Pokémon GO Master League Tier List

As a seasoned Trainer with years of battling under my belt, I can confidently say that Shadow Dragonite is truly a force to be reckoned with in the Master League. Its powerful Attack stat, combined with its Shadow moves, makes it a formidable opponent, especially when shields are no longer in play. It quickly chips away at anything in its path and has the coverage to deal with Steel types that would otherwise wall it, making it an S-tier closer.

Struggling with my picks for the Master League in Pokémon GO? Here’s a breakdown of the various battle terms used in the Master League, along with some top-tier Pokémon for each battle type, and some suggestions on forming a winning team. Dive into this guide to master the Pokémon GO Master League tier list!

Best Pokémon to use in the Pokémon GO Master League, Ranked

In Pokémon GO, the Master League is the most intense player-versus-player (PvP) competition, with no restrictions on a Pokémon’s Combat Power (CP). This means it’s the league with the fiercest competition. Here, you’ll come across Legendaries, Near-Legendaries, and Mythical creatures, all boosted to level 50.

Pokémon GO Master League Tier List

Constructing a robust Master League squad calls for some financial commitment in terms of Candy and Stardust, but choosing the right Pokemon to employ can provide you with an advantage. Pokemon are categorized into five roles during leagues: Leader, Aggressor, Protector, Substitute, and Finisher.

Lead Master League Pokémon Tier List

Pokémon GO Master League Tier List

Key Pokémon serve as the initial combatants and play a vital role in determining the rhythm of the fight. They should possess strong resistance, endurance, and powerful charged attacks to exert pressure on opponents right from the outset.

TierPokémon & Moveset
SDialga (Dragon Breath, Iron Head, Draco Meteor)
Groudon (Mud Shot, Fire Punch, Earthquake)
Kyogre (Waterfall, Surf, Thunder)
Palkia (Dragon Tail, Aqua Tail, Draco Meteor)
Shadow Mewtwo (Psycho Cut, Shadow Ball, Psystrike)
Yveltal (Snarl, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast)
Zacian (Quick Attack, Close Combat, Play Rough)
ADragonite/Shadow Dragonite (Dragon Breath, Dragon Claw, Superpower)
Giratina (Altered Forme) (Shadow Claw, Dragon Claw, Shadow Sneak)
Giratina (Origin Forme) (Shadow Claw, Shadow Ball, Ominous Wind)
Zekrom (Dragon Breath, Wild Charge, Crunch)
BGoodra (Dragon Breath, Aqua Tail, Thunder Punch)
Gyarados (Dragon Breath, Aqua Tail, Crunch)
Shadow Magnezone (Spark, Wild Charge, Mirror Shot)
CCetitan (Powder Snow, Avalanche, Body Slam)
Florges (Fairy Wind, Disarming Voice, Moonblast)
DSkeledirge (Incinerate, Shadow Ball, Disarming Voice)

S-tier Lead Pokémon

Top-notch Pokémon in the Master League stand out as the best of the best. They possess an ideal combination of resistance, durability, and control over defensive shields, enabling them to set the pace for battles right from the get-go.

As a passionate fan, I can’t help but marvel at the might of Dialga. With its unique Dragon/Steel typing, Dialga boasts resistance against ten different types, granting it a strategic advantage over numerous adversaries. Its arsenal includes Dragon Breath for rapid, reliable damage and Iron Head for enticing opponents to use their shields. Lastly, the sheer force of Draco Meteor sets it apart as a formidable foe that demands respect.

A-tier Lead Pokémon

As a dedicated gamer, I’ve come to appreciate the strength and dependability of A-tier Pokémon in battles. However, there are certain vulnerabilities they possess that prevent them from attaining the elite status of S-tier Pokémon.

As a gamer, I’d say Dragonite is an exceptional A-tier Lead. Its potent Dragon Breath and swiftly recharging moves like Dragon Claw and Superpower let me put pressure on the opponent’s shields while dishing out consistent damage throughout the fight. What’s more, Dragonite’s robust health lets it endure longer in battle, making it an ideal pick for tackling a diverse range of opponents.

