Love Is Blind Season-Premiere Recap: State of the Unions

As a longtime observer of human relationships and a self-proclaimed expert on love and dating, I must say that this season of Love Is Blind has been quite the rollercoaster ride. The party was indeed delightful, with Marissa and Ramses shining like stars and the men basking in the admiration of the ladies. However, the unexpected twist at the end of the night has left me scratching my head.

The way my social media shows content suggests that your thirties are the best time of life. This is when your brain supposedly finishes developing, you figure out what you truly desire in life, become less worried about other people’s opinions, and even look better? As someone in their twenties, I can’t wait to reach that stage! Interestingly, this season of Love Is Blind has a higher average age for participants than usual. The youngest engaged couples are 29 and 27; everyone else is in their thirties. Some viewers speculate this means the participants will be more mature and form lasting relationships. However, there’s still drama leading up to the engagements, and a few cracks start appearing once we reach Cabo. But that’s what keeps us hooked on the show, right? So, let’s get started, Lacheys (or Netflix, since you need us to see the guys sing “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” first). Oh, and I guess Garrett is not popular at karaoke bars. Alright, now open the pods!

This season features a group of singles hailing from D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. As usual, certain individuals such as Nina and Tara, with promising prospects given they were the first sisters on “Love Is Blind,” may find themselves taking a back seat in the storyline. However, there are many main characters to focus on, so let’s delve into their journeys and explore their experiences in the pods.

Among the contestants, Nick, Hannah, Leo, and Brittany were the ones who brought the excitement to the show. Nick, a real estate agent, is deeply invested in Hannah, a former medical device salesperson who left her job for the show. This move certainly adds some weight to Nick’s quest for a proposal! However, Nick’s affectionate demeanor has other women advising Hannah against choosing him. As a result, Hannah ends her relationship with “Mr. Suave” to concentrate on her connection with Leo. Leo, an art dealer who inherited his family business following a series of unfortunate incidents, fears that women are drawn to him for his wealth. Yet, he can’t help but mention his wealth and financial stability repeatedly.

Following Brittany the aesthetician/aspiring trophy wife’s unintended revelation that she’s also conversing with Leo, Hannah finds herself yearning for Nick again. Leo certainly isn’t offering any guarantees. It seems he’s treating his engagement like a business transaction, consistently creating uncertainty about whether he’s interested in another proposition. This strategy might be effective for sealing a deal, but is it appropriate for initiating a healthy relationship?

In simpler terms, Hannah compares Nick (the former football player) to Taylor Swift’s counterpart, Travis Kelce. When she tells Leo about this comparison, he reacts swiftly and angrily, almost immediately. While it’s puzzling how upset Leo seems, his tone is aggressive when asking what Hannah would say if he proposed to her on the spot. It’s clear that Hannah prefers someone certain in their feelings, but instead of expressing his love and proposing, Leo could have said something like, “I’ve come to realize I love you deeply and want to propose. If you still choose Nick over me, it’s fine. I’ll leave, but I want you to make your decision knowing that.” To me, as long as Brittany is still an option for Leo, all his questions seem as irrelevant as asking, “What would you do if he said yes and then asked when you’d be ready?

The following day, Leo expresses his apologies to Hannah and inquires if she might possibly forgive him. Meanwhile, he’s come to understand that he’s always harbored feelings for Brittany; could Hannah please share this message with her? It’s intriguing how his mind works. Taking charge now, Brittany shares a letter with Leo, summarizing that his indecision would negatively impact any future relationship. I can’t help but feel proud of her… until Leo proposes and she immediately yields. Oh, Brittany. This revelation is tough to witness. Leo initiates numerous physical gestures; Brittany confesses during a kiss that this ranks among the most uncomfortable moments of her life. She also admits she doesn’t love him. What are we even doing here? It seems like Love Is Blind is questioning the same thing, as a title card alerts us that the show’s producers didn’t send this couple to Mexico. To be honest, I’d forgotten they had that power. We discover that he and Brittany did venture to Miami on her request, but their engagement ended “a few weeks later.” At least now she’s eligible for Perfect Match. I believe she’d find it more enjoyable there.

Regarding Hannah and Nick’s unveiling, despite my concerns back in the pods about whether Nick might prefer a bikini model type, I never questioned my attraction to him personally. However, it appears that he is not as muscular as I had anticipated or desired. As we part ways, he casts a glance over his shoulder, but I remain unfazed and keep walking without looking back.

