FIFA Players Up in Arms: Every FC Pro Match Filled with 5ATB Teams

As a long-time FIFA enthusiast who has witnessed the evolution of this beloved franchise, I find myself deeply concerned by the recent developments within the FC Pro Matches. The monotony of matches dominated by 5ATB teams is a far cry from the thrilling contests of skill that once defined competitive play.

In a popular online forum, a user named Ripamon has brought attention to an issue often encountered in FIFA’s FC Pro Matches: an excessive use of the 5-at-the-back (5ATB) formation among competitive players. The post, titled “Every other FC Pro Match features two 5atb teams and this scoreline,” has sparked lively discussions within the community, revealing a divide between casual pleasure and competitive fairness in the game.

Every other FC Pro Match features two 5atb teams and this scoreline
byu/Ripamon inEASportsFC


  • The overwhelming presence of 5ATB teams in FC Pro Matches is leading to concerns about the game’s competitive viability.
  • Players feel that the current meta limits creativity and excitement, turning matches into a tactical stalemate.
  • Commenters are divided between those who blame the formation and others who suggest fixes for a more dynamic gameplay experience.
  • There’s a general call for EA to address this imbalance to keep the dwindling esports audience engaged.

Dominance of 5ATB Teams

In the Reddit discussion, it’s clear that many users are growing tired of the frequent use of the 5ATB (Five-at-the-Back) formation in FC Pro Matches. They find the games repetitive and lacking excitement because every match seems to play out similarly. Creepy-Escape796 commented, hinting at an upcoming patch, stating that the gameplay can’t stay this way as it wouldn’t attract viewers. The predictability of these matches diminishes the excitement typically associated with competitive FIFA games. Although 5ATB provides a strong defensive structure, it results in more tactical endurance battles instead of exhilarating displays of skill.

RNG and Competitive Integrity

An additional layer of frustration arises from the RNG (random number generator) elements inherent in FIFA’s gameplay mechanics. User olympicsmatt remarked, “FIFA is a joke of a competitive game tbh. A game with this amount of RNG variance will never be a proper esport.” This comment strikes at the heart of the dilemma many players face: how can a game aspiring to be taken seriously as an esport contend with random occurrences that can dictate match outcomes? The existence of RNG can render strategic planning moot, disillusioning players who prefer skill-based contests. This commentary reflects a significant concern—the sustainable future of FIFA as an esports title hangs in the balance if these underlying issues aren’t addressed quickly.

The Case for Rush Mode

<pAmidst this discussion, there are voices advocating for alternatives to the current meta. Redtank3 suggested that “if EA were smart (Ha!) they would make Rush their primary e-sport mode,” indicating a desire for more fast-paced and enjoyable modes. The suggestion of a Rush mode, engaging four players alongside an AI, hints at a direction for future competitive experiences. This not only has the potential to render the game more exhilarating but also encourages cooperative strategies. Change can be a catalyst for excitement, and community input is essential in driving the developers towards creating experiences that resonate with players. Fans are eager for movement within the game that invites fresh tactics and engagements rather than forcing them into a singular formation without variety.

Player Sentiments and EA’s Role

The discourse around the post paints a vivid picture of a community that’s heavily invested in the game but frustrated with its current trajectory. Many players are fed up with the repetitive nature of matches dominated by 5ATB teams and the pervasive RNG aspects hampering competitive play. EA’s role in responding to these concerns is pivotal. Players are vocal about their frustrations, but they also exhibit hope for potential adjustments. Various comments suggest a longing for a more dynamic meta and less reliance on specific formations. As players express their frustrations, they’re also encouraging EA to step up to the plate and confront these issues head-on. After all, the strength of the FIFA community lies in its dedication, and taking their frustrations seriously can pave the way for a more enjoyable gaming experience.

FIFA remains a thriving arena for competitive video gaming, yet recent problems with FC Pro Matches have ignited important debates. Gamers seek an experience that showcases their abilities while also ensuring enjoyment. The dominance of 5ATB formations and aspects of Random Number Generation (RNG) present significant concerns for developers. If FIFA aspires to retain its loyal player base and attract new ones, addressing these concerns and exploring innovative alternatives could potentially rejuvenate the game for all participants.

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2024-09-30 10:13