B-tier Lead Pokémon

Pokémon GO Master League Tier List

Mediocre Lead Pokémon offer substantial advantages and impressive skills, yet they carry significant weaknesses that stop them from climbing into the top tiers.

Shadow Magnezone delivers a substantial amount of harm through moves like Wild Charge and Mirror Shot, putting strain on your opponent’s defenses while inflicting significant damage. Additionally, its Electric/Steel type provides it with advantageous resistances, notably against Fairy and Dragon types.

Despite its strong attacking power, Shadow Magnezone’s key vulnerability lies in its brittleness, particularly when in its Shadow form. This increased susceptibility to damage typically results in it not being able to endure fights as long as other competitors.

C-tier Lead Pokémon

As a dedicated Pokémon enthusiast, I’ve come to realize that some lower-ranked Pokémon can certainly stand their ground against specific opponents. However, in many encounters, they tend to fall behind when compared to the more powerful options due to their inherent flaws and restrictions.

Florges serves as an excellent illustration of a mid-tier Leader, particularly due to its Fairy type and moves such as Fairy Wind and Moonblast, which make it highly effective against many common Dragon-type opponents in the Master League. Its robust build allows it to endure battles well, while also putting pressure on certain foes by applying solid shield tactics.

Florges moveset is somewhat predictable, making it easier for opponents to play around.

D-tier Lead Pokémon

Lower-ranked Pokémon in the Lead category, such as those in the D-tier, often face challenges when going head-to-head with more powerful choices in the Master League due to their limited effectiveness.

Skeledirge’s distinctive dual Fire/Ghost type offers it intriguing immunities, while moves such as Incinerate and Shadow Ball make it capable of delivering a powerful blow.

From a passionate fan’s perspective, I’d say Skeledirge struggles in high-speed encounters due to its slow nature and heavy reliance on powerful charge moves that expose it to counterattacks. This vulnerability is further accentuated when compared to the top-tier Pokémon in the current meta, as they often outpace it. Additionally, Skeledirge’s energy generation rate is comparatively low, which limits its ability to apply consistent shield pressure in battles.

Attacker Master League Pokémon Tier List

Pokémon GO Master League Tier List

Enemies perform best when defense mechanisms are active. These Pokemon boast high durability and powerful offensive moves, enabling them to endure defensive strategies of opponents while still inflicting harm.

TierPokémon & Moveset
SDragonite (Dragon Breath, Dragon Claw, Superpower)
Florges (Fairy Wind, Disarming Voice, Moonblast)
Kommo-o (Dragon Tail, Close Combat, Dragon Claw)
Melmetal (Thunder Shock, Rock Slide, Superpower)
Shadow Dragonite (Dragon Breath, Dragon Claw, Superpower)
AGoodra (Dragon Breath, Aqua Tail, Thunder Punch)
Gyarados (Dragon Breath, Aqua Tail, Crunch)
Shadow Dragonite (Dragon Breath, Dragon Claw, Superpower)
Zekrom (Dragon Breath, Wild Charge, Crunch)
BAnnihilape (Counter, Night Slash, Shadow Ball)
Hisuian Avalugg (Powder Snow, Rock Slide, Icy Wind)
CHippowdon (Sand Attack, Weather Ball (Rock), Earth Power)
Shadow Snorlax (Lick, Body Slam, Superpower)
DShadow Hippowdon (Sand Attack, Weather Ball (Rock), Earth Power)

S-tier Attacker Pokémon

Top-grade Pokémons stand out for their ability to effectively defeat opponents even while shields are active. This is due to their strong attacks, robust defenses, and knack for consistently inflicting damage.

In the Master League, Kommo-o stands out as an exceptional S-tier attacker. With its Dragon/Fighting type, it boasts a robust collection of resistances, enabling it to deal effectively with diverse opponents. The fast moves like Dragon Tail help put pressure swiftly, and Close Combat and Dragon Claw provide the necessary power to shatter shields and deliver powerful blows.

This Pokémon poses a genuine danger to heavyweight Steel-types such as Dialga and Metagross, and its sturdy build enables it to endure combat for extended periods compared to most assailants.

