FIFA Players Frustrated by New Evo Requirements: What’s Going On?

As a seasoned FIFA player with years of experience under my belt, I can’t help but feel disheartened by the latest Evo requirements. It seems that with every new update, the demands placed upon us increase exponentially, and this time it’s reached an all-time high. The 24 games with assists requirement for a single Evo upgrade is nothing short of ludicrous, especially when coupled with the lengthy matchmaking times and the seemingly inevitable encounters with AFK players.

FIFA enthusiasts are expressing their discontent after a post on the EA Sports Football subreddit revealed the excessive demands of the new Evolution (Evo) upgrades. User elitejagdtiger describes their predicament of having to win 24 games with assists in a tense game mode, a time-consuming process due to the lengthy search for matches. This disappointment stems from not realizing the requirements beforehand and spending money on this upgrade, criticizing EA’s decision-making. The community’s dissatisfaction is evident as they delve into the specifics of this particular Evo event.

Today’s evo is absolutely absurd
byu/elitejagdtiger inEASportsFC


  • Players are increasingly frustrated with the high costs and tedious requirements tied to Evo events.
  • Many users express that the gameplay mode is not user-friendly, with long matchmaking times and common incidents of players quitting.
  • Community members highlight issues with the structure and overall fun factor of the new Evo challenges, particularly with busy schedules.
  • Despite the frustrations, some players see a small silver lining in being able to upgrade their cards.

Community Frustrations

Elitejagdtiger’s post triggers a wave of discontent towards the Evo system, as one user put it, “I could handle the requirement if it was free, but spending 65k for 24 victory rushes seems absurd to me.” This opinion echoes throughout the comments, which are filled with complaints about the high cost compared to the effort expended. Many players find the player upgrade requirements not just challenging but also seemingly thoughtless in terms of the player experience. Long wait times for matches, averaging more than five minutes, add to the frustration of fans trying to cope with a game mode plagued by AFK players, making an already difficult process of achieving wins even more excruciating.

Gameplay Issues

A common topic that keeps coming up in these discussions is the actual gameplay experience, or rather the lack of it. It’s quite ironic that a mode called “rush” doesn’t deliver on its promise of speed, as players spend hours trying to get that quick fix of satisfaction. One user suggested, “They should make rush games shorter; it’s too long for a game mode named ‘rush’.” This brings up a significant issue regarding the consistency of the game’s mechanics. Players are seeking fast-paced action but instead find themselves stuck in what feels like an endless series of teammate problems and extended wait times, which can result in a disappointing gaming experience. Many users have expressed a wish for a more rapid gameplay pace, especially since the ‘rush’ mode is supposed to be about quick play.

Time Constraints and Team Composition

Expressing shared worries, numerous voices voice concern about the tight deadlines that players experience when they must harmonize their work obligations with gaming pastimes. As AverageCarey articulates, “it’s quite challenging for someone who works five days a week.” The competitive atmosphere of Evo tournaments often collides with the demands of a busy schedule, causing these events to feel less like fun and more like an onerous duty. For players eager to experience all aspects of FIFA, coordinating matchmaking, rivals, and personal responsibilities can make the requirements for Evo seem overwhelming, exacerbating frustration within the FIFA player community.

Debate on Costs and Accessibility

One way to rephrase the given text in a more natural and easy-to-understand manner could be: “The main cause of players’ annoyance is the expensive nature of the challenges in these Evo games. They argue that it’s unfair to require such a large payment for improving their game or character, especially when the fun starts to decrease due to challenging gameplay hurdles. As one unhappy player put it, ‘EA is out of touch. 65k and all those games? Ha-ha.’ Users are asking for either a big drop in these costs or a system where paid Evolutions provide immediate benefits without needing to spend time on difficult game modes. Essentially, while special upgrades may be appealing, they shouldn’t come at such a high cost—both in terms of money and time.

In simpler terms, the way players interact with the Evo system in FIFA is causing a lot of frustration. Despite their love for the game, players are facing issues like limited playtime, unclear development plans, and a general sense that their fun is being hindered. The community may be critical, but there’s also a strong bond among them, wanting to make the game better. Some players even find reasons to stay optimistic, hoping upcoming updates will fix ongoing problems. Whether EA takes note of its passionate fanbase or not, it seems changes might be necessary to restore the enjoyment FIFA fans desire.

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2024-10-14 09:13