Destiny 2: Why Are Dungeon Clears Taking Longer Than Ever?

As a gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I have seen games evolve and adapt to their communities’ needs. However, the current state of Destiny 2‘s dungeons has left me scratching my head. It feels like the time it takes to clear a dungeon is akin to waiting for the second coming of Xur – an eternity!

In Destiny 2, the game has consistently been about tough content and teamwork. However, conversations on forums suggest that players are increasingly worried about how long it takes to finish dungeons. A post by user ‘aspriin’ particularly stood out, expressing annoyance over the time required to successfully complete a dungeon in the game. This post ignited a series of comments from players who either echoed their feelings or suggested which dungeons were taking longer than expected to conquer. The general mood varied from dismay to acceptance, reflecting a community struggling with the evolving nature of dungeon runs in Destiny 2.

When it takes longer to clear a dungeon
byu/aspriin indestiny2


  • Players express frustration over longer dungeon completion times in Destiny 2.
  • Comparisons are drawn between different dungeons, sparking debates.
  • The community shows a mix of comedic relief and serious critique regarding dungeon design.
  • A few users praise their experiences while others vent about inefficient group dynamics.

Frustrations With Dungeon Durations

In discussions within the Destiny 2 community, it’s clear that players are expressing a strong sense of annoyance about how long it takes to finish dungeons. They find their playthroughs taking longer than usual, with some even complaining about the final boss fights feeling interminable. User ‘BestLagg’, for example, stated that the solo for the final boss is lengthier than the solo for Vesper, suggesting they believe certain encounters have been extended unreasonably. This sentiment seems to be shared by many others who echoed similar sentiments, implying that some dungeons seem more focused on testing patience rather than abilities. It seems players are finding it difficult to reconcile enjoyment with the challenge when run times become excessively long, leading to a growing sense of irritation among the community.

Dungeons in Comparison

<pThe comments sparked a fascinating discussion contrasting different dungeons, prompting users to share their experiences. ‘RootinTootinPutin47’ remarked, “Tbf d2 kings fall took less time than vesper for wf,” suggesting that not all dungeons are created equal when it comes to completion time. Comparisons between classic dungeons and newer iterations seem to dominate the conversation. Players reminisce about times when dungeon clears felt like a solid accomplishment rather than an experience marked by exhaustion and lengthy timers. Some expressed concern that the newer dungeons lack the pacing that earlier content had, making each completion feel less rewarding. The shift in player expectations versus developer design is palpable in these conversations.

The Comedic Relief

<pAmidst frustration, players also resorted to humor as a coping mechanism. An astute user, ‘TheChunkyBoi’, described their experience by saying, “God RoN is so cheeks. Absolute snooze fest unless you are lowmanning. There’s nothing to do when you have 6 people,” showcasing not just a critique but a humorous take on the current situation. The acknowledgment of dungeon runs often devolving into boredom when over-staffed highlights both the design flaw and the lighthearted spirit many players maintain. Responses like these provide a sense of community as they validate feelings while also giving a chuckle to lighten the mood. The humor adds a much-needed balance to serious critiques, turning frustration into shared laughter.

Player Experience and Group Dynamics

The comments give insights into players’ experiences that go beyond just the length of dungeon runs. Player interactions significantly impact whether a dungeon run is enjoyable or difficult. User ‘AnnoyedButStillHere’ mentioned an instance where their team cleared DSC in less than an hour, indicating a much better experience compared to others who face prolonged battles. This implies that the makeup of a fireteam can either enhance or ruin the gaming experience. Good communication, cooperation, and complementary playstyles help in overcoming dungeon obstacles quickly and effectively. It’s clear that team spirit and group efficiency are essential for a successful run, but when they fail to materialize, player aggravation intensifies.

Analyzing Future Implications

As the conversation progresses, it brings up queries regarding the future layout of dungeons in Destiny 2. Is Bungie considering player feedback when designing these dungeons, or will they continue with designs that aren’t popular? The difference between current dungeon experiences indicates that changes may be necessary, either in terms of pacing or challenge design to match what players anticipate. The community is eagerly awaiting Bungie’s reaction to this feedback, hoping for balance adjustments that could transform dungeon runs from a mundane task into an exciting adventure.

The Community’s Discourse

Personally speaking, the conversations here in this subreddit truly reflect the mix of excitement and exasperation we gamers feel towards Destiny 2 dungeons. Each complaint about spending too much time on dull content is met with praise for past exhilarating and swift adventures. From light-hearted memes poking fun at complex encounters to thoughtful comments on gameplay harmony, it’s clear that our passion for gaming runs deep. The emotions expressed range from frustration to fondness, creating a portrait of a community that is dedicated, craving improvement, yet always ready for a good chuckle.

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2024-10-14 06:59