A-tier Attacker Pokémon

A-tier Attackers are solid choices that can dish out impressive damage and handle a variety of opponents, though they may lack some of the bulk that S-tier Pokémon possess.

Zekrom falls neatly into this category due to its potent Electric/Dragon type. Its versatile move set puts pressure on opponents and defenses alike. Impressively, Zekrom’s resilience enables it to endure confrontations with various dangers.

In simpler terms, Zekrom’s inability to reach the highest tier in gameplay is due to its weakness towards Fairy-type characters, which are frequently encountered. Despite its strong fighting abilities, Zekrom often faces difficulties against these counterparts, hindering it from becoming the ultimate dominating force it could potentially be.

B-tier Attacker Pokémon

Pokémon GO Master League Tier List

Intermediate-level Pokémon, while dependable in fights, might not always measure up to the top-ranked ones because they have certain constraints that affect their performance consistency.

In this category, Annihilape fits perfectly with its Fighting/Ghost type. This Pokémon stands out due to its distinctive resistances and the ability to use moves like Counter and Shadow Ball, making it capable of inflicting substantial damage and putting pressure on opponents efficiently. Moreover, its reasonable durability means it can withstand attacks, which is always beneficial in PvP battles.

The Pokémon doesn’t quite reach top S or A ranking as it often falters against typical Fairy and Psychic types due to their ability to expose its vulnerabilities. Although it possesses a strong moveset, it might not always have the punch required to swiftly defeat more robust opponents.

C-tier Attacker Pokémon

Third-ranking Trainers’ Pokemon generally participate in battles, yet they may not possess the exceptional power required to shine compared to other combatants.

Hippowdon serves as a great illustration of a mid-tier attacker due to its ability to dish out reasonable damage, coupled with substantial durability. However, its effectiveness is somewhat limited because it primarily uses slower moves and lacks speed overall, making it challenging for it to keep pace with quicker adversaries.

Although Hippowdon can endure attacks and take a beating, its lack of effectiveness in applying pressure on opponents and exploiting shield opportunities places it solidly within the C-tier category.

D-tier Attacker Pokémon

Weakest-class Pokemon, or D-tier ones, typically have a hard time making a big difference in fights. This is often because they have poor types, few move options, or simply aren’t very robust. The Shadow Hippowdon shares the same Ground typing and move set as its regular version, but this shadowy form takes more damage due to its reduced durability.

Despite having moves like Earth Power that can inflict substantial damage, its weakness and slow speed frequently leave it struggling against swifter, more powerful opponents, who usually overpower it.

Defender Master League Pokémon Tier List

Pokémon GO Master League Tier List

Characters acting as absorbent shields, boasting substantial size and defenses, can be incredibly useful when it comes to Pokémon that can withstand attacks.

TierPokémon & Moveset
SBlissey (Zen Headbutt, Dazzling Gleam)
Lugia (Dragon Tail, Sky Attack, Aeroblast)
Metagross (Zen Headbutt, Meteor Mash, Earthquake)
Togekiss (Charm, Dazzling Gleam, Flamethrower)
ARegisteel (Lock-On, Focus Blast, Zap Cannon)
Snorlax (Zen Headbutt, Outrage, Body Slam)
Umbreon (Snarl, Foul Play, Last Resort)
BGoodra (Dragon Breath, Draco Meteor, Power Whip)
Milotic (Waterfall, Hyper Beam, Surf)
CAvalugg (Ice Fang, Avalanche, Body Slam)
DSteelix (Iron Tail, Earthquake, Heavy Slam)

S-tier Defender Pokémon

Top-notch Protectors have the ability to withstand immense attacks, all while maintaining a balance between applying sufficient force to keep adversaries in check.

As a devoted fan, I can confidently say that Blissey, with its astonishing HP and versatile moves like Zen Headbutt and Dazzling Gleam, stands firm against the toughest blows, gradually diminishing the enemy’s vitality. Its Fairy typing offers invaluable protections against frequent hazards, making it a living fortress that gives headaches to numerous Attackers trying to penetrate its defenses.