Marissa, Ramses, and Bohdan
Now this is a better example of how to handle a love triangle. Law clerk Marissa is dating Bohdan and Ramses. Apart from the fact that they’ve both been divorced, the guys are pretty different. Bohdan, who works in tech sales, shares Marissa’s military background, love for fantasy books, and lively personality. Ramses, a program coordinator for a justice reform nonprofit, is more mellow. He impresses Marissa by saying that masculinity is what he makes it. Marissa’s upfront about having strong connections with both of her options. But during her pod dates, she keeps the conversation focused on the person she’s with. Ultimately, she picks Cancer-Leo-Leo Ramses. Even though Bohdan wasn’t expecting that, he doesn’t get defensive or upset, still yelling his signature “woo!” after the breakup. See how easy that was, Leo?

In a typically heartfelt, lyrical manner, Ramses presents his proposal. Among all his reveals, this one with Marissa stands out as my personal favorite due to their infectious excitement, so much so that they almost overlook the fact he needs to give her the ring. Moreover, they simply make an adorable couple.

Taylor and Garrett, two individuals deeply immersed in their respective fields of quantum physics and clean energy policy, find themselves in a romantic relationship. An unexpected moment arises when Garrett perceives Taylor as calculated for not disclosing her mother’s name or her ethnicity during their dates. However, after understanding that she values privacy regarding her appearance, he reconciles. A minor disagreement about the timeline of starting a family is resolved, and they continue their relationship amicably, with Garrett’s quirky Shrek comparison not deterring Taylor from liking him.

Taylor puts Garrett through a test before accepting his proposal, using a yes-or-no note. Prior to this moment, she shares heartfelt love letters from her grandparents and recites what appears to be sincere promises of commitment. Despite some initial discomfort during their public announcement, it’s clear that these two might simply require more time to feel at ease with each other.

The duo of Monica and Stephen is as surprising as a friendship between a tiger and a rabbit. Initially, their pairing might have raised some eyebrows, but given their happiness, it works for me. To put it simply, sales executive Monica has never been with a blue-collar worker like electrician Stephen before. He’s like a French bulldog in his unique charm, and Monica deeply admires him. Despite his past political leanings (he supported Trump in 2016 but changed his stance by 2020), emotional indiscretions with an ex, and self-criticism, he stands out as a man with a curious and compassionate heart, much like her father. Their contentment is evident during their unveiling, and I appreciate the little twirls they exchange with each other.

As a supporter, I’d say: In the pods, I discover that marketing director Ashley is an exceptional active listener, showing this by nodding and affirming with “mmhm!” as account manager Tyler confides in her about personal topics such as prayers for our bond and his upbringing by a single mom. After our dates, Tyler gleams like a kid in a Robux store, praising Ashley’s reassuring presence and even carrying her blanket as a symbol of affection. His proposal is heartwarming, and the unveiling goes smoothly. I admire that Tyler was brave enough to shed tears and acknowledge his apprehensions in the pods. This vulnerability didn’t necessarily shape my expectations about him being a muscular bearded man with tattoos… but those qualities are certainly an added bonus for me. Ashley keeps her kisses delicate, thankfully, as Tyler might have strained a muscle if he grinned any wider.

This week, it was web content strategist Tim who moved me the most with his heartfelt and tender tales about his late sisters. He views producer Alex as a chance for him to provide his parents with another daughter, and he gives one of his sisters’ bracelets to her. Phew! Tim feels a bit anxious that all his talks with Alex are serious, so it’s reassuring to learn they can also joke around about playful topics like their humorous bird-and-bee paintings or golf abilities. As soon as he spots Alex during the unveiling, Tim exclaims, “I knew it! I knew you were alright.” However, I have to avert my gaze when he starts discussing being a dog. Alex’s expression is somewhat enigmatic, but she seems at least charmed enough by Tim to tolerate his exuberant bark-barks… for the time being.

Alright, time for our final six couples to pack their bags for Mexico!

In the vibrant town of Cabo San Lucas, the couples are exploring their connections, both emotionally and physically. For instance, Marissa and Ramses engage in an intimate encounter before dinner on the initial night, openly expressing their enjoyment. Meanwhile, Taylor and Garrett share a playful moment over his small strip of mouth tape before kissing under the covers. Later, they also have a heartfelt conversation on the beach, acknowledging that their words must align with actions, and that merging their fast-paced lives in D.C. could potentially present challenges.

