„We’re Wasting Everybody’s Time!” Troy Baker Recounted Years Later What Made a Key Scene From The Last of Us Iconic

As a seasoned gamer with a heart full of memories and experiences spanning decades, I can wholeheartedly say that The Last of Us Part I stands out as one of the most impactful games I’ve ever played. The opening scene, where Joel loses his daughter Sarah, is undeniably heart-wrenching, and it’s a testament to the incredible acting and direction that went into making it so powerful.

In the opening scenes of “The Last of Us Part I,” an unforgettable incident takes place that left a lasting impact on gaming. Within just 15 minutes, humanity’s world as we know it is destroyed, and Joel, the protagonist, tragically loses his daughter Sarah. This heart-wrenching sequence can also be found in the HBO series, “The Last of Us,” where Pedro Pascal portrayed the lead character.

Initially acting as Joel Miller in “The Last of Us Part I”, Troy Baker shared his experiences from filming an unforgettable sequence later on. It transpired that they filmed this scene over a dozen times, which became frustrating for Troy Baker.

In one of the filming instances, as narrated by Baker, Neil Druckmann, the game’s director, indicated to him, “On our next occasion, we will be filming THIS scene.” It was understood that this wouldn’t be an easy or enjoyable experience because the scene revolved around a traumatic event. Consequently, Troy made sure to prepare thoroughly for the following motion capture session. After many years had passed, he recalled this incident.

Upon arriving, I was brimming with my thoughts, feelings, and excitement… And as for the stage, here’s where I let go. Grab a moment, and I crumble, I let out shouts and cries.

As a devoted admirer, let me share a behind-the-scenes tale about Neil Druckmann’s unwavering dedication. Time and again, he asked Troy Baker and Hana Hayes to reenact a particular scene – seven to eight times in total. During these pauses, the emotional weight became palpable as both Troy and Hana found themselves shedding tears. The set was heavy with tension, reminiscent of a solemn vigil. Eventually, Neil, sensing the right moment, declared: “I believe we’ve nailed it.” A sigh of relief escaped Troy Baker, signaling that their arduous work had finally reached its desired mark.

„We’re Wasting Everybody’s Time!” Troy Baker Recounted Years Later What Made a Key Scene From The Last of Us Iconic

Troy Baker (Joel) and Hana Hayes (Sarah). Last of Us Behind the Scenes. Naughty Dog 2013.

Three months down the line, Neil Druckmann came back to me with a twist – we needed to re-shoot a crucial scene. I groaned, “Man, not again,” but he was persistent. Back to the recording studio we went, revisiting the emotional heart of the game once more. On take two or three, Neil called me aside and said: “Troy, let’s give it another go.

Neil: I’m pickin up some resistance.

Troy: Absolutely, you’re choosing resistance. We’ve got this figured out. I can sense it, and I think you can too, so let’s get on with it – we’ve got the upper hand here!

Once more, Neil Druckmann persisted. In a composed manner, he clarified to Troy the aspects he had overlooked and guided him on how to craft this scene into one of the most outstanding in video game history.

Neil: Here’s what I have. I have a man broken.

Troy: Yeah! His daughter just died!

Neil: Here’s the situation I’m in right now: “What’s up? Things are unfolding. I can handle it. It’s not functioning correctly. She’s leaving. She’s already left. I feel shattered.

In just a few concise phrases, Neil Druckmann encapsulated the full range of feelings Joel ought to experience as he cradles his dying daughter. Yet it was the words he spoke next that really opened my eyes to valuable guidance:

You know, the one thing you haven’t done this entire time is you haven’t just… look at her. You looked everywhere else, you cried to the heavens, you looked at Tom, you closed your eyes but you never just looked at her.

After many years, Troy Baker emotionally disclosed, with a quivering tone, that upon becoming a father today, he had found the one true action he ought to perform in such an instant.

Now that I’m a father, I realize that if I only had a brief time with my child, nothing in this world would matter more to me than simply gazing upon him.

In that very instant, Troy finds himself fixed upon his daughter’s fleeting image, and the emotional impact of the scene remains palpable even today – it stands out as an unprecedented embodiment of drama and exceptional acting within the gaming realm. A single subtle detail, such as a poignant glance, was sufficient to make it convincing and unforgettable.

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2024-10-15 00:02