Despite not boasting the fastest healing abilities, its substantial size lets it endure longer than opponents and absorb damage more easily, making it a formidable force in extended fights. When teamed with appropriate backup, Blissey becomes an effective protective barrier for allies.

A-tier Defender Pokémon

Top-quality defenders are reliable options, offering great sturdiness and usefulness in combat, which makes them tough competitors, though they may not quite match up to the peak performance level of the S-tier.

Equipped with moves such as Snarl and Foul Play, along with robust damage figures, Umbreon can withstand multiple attacks while dishing out consistent damage. Its Dark nature provides it with a sturdy resistance against Psychic and Ghost-type attacks, making it an effective adversary to common challenges like Mewtwo and Gengar.

Despite having strong defensive abilities, Umbreon often faces difficulties against quicker opponents due to its dependence on generating energy and charging up moves. This leaves it vulnerable as these speedy attackers can deplete its health before it can counterattack effectively.

B-tier Defender Pokémon

Pokémon GO Master League Tier List

Mid-level Defenders provide a mix of sturdiness and tactical efficiency on the field, which makes them dependable options during combat. However, compared to more elite Pokémon, their adaptability might be slightly less pronounced.

Milotic’s Water type offers immunity to Fire and Steel attacks, making it a formidable opponent against specific challenges. Yet, it doesn’t possess the unyielding durability of elite defenders such as Blissey or Umbreon, leaving it susceptible to Electric and Grass types which are frequently encountered in the game.

C-tier Defender Pokémon

Mid-tier defenders are reliable options that can take hits and offer useful abilities, however, they frequently don’t have the strength or skills to excel when facing stronger adversaries.

In a fight, Avalugg demonstrates remarkable resilience, especially when squaring off against Dragons, Fliers, and Grass-types. Yet, due to its Ice classification, it’s susceptible to attacks from Fighting, Rock, and Fire types, which are commonly used in the Master League.

Although Avalugg’s size makes it good at absorbing attacks, it doesn’t have the attack power or versatility found in top-tier defenders. This means that it can provide temporary protection, but might find it challenging to shift the course of a fight against stronger opponents.

D-tier Defender Pokémon

Lower-ranked Defense Pokemon can find a niche, but they often face considerable challenges when facing stronger opponents within the Master League.

Due to its Iron Tail and Earthquake abilities, Steelix has the capacity to inflict considerable harm, particularly on Fairy and Rock types. Yet, being both Steel and Ground typed makes it susceptible to attacks from Fighting, Water, and Fire moves.

Steelix can endure a few blows, but it tends to falter during more challenging encounters, which is why it’s classified in the D-tier. Therefore, if you plan on using Steelix, be aware that it may not perform as effectively as expected in tougher fights.

Switch Master League Pokémon Tier List

Pokémon GO Master League Tier List

If you aim to turn the course of a fight, it’s beneficial to have Pokemon that can switch in during battles. These Pokemon are skilled at handling unfavorable matchups, making your adversary adjust their strategy, which could potentially give you an advantage.

TierPokémon & Moveset
SGoodra (Dragon Breath, Aqua Tail, Thunder Punch)
Gyarados (Dragon Breath, Aqua Tail, Crunch)
Mewtwo (Psycho Cut, Psystrike, Focus Blast)
Shadow Feraligatr (Shadow Claw, Hydro Cannon, Ice Beam)
Shadow Snorlax (Lick, Body Slam, Superpower)
AGolisopod (Shadow Claw, Liquidation, X-Scissor)
Landorus (Incarnate Forme) (Mud Shot, Rock Slide, Earth Power)
Ursaluna (Tackle, High Horsepower, Ice Punch)
BFeraligatr (Shadow Claw, Hydro Cannon, Ice Beam)
Raikou (Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Shadow Ball)
Shadow Hippowdon (Sand Attack, Weather Ball (Rock), Earth Power)
CShadow Hippowdon (Sand Attack, Weather Ball (Rock), Earth Power)
DHisuian Avalugg (Powder Snow, Rock Slide, Icy Wind)

S-tier Switch Pokémon

Top-notch Switches excel at jumping right into a fight and managing any challenges that come their way, frequently tipping the balance of battles in your favor.