As a movie critic, I found myself intrigued by the evolving dynamic between Hannah and Nick in this production. Initially, it appeared their relationship was on solid ground. Despite her lingering suspicions about Nick’s authenticity during their pod days, she openly admitted to being physically drawn to him. Even after their casual discussion about cosmetic enhancements, it seemed they were moving past that hurdle.

Nick finds the list but doesn’t bring it up with Hannah until after he’s gotten some validation from his guys at the couples’ party. He describes the lady as “like 60” but still “bad.” But he says the interaction meant nothing. These two are good at compartmentalizing, I’ll give them that. How are y’all venting to your friends about the duck situation but also cracking jokes with each other about how you haven’t had sex yet, wink wink? They do end up talking about the list during and after the party, but the hurt feelings aren’t resolved on either side.

The rest of the gathering is genuinely adorable. Marissa and Ramses assert their status as the most attractive pair, while each man shares heartfelt stories about their relationships to a chorus of supportive females. I’m almost decided on Hannick as the couple I have least faith in, but at the last moment, a potential strong challenger emerges. Casually hinting at something unusual, Monica playfully nudges Stephen for his excessive talking, and she drops “the Alex and Tim situation,” suggesting that something peculiar is going on between them.

So far, it appears that Alex has expressed some irritation towards Tim on a few occasions. She’s open about her tendency to be bossy and quick to get annoyed, which seems particularly noticeable when Tim is wearing casual attire like woofing clothes or admiring wide-brimmed hats. Despite these instances, Tim remains relaxed, and their interactions usually end with kisses. Additionally, he’s expressed his strong confidence in her, and at the party, he emphasized that Alex’s boldness in speaking her mind and challenging others is something he admires.

Following the party, it appears that an intense argument occurred between Alex and Tim, which seems to be the most heated disagreement of the season thus far. Although no video evidence was shown, Alex and Tim, who slept in separate rooms that night, gave some insight into the incident when Tim awoke the next morning. Essentially, Alex was not in the mood to discuss things post-party, while Tim sought clarification about her behavior. The outcome was both parties feeling frustrated and disrespected. Alex asserted that Tim was making unwarranted assumptions and at one point, demeaning her by shouting, “Speak, speak, speak!” She also recounted trying to silence him in an attempt to stop his upset feelings, which seemed counterproductive. Tim alleged that Alex insulted his character, called him names, and had a problem with him attempting to distance himself from the situation. We discover that he not only slept apart from Alex but also packed his belongings. Given that he’s mentioned before anyone who can anger him is a warning sign, I’m not shocked that he’s struggling to view Alex as his wife or mother of his children. She embraces him and suggests they can resolve this issue, but he only responds with a blank stare, implying that something is amiss. In other words, his protective instincts are dormant.

In much the same way, Alex and Tim have found themselves alongside Hannah and Nick in my personal rankings for couples. However, as history has shown us, anything can change. The sneak peeks from this week’s episodes indicate that Ashley, Taylor, Monica, and Marissa are all showing signs of emotional distress or tears. Could the initial stages of their relationships be coming to an end? Tune in next week, when we return to D.C.!

Extra Engaged

This season, my coworker Kathryn participated in some filming, and I can’t help but endorse her captivating article about Chris Coelen, the creator of ‘Love Is Blind’. The piece provides a glimpse into the producers’ thoughts on certain pod squad members. Although the names were altered, it’s intriguing to guess who’s who now. Essentially, it’s like reading behind-the-scenes gossip from the blindside!

Among all couples, Ashley and Tyler seem to be the ones I expect to grow old together, after Marissa and Ramses. However, when Tyler mentioned potential negative comments about him from people in the real world… I can only hope that it’s just typical breakup drama and not a situation that could lead to another scandal similar to past reality TV background checks. Frankly, we already have too many of those.

As an ardent admirer, I’d advocate for a well-deserved pay increase for the diligent acupuncturist whose professional focus never wavered amidst Monica and Stephen’s ongoing conversation. His unyielding dedication to his craft, even in the face of distracting discussions, is truly commendable!

I must confess, I found it hard to believe Alex wasn’t sporting her spectacles during her reveal. It leaves me questioning whether there might be a lasting future for her and Tim. Yet, if by some miracle they tie the knot, one of them should definitely crack a joke in their vows about how incredibly blind-sided love can be when it first appears.

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2024-10-02 13:54