’s storyline and its inhabitants. As players keep posting who they think deserves more recognition, it’s evident that even minor characters can spark laughter, create memorable moments, and generate discussion—ensuring that the legacy of Call of Duty remains alive in fans’ hearts worldwide.

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2024-10-20 16:58