Goodra excels as a Nintendo Switch character, boasting exceptional typing skills and an impressive physique. As a Dragon-type Pokémon, Goodra is resistant to numerous formidable opponents in the Master League such as Kyogre, Dialga, and Giratina. It also deals reasonable damage with attacks like Dragon Breath.

Goodra’s capacity to withstand attacks provides it with the endurance required to deploy defensive barriers or gradually whittle down the enemy team.

A-tier Switch Pokémon

Top-grade switches offer robustness and reliability, however, there may be certain situations where they don’t outperform high-tier alternatives quite as effectively.

Ursaluna boasts a remarkable adaptability in battle, thanks to its Ground and Normal types. It’s sturdy enough to absorb attacks from numerous common opponents, while it can deal substantial harm using Tackle as its quick move, along with Thunder Punch and High Horsepower for additional damage.

In simpler terms, while Ursaluna shows impressive strength and endurance, its abilities fall short of the S-tier level mainly because it’s weak against Fighting and Water types, and could face difficulties against Dragon-types in less favorable battles. However, despite these vulnerabilities, Ursaluna remains a potent choice as a substitute due to its robust staying power and wide range of coverage options.

B-tier Switch Pokémon

Pokémon GO Master League Tier List

Mid-grade Switches are reliable options, however, they have several significant drawbacks that stop them from reaching the top echelons.

As a gamer, let me tell you, Raikou is tailor-made for this tier. Being an Electric type, it’s a game-changer against Legendaries like Kyogre, Lugia, and Ho-Oh, who are primarily Flying or Water types. This makes Raikou a dependable choice when I need to switch things up. The combo of Volt Switch and Wild Charge delivers some serious, swift damage blows. And let’s not forget Shadow Ball, which offers solid coverage against Psychic and Ghost adversaries.

Despite having a lower build than top-tier switches and being susceptible to both Ground and Dragon-type attacks, Raikou falls short of making it into the A- or S-tier categories.

C-tier Switch Pokémon

Lower-grade switches can show promise at times, yet they typically require skillful handling and advantageous scenarios to truly excel.

Shadow Hippowdon illustrates an impressive level of adaptability, yet it falls short in durability and consistency to excel at higher levels. With a diverse move set that includes Ice Fang and Weather Ball, it provides some unexpected coverage options. However, the shadowy nature of this Pokémon brings a compromise – its already modest endurance decreases even more.

In more challenging Master League fights, it dishes out reasonable damage but isn’t durable enough to withstand multiple attacks consistently.

D-tier Switch Pokémon

D-tier switches are devices that have some value, but they often fail to make it into the elite “Master League” because of numerous shortcomings.

In the category of Pokémon that are susceptible to multiple common dangers, Hisuian Avalugg falls into this group due to its Ice-type nature. This makes it vulnerable against Fighting, Fire, Rock, and Steel types. Although it can deliver strong blows with Ice-based attacks, it’s unfortunately both fragile and sluggish, which hinders its effectiveness when used as a substitute in battle. Opponents can easily respond to it, and lacking versatility in its move selection or typing, Hisuian Avalugg frequently finds itself overshadowed by superior choices in the Master League.

Closer Master League Pokémon Tier List

Pokémon GO Master League Tier List

Specialists excel in decisive combat situations, particularly when protective shields have been depleted. They can be exceptionally hard to defeat or deliver heavy damage using potent charge attacks.

TierPokémon & Moveset
SGarchomp (Mud Shot, Earth Power, Outrage)
Gholdengo (Hex, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast)
Shadow Dragonite (Dragon Breath, Dragon Claw, Superpower)
Shadow Gyarados (Dragon Breath, Aqua Tail, Crunch)
AMetagross (Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash, Earthquake)
Shadow Mamoswine (Powder Snow, Avalanche, High Horsepower)
Ursaluna (Tackle, High Horsepower, Ice Punch)
BFlorges (Fairy Wind, Disarming Voice, Moonblast)
Lapras (Ice Shard, Surf, Ice Beam)
Mamoswine (Powder Snow, Avalanche, High Horsepower)
CAnnihilape (Counter, Night Slash, Shadow Ball)
DHippowdon (Sand Attack, Weather Ball (Rock), Earth Power)

S-tier Closer Pokémon

Top-notch Pokémons are the ones you’d prefer to keep handy when the game is on a tight rope. They shine particularly well in closing out matches, as they are exceptional at defeating enemies once their shields have been depleted, thereby making them indispensable during critical battle situations.

Shadow Dragonite elevates its role significantly with an awe-inspiring offensive powerhouse performance. Its swiftly eroding Dragon Breath Fast Move and rapid charge attack from Dragon Claw make it relentless on any target. What makes it even more formidable is Superpower, which allows it to handle Steel types that could otherwise counteract it effectively. Furthermore, the Shadow enhancement to its already impressive Attack stat transforms Shadow Dragonite into a destructive force in the late game, quickly overpowering opponents once shields are depleted.

A-tier Closer Pokémon

Top-notch Final Stage Players generally perform well in various decisive situations, but they may not possess the extensive adaptability or substantial strength needed for all types of encounters.

As a gamer, I’ve found that Mamoswine is quite the formidable A-tier Closer, packing a powerful punch with its Ice and Ground-type moves. It’s particularly effective against Flying types, such as Lugia, and Dragon types like Giratina and Dialga. With Powder Snow, it charges up Avalanche and Bulldoze at an impressive rate, making it a force to be reckoned with in the late game.

The performance isn’t quite top-notch as an S-tier pick, because it may be susceptible to quick-attacking adversaries or opponents who deal substantial non-specific damage. However, its versatility in dealing significant harm across various matchups makes it a reliable finishing move when utilized strategically.

B-tier Closer Pokémon

Pokémon GO Master League Tier List

Mediocre fighters consistently hold their ground during skirmishes, yet they sometimes fail to deliver optimal performance because of their vulnerabilities or slower attack sequences.

Lapras serves as an excellent illustration of a dependable but specialized finisher. Its combination of heft and typing allows it to successfully confront Dragon and Flying types with Ice Shard and Surf, offering significant defensive benefits during the later stages of combat.

As a devoted fan, I’ve often pondered why Lapras doesn’t quite reach A-tier or S-tier status. It seems that its slower energy gain and more limited versatility are the main culprits. In matches where Steel and Electric types dominate, Lapras can falter, making it less reliable in endgame scenarios. However, its robust build and consistent damage output make it a solid choice for finishing battles, particularly against Dragons.

C-tier Closer Pokémon

Lesser-ranked Pokémon may excel in certain scenarios, yet they tend to be outshone by more powerful or versatile ones.

Annihilape boasts a blend of Ghost and Fighting abilities that often surprise opponents, particularly when their defenses are lowered. Featuring Counter as a quick move and either Close Combat or Shadow Punch for substantial damage, Annihilape is capable of dealing some heavy blows.

However, due to its small size and predictable patterns of attack, consistently finishing fights is challenging with Annihilape. It faces difficulties against Flying and Psychic types, reducing its usefulness as a finisher. Although Annihilape can excel in certain situations, it lacks the versatility and durability needed to rank higher.

D-tier Closer Pokémon

In the Master League, low-ranking closers often fail to deliver consistent, decisive wins against their opponents.

Among the Pokémon species, Hippowdon struggles to meet the expectations of a powerful finisher due to its inability to maintain consistent attacks against opponents once their shields are down. Despite possessing various elemental moves such as Fire Fang and Ice Fang, it falls short in terms of raw power and speed. Moreover, its vulnerabilities towards common types like Water and Grass severely impact its performance in battles.

Despite Hippowdon’s adaptability, it falls short when it comes to sustained performance and damage infliction, which are crucial for being a real late-game menace. Consequently, it’s generally not the best option to serve as a finisher in many situations.

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2024-10-04 22:53